Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-4-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-4-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-4-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: [How long would it take for international banks to reinstate out of country?] What do you mean by ‘out of country’? There is no ‘out of country’ or ‘in of country’. When they redo the rate it’s all at the same time…

4-3-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I know you guys were jumping up and down. You heard rumors that the dinar had been changing in Iraq 1 to 1 and I told you that wasn’t true because if it was true then you would see people bringing their currency that are out of country taking to people in country and getting that 1 for 1 exchange – taking their newfound fortune…buying more dinar cheap then running it back into the country…so when people tell you oh, in country this and out county that, that’s a lie. They go at the same time for that specific reason…use common sense…be careful about the information no matter where it comes from. Even me. Question it. There’s nothing wrong with it – question it…

4-3-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan We are coming to a real possible window in April…obviously I’m not saying this is it, glory hallelujah you can count on $3.27 on Friday at 3 o’clock. No it’s none of that nonsense. But there are some things that need to be looked at carefully just in case this does come to fruition in this particular time frame…things have got to be done prior to the RV in order to take advantage of the taxes that are going to be imposed on this particular transaction we’re looking at…

4-3-2021 Intel Guru Mike Cottrell …I do believe we are very, very close…whether it is this weekend, next weekend or next month…I have no idea. I know they are running out of time if they want to get their books straight. I was told they are trying day to day to get this done…

4-3-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana This anticipation is kind of getting to me. Article quote: “The House of Representatives voted today on the General Budget Law for 2021…” We are ridiculously close to seeing some HCL info…WTI is currently in the $61 range. The budget was formulated at much less than that. This is GOOD. HCL is on the way… GOOOO RRRRRRR-VVVVV!!!

4-3-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Yesterday, direct from the Finance Minister when referring to the exchange rate stated this… “The current price of the Iraqi currency against the US dollar after its devaluation will continue for a long time, and a full float may occur in the future, but the…central bank will now work to maintain the current exchange rate level for as long as possible.” I think that is pretty clear. And as I stated before, a float is how monetary policy works. Only with the success of Iraq’s economy can the Iraqi dinar go up in value. With the recent passing of the 2021 budget, we have to hope this is the beginning of a prosperous Iraq.

4-3-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I do think it’s [dinar] going to rebound. If they can keep stable with no issues and do away with as much corruption as possible like they’ve been doing and they start doing these private sector build ups, yeah you’re going to see the currency rebound. I think it’s going to happen quickly. Sure it might not happen overnight but IMO it’s going to happen quickly enough…

4-3-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ Article: “The US dollars to the Iraqi dinar (IQD) exchange rates was up on the Kurdistan Region’s currency markets on Thursday (April 1).” Quote: “$100 was at 146,750 Iraqi dinars, 950 IQD higher than the previous day.” We have seen a value change of the dinar which has been pegged for a very long time…it changed by 950 IQD…based on $100 US dollars…The article…shows the change and to me it means the IQD is unpegged from the US Dollar…IQD floating?