Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-15-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-15-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “WASIT DEMONSTRATORS ISSUED A STATEMENT WARNING AGAINST DELAYING THEIR PREVIOUS DEMANDS” Keep in mind that last year we read articles telling us that one of the demands of the protestors was to “stop the currency auctions”. The only way they can do this is to go international and reinstate their currency. They will also need to finish the project to delete the zeros.

5-15-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …Iraq is broke. They need to do something soon. Like now. They can either print money, raise the value of their currency. Or borrow money. Printing money is not practical and does more harm then good. And no one will lend them money long term. So they need to add value to the currency…But the time is now. They need something to happen now. This is all in my opinion. As long as it isn’t a Friday, any day going forward works…

5-15-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Al-Kazemi and 6 other ministers are filling in the remaining cabinet jobs until the completion vote after EID. This basically makes it a full cabinet. On Iraqi TV, parliamentary spokesmen are saying that the 2020 budget will be approved right after EID holiday and they deny that the budget will be from month-to-month.

5-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Have you heard any more on the rate of the dong?] I am still hearing it will come out at a street rate of .45 – .47 cents and allowed to float…and our contract rate will be right at $2.00 here in the US for our exchange.

5-14-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Letter “ISX will be closed May 21, 2020 due to the National Holiday for Eid Al Fitter, The next session will be held on Sunday May 31, 2020.” This is an official letter from the ISX…so a 9 day period the ISX will be closed. We’re also looking to see if/and/or how long the currency auctions will be shut down for. We haven’t seen that yet…

5-14-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Cabinet decides to reduce and rationalize the administrative structures of the country” Quote: “Take decisions regarding financial reform by rationalizing expenditures, maximizing resources, and reforming financial institutions, including restructuring them.” …the money players are all informed or will be very shortly.. Very good oh ya!! imo…”They will take decisions on FINANCIAL REFORMS”…Perfect and they have told us they were accelerating reforms…Timing is so perfect. The new PM hit the ground running and the launch season is in full swing. Very good days ahead! imo.

5-14-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Article: “Parliamentary Finance: We will approve the budget within two weeks if it arrives from the government” I know everyone will be excited for this but I honestly don’t think this is what we are waiting on. They do not need a budget to have an RV. It’s still a good step! But this isn’t holding it back. I know people don’t want to hear that because we want to see the finish line. Its my opinion we are close. Very.

5-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I believe the banking system may be being fed a lot of hopium right now. But they still insist it is imminent. I still think we are close…I believe we will be at the banks by the end of May. As we watch everything implode it’s going to get far worse if they don’t move quickly…

5-14-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …There’s a lot of great energy coming out of Iraq. It looks really good. It feels very positive and as you go through the news it continues to not only be positive but move very very quickly. So it’s looking good…I know you guys are all waiting for that exciting news just like I am and yesterday’s articles it looked like they were at least teasing us a little bit. Tickling us a little bit. We already know that they need to change the Iraqi dinar rate. They need to do this. Its ridiculously undervalued. We know this. We know it’s kept there for a reason. It looks like it’s gonna happen but when is the question and how much is the other question. I say soon. Very very soon…

5-14-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …Iraqi Prime Minister Kazemi (RV-KAZAMMY!!!) is on a roll, moving things forward and acting in every way we want! In years past, not much was accomplished during Ramadan. This year, the Year of the ‘Rona and much more – that does not appear to be the case! We are currently in the midst of Ramadan, yet Kazemi seems dead set on seating his cabinet before the end of the holiday. And, it actually looks like it’s going to happen… I could spend hours tagging and writing and expanding on all of the positive momentum the Iraqi Dinar has right now, and it would just be a start. Fast work by Kazemi is awesome. Iraq having a Prime Minister stay seated and continue to impress us is an outstanding report. This could never have happened overnight, but the way things are going – I dare say “suddenly” is looming closer and closer.