Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-21-15
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-21-15
5-21-2015 Intel Guru Delta Apparently the article that came out two or three weeks ago about the 50,000 and 100,000 dinar notes…a lot of people are getting confused about that. This article should make you EXCITED and ready to celebrate…give you the confirmation that we are very, very close. No doubt about it. Basically what the article is saying is the new currency that Iraq is going to come out…they will be able to trade/exchange it inside and outside of Iraq. That should make you very happy for so many reasons. …they are going to raise the value, Article 8, and lifting the 3 zeros. How are they going to do that (lifting the 3 zeros from the exchange rate?). The 25,000… 10,000…5,000…1,000… they are basically going to stay for a long, long time – until they phase them out!
5-21-2015 Intel Guru Delta This article was very, very clear that the IMF, the World Bank, the US Treasury and the CBI GOI they are all now in agreement to raise the value by them lifting the 3 zeros. The CBI will announce a new exchange regime…announce that they are “Article 8” and they will announce a new rate and new denominations. The 50 and 100 dinar should come out together. The plan for the CBI is to get rid of USD’s which will enhance the value of the IQD which will give more CONFIDENCE…especially INTERNATIONALLY! The exchange rate has to change no matter what to become international. The article said today by them coming up with a new currency they will be international. That’s Article 8 which must be a TRUE VALUE…around .85. …you don’t have to rush to exchange… they should have 2 or 3 different revaluations after the .85 cents. At some point they should get close to the value of Kuwait. So the good news is every investor outside of Iraq…they are all going to be rich.
5-21-2015 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Articles: “Jubouri Announces Extension of parliamentary sessions to the end of the month” “Major movement forward in Parliament on several critical fronts” Whatever they have coming up – it’s important… Whatever it is on the agenda – IT IS VITAL… for the Iraqi’s to continue passing up on a vacation – is odd. I look for good things from this short Parliament session… […do you believe we’ll see (it) before Ramadan?] with all the possible distractions – it is impossible to say…anyone who does is foolish. However, in spite of the security challenges – Parliament and much of the GOI appear to be moving forward “with prejudice”… (“with purpose”).
5-21-2015 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Parliamentary Finance: Iraq’s new currency will be traded outside the country” The whole idea of them trading the dinar with the world is a good thing! If Iraq can hold it together, and solve the security issues, we may see the deletion of zeros start by end of year. I love these articles!
5-21-2015 RUMOR Guru Mnt Goat Update of the Needed Reform Laws: I am now hearing that parliament fully intends to take a final vote on three of these laws later this week or next week. Articles have told us the likelihood of being passed is very high. – National Guard Law. -Parties Law. -Courts and Justice Law.
5-21-2015 TOTAL RUMOR Guru TerryK [we gonna have RV this week?] 28-29TH…WHAT IM GETTING. 3.91 DINAR…RUMOR, 1.09 DONG…RUMOR, ZIM DROP 6 ZERO .15.
5-20-2015 RUMOR Guru Mnt Goat Today is Wednesday May 20th and still no RV and just 11 days till June… I am not calling the RV for June but telling you there is no sound evidence that it can or will happen prior to this timeframe of mid June. ISIS and the Iranian militias must first be dealt with. It is not my opinion but the currency rollout policy of the USA government. NO SECURITY, NO NEEDED LAWS, THUS NO RV! Iraq can move in the any direction it wants and try to rollout many of the international obligations needing the international exchanges for their new currency, as we are now hearing. But in the final analysis the IMF and the USA still…have the final say.
5-20-2015 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 …yesterday the 19th was a voting dud as we suspected such last week it would be… SO…The 25th we are looking for the vote on the investment law… And my money is on it being passed on the 25th…and IMO it is BIGGER than any other law at the present… There was NO REASON NOT TO VOTE ON THE INVESTMENT LAW…OTHER THEN THEY ARE TIMING IT WITH???
