Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-8-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Finance Committee comments on the Central Banks’ decision to stop the flow of the dollar” …the Central Banks goal is really to stop the flow of the U.S. dollar. That’s their goal. Remember that’s actually an article VIII requirement – they can only use the Iraq dinar.

4-8-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …the good thing is they are enforcing the necessity for a reset. We will get our reset people!!! I believe Trump is working on it…he is a gold bug working with a messed up system and trying to keep it propped up until the reset is ready. [There was a rumor out from Isaac that no RV until November now….] No way…no part of me thinks we will be waiting until November…

4-8-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …we see the auctions have already happened and already you guys are losing your freaking minds over it…but it’s clearly an auction. What’s gonna happen if the ISX opens and there’s no rate change? All doom and gloom and negativity that’s gonna be overwhelming everybody. Why?…the currency auctions have started there’s no doubt about it…it’s doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. It doesn’t mean that the rate is not going to change. I still think it’s going to change…

4-8-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff The articles that came out telling us that they were going to continue and resume the currency auction are BS…on Monday of this week I showed you an article that said the CBI’s goal was to stop the flow of the US dollar and that’s what the auction are – the US dollar…they don’t have any auctions that have occurred past March 19th…They could resume the auctions after the rate change but as of right now the auctions are shut down…That’s one of the things that we needed to see stopped as a preparation for the rate change. That’s why we’re putting a focus and emphasis on this…the ISX stock trading and the currency auction are stopped. We’re looking really good…

4-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “WASHINGTON INTENDS TO MONITOR THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ UNDER SUPERVISION FOR ITS INVOLVEMENT IN WITHDRAWING THE DOLLAR ILLEGALLY” As we all know the CBI stopped selling the dollar at the currency auctions on around March 17th. So just recently they began the auctions again. They were forced to shut down due the illegal sales of the dollar to Iran that circumvented the US sanctions. A team of US specialists entered Iraq and worked with the CBI to find ways around the corruption. Now that these measures are in place, the auctions were restarted. This monitoring process will continue. The CBI must get within the 2% compliance again.

4-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff After the rate changes…I’ve already talked to Wells Fargo private client services privately…Private Client Services is not a bank branch they’re a division of Wells Fargo that actually invest money for you. They said depending on the amount of dinar you have they can actually exchange foreign currency at a lower price and lower fees and rates than the actual bank branches can. We’re finding out that bank branches are probably gonna do it about 1-ish% based on the amount of dinar you actually have…might be able to get reduced fees around 1/2 a percent on exchange…

4-7-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the Central Bank of Iraq is telling their banks to start retaining more dinars and don’t use as many American dollars. These are choice words… Why? Because the CBI was told to do this too…they will change the auction format because they can’t keep pumping high volumes of dollars into their market…the auctions are coming back soon. This time they will come back to serve the economy of Iraq…

4-7-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Trade Bank of Iraq issues an explanation regarding the work of ATMs” Quote: “The bank said in a statement, “All ATMs continue to operate around the clock in Baghdad and the provinces.” Timing of this one with the talk of a new Mechanism for electronic account balances… I’ll bet they will be reflecting the new currency too in short order…imo.