Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-7-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-7-2020
4-7-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …yesterday Monday they did not have a currency auction. Today looks just like Sunday. Today they’re showing us they had a currency auction but again just like Sunday the total cash sale is zero. They haven’t sold anything this whole week. BOOM! We’re looking good. We’re right on to see a blessing this weekend…the ISX stock exchange..say the last update was March 16 so again they have not had any actual stock trading since March 16th and so far they technically have not sold anything at the auctions really since 3-16 either…looking good. I’m excited.
4-7-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …I’m wanting to encourage people not to give up. It’s my opinion the RV is close. It’s my opinion the finish line is not far away. Finish well. That’s the point I’m trying to make.
4-7-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article quote “Zarfi pledged elections within a year of forming his cabinet and vowed to respond to the demands of the protestors.” Dude I’m really pumped about this…what do you think one of those needs are? …one of the protestors said he is upset that of the fact that he has 250 dinars in his pocket and it’s not even worth a quarter. That to me sounds like somebody who’s looking for more purchasing power…
4-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ …I am hearing this from all my banking contacts and paymasters are looking for something to happen over this Easter weekend. To be in place by the 14th. They are all being very consistent now. I am hearing the delay has honestly been logistics with the CV19. They don’t have the people in place to exchange us…people can’t travel… [So they are kicking the can again?] No way do I believe they are kicking any cans …I think it is a mad dash to coordinate logistics and to get it out…
4-6-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: “In the context of the corona crisis and its associated cash crisis, a new currency-foreign exchange mechanism or tool should be adopted to support the banking and banking sector, as the central bank of Iraq has stopped selling the dollar in cash to the exchange companies through Banks…and then they make payments according to the customer’s desire, either in cash or in the account balances of electronic cards to the public…” This sure looks like the MEETING went well today. They are talking about the NEW CURRENCY! A MECHANISM to support the Banking Sector that will be facilitated by use for electronic cards… Wow, things are moving along now very nicely! imo.
4-6-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …IMO the introduction of the new small category notes will be with a fixed rate – regardless if it’s pegged to a basket with another currency or regardless if it’s pegged to the American dollar…I see 1 to 1 in the country. But then when the dinar is established enough internally and has permeated the banking structure and the markets of the world…then you’re going to see confidence being built in the Iraqi dinar…then you’re going to see stability for the Iraqi dinar internationally..
4-6-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 …News saying after long delay, China is preparing to close the “deal of the century” on oil with Iraq next week. The auctions started back…after being down since March 17…selling dollars only. News ticker on Iraqi TV broadcasts Al Zarfi saying that his government is ready and will be presented to Parliament within 48 hours.
4-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff …Iraq can produce oil at about $10.70 per barrel. Back in 2016 it only cost Iraq about $11 a barrel to create it…just yesterday [Friday] Brent oil which is what Iraq works on…was already at $34 a barrel..they only need $44 to really fund the country…they only need oil about $45 to $50 a barrel to really fund their costs and obligation to run the country…
4-6-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I’ve talked to the folks in Europe and Aisia…My bankers at this point are looking at mid April…All my banker contacts are looking at after Easter Weekend. The people I know at redemption centers…are busy putting in protocols for safety right now. I do not think you will be swabbed at the exchange. They are putting in sneeze guards and stuff like that which I think is a positive sign they are getting ready for us… Big stuff over the weekend in Iraq…pay attention to world events….this is going REAL FAST…there has been a lot of good news guys, world leaders have openly talked about the reset…even my local bankers have talked about the reset…it’s becoming a main street conversation which is huge. …we all just need to wait it out and watch the show…it’s happening.
4-6-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels The current premier-designate has until April 16 to form the next cabinet and be approved by the majority of the parliament – or face a similar fate as Allawi, who failed to get his cabinet of independent technocrats approved after rebellion from Sunni, Kurdish, and some Shiite parties. We shall see…