Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-23-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-23-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …how many time have I told you they are Article 8 leave it alone? Here’s the evidence. If you’re going out in the open markets you’re Article 8. The only way you’re Article 8 is how? You lifted the three zeros off your currency and added value. We called it the information trickling down to the citizens of Iraq. They’re about to get purchasing power…they [Iraq] are admitting to the world they are Article 8. On top of that they are admitting to the world they lifted the three zeros off their exchange rate because they have a “financial balance”. Rememberer they were saying, ‘We have an economic crisis! We have a financial crisis!’ No…so get ready to see what’s next that you haven’t even thought about…

5-23-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana […what three zeros are they likely to “drop?” The 25,000 IQD becomes 25 IQD, or .00086 valuation becomes .86?…] The shorter answer is they talk about dropping 0’s all the time – some of it is misinformation, the rest is just confusing. They can drop the 0’s from the exchange rate OR from the currency. One is an increase in value, the other is a lop. Another possibility that can happen simultaneously is an introduction of a new currency, concurrent usage with the currency now in circulation, and a gradual (timed) removal and expiration of the now current currency. None of those situations are bad, but two of the examples are good while the third is neutral.

5-23-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …in the immortal words of Phil Collins ‘I can feel it coming in the air at night, oh Lord ‘…something is going on it Iraq and I mean there is a lot of shaking and grooving going on over there. A lot of positive energy. A lot of positive vibe. If you’re into that kind of thing…there is a lot of fingers pointed to a lot of stuff being settled in May and then things popping off in June. I’m not trying to give nobody no false hope or get you guys high on hopium but there is a lot of vibes pointing towards that month of June…

5-22-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] When would we start? And the answer is…based on a call…that I got…looks like the earliest date would be Tuesday AFTER Memorial Day – May 26th…I think we do expect this to go before the end of the month…as early as Tuesday for us…We know that if everything goes according to plan – Sunday that would usually mean rates on the screens before trading globally… Tuesday afternoon – would be our start time – That is the information we have today and last night on what the planning and execution of the plans are for us…I believe everything is moving along but at a slower pace than we thought…

5-22-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …the CBI went to the IMF a long time ago with the parliament and said we want to get the Iraqi dinar to a $1.17… That was the proposal. That’s what they wanted and the whole world knows about it. It’s out there. The other part of that is the CBI can revalue their currency anytime they want without parliament saying anything…the parliament wants the CBI to add value to the currency – correctly though. They’re not begging them to do it, they just want them to do it correctly. The debate is the policy on how to do that…The CBI can add value to the currency any damn time they want…it’s starting to narrow down and it’s kind of remarkable…

5-22-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I did speak to a Reno contact early this morning…and they are expecting things in place for a Tuesday morning exchange. I hope they are right. The chatter was very impressive overnight last night. The banking side swears we will be live Tuesday morning and we will get announcements over the weekend. I say take it with a grain of salt until we see it and have money in our accounts.

5-22-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “…the government resorted to BORROWING FROM THREE GOVERNMENT BANKS TO SECURE EMPLOYEE SALARIES FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY AND JUNE NEXT.” So for now it appears the Iraq did not print any more currency or devalue the dinar. Instead they borrowed from 3 major banks to meet the employee salaries for May and June. Will oil prices rise fast enough to meet the July and onward salaries?…

5-22-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …when I say it can’t be 1.50, I must have a REALLY good reason for saying that…Look higher then that…In my opinion. I know for a fact…In Iraq I would expect they will trade USD for new lower denoms one to one. That doesn’t make the rate one to one. That’s all my opinion…I still believe we will see something before the end of June.

5-22-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …since they formed the majority of the government about two weeks ago they have had an explosion of economic articles. By doing that they were simply telling you that the launching of the economy – going international was and is waiting on the formation of the government…those articles came out immediately after they formed a majority of the government. They’re blatantly telling you that the rate change of the economy is waiting on the formation of government…nothing is going to happen till they finish those last 7 ministers…That’s the number one thing we’re waiting on right now. Once they finish that it’s game on..

5-22-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There is a lot going on right now – [Mustafa al-Kadhimi] continues the surge towards seating the cabinet, and continues to be mysteriously effective in his new role. Eid al-Fitr will be up on May 24, and the few remaining posts are slated for completion shortly. …Mustafa al-Kadhimi is also kicking butt at his job… Iran has lost a ton of ground in Iraq, …Khadimi has done a lot to prove that he is not another Iranian sock puppet, and on the heels of the renewal of EO13303 there is even more Iranian squashing. All of that, and more, is reason to smile.

5-22-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Council of Ministers sets the days for the Eid holiday and directs the salaries of employees and the financial crisis” There are no coincidences now. They will imo use this window to game the RI… There is a Bank Holiday come Monday in the USA and UK, too…