Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-17-2020 Intel Guru Delta Two billion dinars from the United Nations to serve Al-Baghdadi in Anbar…UN GIVING IRAQ…2B DINARS …NOT $$$…CAN WE SAY ARTICLE 8…

5-17-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “…Al-Kazemi intends to replace most of the heads of the 25 independent bodies” … I am seriously liking this new PM more and more and apparently the citizens do too! Open the files and let’s see who is who and what changes were made or are to come…I would like to see the Governor of the Central Bank make an announcement this weekend! imo!

5-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There’s an article that stated that they were thinking about devaluing the Iraqi dinar so instead of getting 1190 dinar for every dollar you’ll get somewhere between 1200 to 1400 dinar for every dollar. That’s going in the opposite direction of where we wanted to go…this is just economists. That’s all they are. These are economists making recommendations … it doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m not an economist don’t get me wrong but at the same token it doesn’t make sense to me…if there’s truly a shortage of Iraqi dinars in Iraq wouldn’t it make sense then to increase the value of the dinars? This would get people who are holding dinar to turn their dinar over then these would come back into Iraq…increasing the rate makes more sense…

5-17-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy I had a feeling…that there would be a lot of discouraging news about the dinar that would come out first before the actual action of the dinar and this seems to be part of that news. And don’t be surprised if we don’t get more. I really think there’s a bigger picture coming…we don’t care about what they say, we care about what they do…People are saying, well how do you feel? You panicking? No, I’m not. Even if the rate did decrease for whatever reason…to me that’s nothing…I preach this all the time, buy on the dip…if they lower that just means I get more dinar for my dollar…

5-16-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [what odds would you give that the dong goes before the dinar? (percentage wise)] 50/50…China will be a big factor in that…But that’s all my opinion…It’s my opinion that could happen either way. But it seems that something has shifted with Vietnam…

5-16-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff what Kuwait and China syndrome means is that shortly before both Kuwait and China came out changing their rates…they publicly released information saying they have no intentions of changing our rate. A few days later they actually changed the rate…Yesterday they [Iraq] put out an article saying yeah we’re actually going to reduce our exchange rate and print and release new currency while reducing the exchange rate. That has BS written all over it…they’re trying to mislead you…last year they said they want to release coins and increase our exchange rate. They are doing what they can to confuse and mislead you…

5-16-2020 Intel Guru Mike Cottrell people ask me when is the RV going to happen …I do not know …There is no way this reset is not going to happen…watch the G-20…when the G-20 make a decree that China and the communist party owes us for all the death and trauma caused in the world and to all countries. I think that is when we will see the rollover/reset happen. If not before…

5-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I am hearing some wonderful news now from parliamentary finance committee almost demanding the project to delete the zeros and the full implementation of Article 8 under the IMF monetary policy for member nations. Again they are questioning what is taking the CBI so long to get this done and they want it now…So here is my new reinstatement window: When we begin to see more and more of the protestor demands being met by the new prime minister Al-Kazemi. Also the CBI will be giving a statement shortly on the update of the project to delete the zeros. I am told by my CBI contact they are about to do this soon. So let’s wait and see what the official CBI statement is. We already know the Finance committee is demanding the completion of the project and the end of the currency auctions. They want is done NOW!

5-16-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq signs a banking arrangement document with the World Bank” Quote: “It is noteworthy that this program was developed by the World Bank in 2000, with the aim of building capacities and providing consulting and asset management services. Trillion dollars in sovereign assets.” With this agreement will come the secondary markets imo.. Get ready world, IRAQ is about to show her wealth to the world… One that will be noticed be sure!! She’ll be adding to that Trillion…To say the least.. imo.

5-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we know they need more purchasing power. That’s the direction I feel they’re going in but we will soon find out. All right you guys don’t feel negative….IMO a decrease in a rate is what we want. And what I mean by a decrease – I don’t want to see that number [1190 dinar rate] increase… what I mean is I want to see 1190 decease – go down. The lower that goes the closer it gets…