Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-16-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-16-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-16-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …they just have an explosion of economic articles. They really didn’t talk about the economy this year at all until recently. Until after last week. That would tell you guys that there was a delay and it was the formation of the government. They had to get the government done and formed…they have resumed back to where they were from last year. Having an explosion of economic articles that pretty much tells us they’re done and ready to go. They’re ready to move forward on this rate change…they can’t go any further now till the rate changes.

5-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we know they need more purchasing power. That’s the direction I feel they’re going in but we will soon find out. All right you guys don’t feel negative….IMO a decrease in a rate is what we want. And what I mean by a decrease – I don’t want to see that number [1190 dinar rate] increase… what I mean is I want to see 1190 decease – go down. The lower that goes the closer it gets…

5-16-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq signs a banking arrangement document with the World Bank” Quote: “It is noteworthy that this program was developed by the World Bank in 2000, with the aim of building capacities and providing consulting and asset management services. Trillion dollars in sovereign assets.” With this agreement will come the secondary markets imo.. Get ready world, IRAQ is about to show her wealth to the world… One that will be noticed be sure!! She’ll be adding to that Trillion…To say the least.. imo.

5-15-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] So…we have countries…that have rates on the screen as I talked to you last time on Tuesday…placeholder rates that will start going up in value starting Sunday for sure…Now – I have a time and a day that I’ve been given that I expect to receive the toll free numbers – it’s early next week – this is coming from the highest authority within one of major Tier 1 banks – and it was confirmed by another one… We are finally I believe at the point – where we are not turning back – We really are going to move forward – this is the time that we should see something happening…I feel as though everything is finally coming around together… Let’s see where this goes between now and early next week…

5-15-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Today…an article…was very clear that the plan is to float the Iraqi dinar when conditions are appropriate. The article goes on to say that now is not the time. Why is it not the time to float the dinar?? It is stated that floatation needs stable conditions as well as diversification of the economy and dependence on resources other than oil. For the last few months various economists have weighed in on floating and most, if not all, have said under the current economic conditions the dinar would devalue…Iraq needs to create the conditions for the country to prosper. When they do so the dinar can float and appreciate in value. Those conditions include but are not limited to…new government, parliament passing laws, stability and the currency within 2% per IMF guidelines. Accepting IMF Article VIII and as said before this will send a message to investors that Iraq is open for business.

5-15-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is still tremendous expectation for June 1…ITS VERY QUIET OUT THERE, GAG ORDERS IS WHAT I’VE HEARD…and no rate change yet in iraq. I am hearing from Iraq that they are expecting it this weekend.

5-15-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we’re got more chitter-chatter talking about the Iraqi dinar rate. Man this has been an ongoing conversation … Article: “Parliamentary source: Al-Kazemi’s government will print the currency to pay employee salaries”. Wow what does that mean Pimpy? …here’s my question, They have issued already 55 trillion dinars. Less than 5% of it is in country. Less than 9% of the people have banking accounts. Where the hell is all that money? Why do they need to print more money? Why aren’t they using the money that they’ve already printed? Makes you wonder doesn’t it. Hmmm. I still think that the Iraqi dinar is gonna be used somehow as a poor man’s reserve dollar. It just makes sense because I can’t understand why they need to print more.

5-15-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …they’re…talking about messing with the exchange rate. This is interesting. One group of you are perceiving this as this is good because if the rate is 1190 and they lower it that’s actually an increase on our side. The other part of you guys are going wait a minute. No. That’s not what it means. If they decrease the rate then that means what? That it takes more Iraqi dinars per dollar…I can see what you mean. I could see it could go both ways. This is a good question. It’s kind of hard to figure out what they’re saying here…we’ve also heard there’s a possible wave of negative news that’s gonna come out about the dinar to discourage people…I don’t know if I believe all that. My point is this. I’m gonna hold on to my dinar and see what happens. I don’t trust a lot of the crap that’s floating around…I want to see for myself what they do…

5-15-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …If Iraq plans to change or increase their exchange rate during the month of May there is only one date that qualifies to be able to change the rate on. And that date is May 24th. The reason why is they need a holiday or weekend period where all markets are closed around the world over a weekend and it has to be an in-country holiday…

5-15-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Al-Kazemi and 6 other ministers are filling in the remaining cabinet jobs until the completion vote after EID. This basically makes it a full cabinet. On Iraqi TV, parliamentary spokesmen are saying that the 2020 budget will be approved right after EID holiday and they deny that the budget will be from month-to-month.