Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-14-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions5-14-2020 Intel Guru Delta Article: “The Security Council welcomes the formation of the government headed by Al-Kazemi and pledges its support” Quote: “…The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their full support for the efforts led by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq…to support and assist the Government of Iraq and the Iraqi people through comprehensive political dialogue, reconciliation at the national and societal levels, and reform Economic…” In a precedent that had not happened before the UN Security Council issued a statement supporting Mustafa Al-Kazemi. ALSO the UN Security Council SUPPORTING IRAQ IN ECONOMIC REFORM…IT LOOKS LIKE UN GIVING THE GREEN LIGHT…

5-14-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I still think it will happen in May.] I agree with you based on what I am hearing for June 1.

5-14-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …Will it happen by the 15th which is Friday? I hope so – but we again don’t KNOW it – cannot say absolutely – yet – and they don’t want us to know – this is nothing new – I am going to say that we have the information that we have its very positive – I think we are moving forward at a good speed and I would say to stay patient and keep your faith for this to come to fruition

5-14-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana …Iraqi Prime Minister Kazemi (RV-KAZAMMY!!!) is on a roll, moving things forward and acting in every way we want! In years past, not much was accomplished during Ramadan. This year, the Year of the ‘Rona and much more – that does not appear to be the case! We are currently in the midst of Ramadan, yet Kazemi seems dead set on seating his cabinet before the end of the holiday. And, it actually looks like it’s going to happen… I could spend hours tagging and writing and expanding on all of the positive momentum the Iraqi Dinar has right now, and it would just be a start. Fast work by Kazemi is awesome. Iraq having a Prime Minister stay seated and continue to impress us is an outstanding report. This could never have happened overnight, but the way things are going – I dare say “suddenly” is looming closer and closer.

5-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …there’s a new pattern here that started since they finished the formation of the government. Pence went straight into saying hey now it’s time for Iraq to get their reforms launched and implemented …they put their economics on hold for the formation of the government…now they’re going back and talking about it and they’re even getting back into the budget…they had to finish the government first and that there indeed was a delay…

5-13-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The Iraqi Dinar has revalued and we brought that up to you last week – We do have a rate that has come out – that we talked about on the qi card – (pronounced “key” card) – that was nearing $10 over a week ago…we have had a new Prime Minister elected in Iraq…Mustafa Al-Kazemi…and we have a new director of the CBI…she is very pro RV and very much going to be an asset for the CBI…and I understand the new Prime Minister is a very pro – let’s say a President Trump type leader..

5-13-2020 Intel Guru Bruce I think we are going to have some very good things coming out of Iraq – and we understand yesterday that the World Bank and the IMF and our Secretary of State and a few others were in Iraq yesterday…I am sure they were meeting with both the CBI director as well as the Prime Minister and others…I am going to call it crossing the t’s and dotting the I’s – on the new Iraqi dinar currency – what the rates are going to be – and so on…I don’t know if we’re going to go in the next day or so – but it looks like we are…

5-13-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THEBAN EXCLUDES THE ARRIVAL OF THE 2020 BUDGET TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AFTER EID AL FITR” Eid Al-Fitr is on 24-25 May 2020 so we probably will not get a budget to parliament anytime sooner than that. Among everything that is going on with shortages of funding I doubt it VERY MUCH that the finance committee will want to finance the Project to Delete the Zeros at this time in 2020. This is based on past experience with the finance committee. Remember too, the revaluing the Iraqi currency is not going to solve all their problems and certainly can cause more problems if not handled correctly.

5-13-2020 Intel Guru Delta Article: “3 options top the measures to confront the economic crisis .. What is the story of private budgets?” Quotes: “There are measures that must be taken to face financial distress other than internal borrowing or prejudice the central bank’s reserves, noting that…among these options is a price change…Exchange and stopping imports, in addition to stopping the currency auction and other economic measures.”; “…accelerate the transmission of the budget in a way that reduces the deficit by reducing costs or by changing the exchange rate.” …ANOTHER BOMB ARTICLE…IMO…GET READY…PM SAID 48 HOURS…HALF IS GONE..

5-13-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] News today…Im hearing some positive, some negative, some “not surprising”. …No rate change this morning in Iraq…but the banking world think it’s happening right now… [Frank26 says they are talking openly now about changing the rate in Iraq.] yes they are…I have a contractor on the ground there and he is saying that on the streets they all have a tremendous amount of expectation every Wed. and Sat. when the Gazette comes out to see a new rate. We are oh so close guys…

5-13-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article “Parliamentary committee determine options to address financial distress”. Quote “…noting among these options is changing the exchange rate…and stopping the currency auctions…he called on the government to accelerate the transition of the budget in a way that reduces the deficit by reducing costs by changing the exchange rate…” So there you go. They said reducing cost by changing the exchange rate. That means increasing purchasing power…they’re back to where they were…since they did finish the formation of the government talking about increasing their exchange rate, promoting investment, launching their private sector, implementing and launching the reforms…everything’s looking very good. We’re patiently waiting…

5-13-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy We don’t know what rate it’s gonna be… I still think the sweet spot is between $1.13 and a $1.34. Don’t get me wrong I’ll take higher than that but it makes sense to me in order for Iraq to rebuild and be competitive a rate of around $1.34 makes way more sense…Let’s stay grounded. We’re looking good. I think we’re in a good position. It looks like it’s finally gonna happen…Again first round of drinks on me – Vegas.