Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-7-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-7-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-7-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Guess who’s coming to Iraq in a couple days? Barzani the head of Kurdistan…his deal is done. He got his 13.97% which is a lot more than I thought he was going to get…he’s coming to town. Why would he be coming to town? It’s not to negotiate some more for his contract. He’s got it. It’s signed. It’s done…the timing…it makes a lot of sense.

4-7-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “US-Iraq strategic dialogue to take place on April 7″ Quote: “The relationship between the US and Iraq, including its military presence in the country, is based on a strategic framework agreement signed in 2008. It called for close defense co-operation to deter threats to Iraq’s “sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.” The talks, due to take place next Wednesday, will focus on security, counterterrorism, economics and energy, political issues, and educational and cultural co-operation. Gotta love the timing of things…The economics and energy has my attention for obvious reasons… The oil deals we see of late are all about economics, yet, security is a part of that and big time too. The Tripartite with Jordan and Egyptis the following day… Watch and see… This is all for a purpose… I like it! imo…

4-7-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Do you think there will be taxes on this?] No I do not. I have been told repeatedly there will not be taxes… Could I be wrong-yes…

4-7-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Again I have to bring this up because people are asking me. Again, no, there is no 1 for 1 exchange rate happening in Iraq. That’s false. I told you guys what that would create. A huge large black market of the Iraqi dinar. You would have people buying cheap out of country smuggling the in country exchange the 1 for 1 grabbing their profits and running back out of country buying more dinar and going back in. When the exchange rate happens it happens inside country and out of country all at the same time…

4-6-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [What’s really holding this up – in your opinion?] Safety, Security. I think they have come to the conclusion though that there will never be a perfect release. I think there are a couple of things… Safety and a reasonable amount for the currencies. Keep in mind guys that over 2 trillion in dinar have been taken off the streets in about a month…and out of illegal, illicit and nefarious hands throughout the middle east…you can see in the news they have done a tremendous job getting it off the streets…. Then there is the timing…is there a good crisis to roll it out. I think one more good financial crisis…and Boom…we are there…I believe we are now at a “any day” thing…based on what I am hearing.

4-6-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “It will continue for five years and 600 pending procedures. Allawi reveals the second part of the white paper” This is the one article that people are a little bit confused about…for some reason people are thinking that the exchange rate is gonna stay the same for that long and nowhere in here does it say that it’s gonna take five years before they change the rate.

4-6-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Only pay attention to the Prime Minister Kazemi. Only pay attention to the Central Bank Governor Mustafa…all the negativity you see out there in those article you have been well trained how to decipher it…I saw a post from someone today that said I saw that article today it was from parliament, yeah it was his opinion so I flushed it. I posted well done good student…that’s how you get rid of these headaches. If you really want to be aware of what you’re doing with this investment you have to be a good student…

4-6-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The good news coming out of Iraq is they shut down all foreign currency auctions on us dollar and Iraqi Dinar yesterday…they won’t sell any more in anticipation of the change in value. One article I read is (if translated right) sometimes in the next 10 days they expect a change in value.

4-6-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Stopping the auctions…nobody wants to be on the bad side of the equation. I consider it like hot potatoes…You didn’t want to be stuck with the hot potato when the music turns off. The banks are feeling the same way. They don’t want to be stuck holding that hot potato and they lose on the transaction. They’re very very conservative. IOO they are being very wise in holding off on those auction until Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday of next week. There’s got to be a reason for that. Right now the budget has not formally become law because it has not been signed by the president to our knowledge and it has not gone into the gazette. The president has between 3 and 15 days to sign that budget…we have until the 14th for that event to occur. Again, rate before budget. The rate has to be in that budget before it becomes law. We’re in quite a countdown now.

4-6-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Aren’t you impressed, now I know it’s not signed but…we have a budget. Do you realize that we’ve never had a budget since 2003 when we went in there to rescue them. There was no budget. Why? There was no need. Why? There was no new rate. Now all of sudden we have a new budget for the very first time. The president is about to sign it. It’s about to come in and bring in the white papers. Don’t you just find it delicious?