Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-9-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-9-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-9-2017 Intel Gurus Delta MASTERCARD SHOWING IQD NOW. 1 IQD = 0.000888 USD. ANOTHER ONE IS SHOWING NOW BLOOMBERG…COME ON CBI JUST DO IT.

4-9-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat “Outlook upgrade could help push Iraq’s economic evolution to its next step” Quote: “War-torn Iraq recently got an unexpected boost on its way to becoming an investment hot spot, which may take its next step sooner than conventional wisdom suggests.” Ratings agency Fitch upgraded last month Iraq’s outlook to stable, based largely on the country’s improving public finances. WOW! Are you excited yet?

4-9-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Progress Institute assesses the symposium on the business environment and development prospects in Iraq” It’s cool that these kinds of symposium’s occur, but they seem to be more focused on qualifying for loans than an actual move to an open market economy. We need Iraq’s legislative branch, Parliament, to get to work on creating the environment for success and let go of the tired, centralized system that has failed them now that oil prices are where they are. It’s not like Iraq is reinventing the wheel, the Eastern Bloc countries in Europe have done it. So has Poland, Russia and the Chinese. What we’re missing is political will to make change. Your move, Abadi.

4-8-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout Article: “Rasheed Bank directs its branches to open documentary credits to public and private sector companies” Another way of getting business used to the banks. There is gobs of banking reform news out there. …it has not always been this way. These are the many gears that are turning So to ask about hold ups is to not have a good grasp on what this whole situation encompasses.

4-8-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Kurdistan Regional Government: Time for a “friendly divorce” with Baghdad” I think the Kurd’s move is brilliant, they’re going to use the leverage they gained by protecting Kirkuk and the northern regions because of Baghdad’s inability to engage the enemy and defend them from ISIL. They just handed the territory involved in Article 140 to the Kurd’s on a silver platter. All Baghdad has to do is implement the HCL from 2007, decentralize the oil in the country, allow the provinces to have more in determining who drills where and share the oil wealth with the whole country. They also need to recognize Article 140, it’s pretty clear the Kurd’s aren’t going to just hand over the lands they captured from ISIL to Baghdad, at least then they would be part of the process instead of outside looking in at the Kurd’s as they move towards independence.

4-8-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout [As we look for signals of a rate change coming, are there any similarities we can find with other countries who have been through this?] …I would say this is a very unique situation, as compared with other countries situations, and as [Guru] BGG put’s it, “there is no actionable intel”.