5-20-2015 Newshound Guru Adam Montana [With the CBI lending/giving money to the GOI and banks, is this a good sign?] I don’t think it’s a bad or a good sign. The CBI does whatever it wants and as long as I’ve been watching this deal, they ALWAYS stay on top of every aspect. With that said, I don’t worry about what they do until the day they change the rate. Everything else is just fluff and filler.
5-20-20-15 KING of RUMORS Guru In Iraq a lot of good things are going on. There were meetings last night and passed a couple of laws. They got the GO this morning, clear sailing for everybody. It looks good! There are no problems over there, even in Ramadi. They have Mosul under control. We have a guy over there… in Kurdistan… saying…and the rate was $22 for 25 dinars…those we talked to in Baghdad today don’t yet have it. Their friends and relatives do have it and are spending at that rate. Baghdad will not get this until it is announced, which is when we get it as well.
5-20-2015 KING of RUMORS Guru On Iraqi television, Abadi held a news conference at 11pm to announce things are moving forward. He did not express any concern over the ISIL situation, and said that there would be major economic reform in the next day or two. There is not a lot to do over there except for DO IT! Some people on this side expected it to be done today, and they have scheduled rehearsal for tonight, tomorrow, gearing up for a flood of people to come in. They are telling their staff that they want to run through this one last time. I think it might be a great day for us!
5-20-2015 Intel Guru SteveI This is an investment into a country with…very rich vast assets to back up a more valuable currency than what it is at this point in time. One year ago ISIS was not a factor, but now it is. …ISIS will not be here forever. I have some very close contacts and ties to this and I will not in a million years bail now. (maybe not ever) with what I know.
5-20-2015 Intel/Newshound Guru tman23 The CBI SAID…The “NEW” must come FIRST…(are they meaning the new lower denominations) AS A PRELUDE TO LIFTING THE 3 ZEROS FROM THE CURRENCY… If they are speaking of new lower denominations…THEN when they introduce them…SHORTLY AFTER (and there will be a time frame) THEY WILL TAKE AWAY THE LEGAL TENDER STATUS OF THE 3 ZERO NOTES…MEANING THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN THE MARKET…BUT WILL BE EXCHANGED FOR A PERIOD OF 2YRS OR 10 YRS…(WHAT EVER THEY DEEM AN APPROPRIATE TIME).
5-20-2015 Newshound/Intel Guru Bluedog “The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 19, 2015: Notice — Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Iraq. NOTICE: CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO THE STABILIZATION OF IRAQ. “…the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13303, as modified in scope and relied upon for additional steps taken in Executive Order 13315 of August 28, 2003, Executive Order 13350 of July 29, 2004, Executive Order 13364 of November 29, 2004, Executive Order 13438 of July 17, 2007, and Executive Order 13668 of May 27, 2014, must continue in effect beyond May 22, 2015.” …BARACK OBAMA. ITS ALL GOOD IT PROTECTS A WHOLE LOT OF THINGS FOR ANOTHER YEAR…FOR ONE THING (INVESTORS).
5-20-2015 RUMOR Guru Mnt Goat …we see the resurfacing of the Mastercard contract with Iraq. I want to tell you this does not put any more pressure on Iraq to RV but is a good sign since it a progression in the plan to see the RV shortly. …Mastercard had to make some software changes to accommodate Iraq’s special request to use their services for citizens using the cards for payments of…social programs when out of country. Why did they have to do this? Because for these special welfare like programs Iraq will only be paying out certain amounts to the people.
5-20-2015 RUMOR Guru Mnt Goat …the RV will have much higher market rates using the market rates once international however the agreed to program rates are not in these new revalued rates coming out shortly. So they must stick to the program rates and won’t increase them until parliament approves a higher rate in the future, if and when they approve it. In short these special welfare like programs will not ever be using the market rate or the currency exchanges in these transactions. Iraq can begin using these cards to payout on these special welfare like programs TOTALLY UNAFFECTED BY THE RV…It does allow continued payment to citizens residing offshore but yet avoids going international with their currency.