Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-30-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-30-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-30-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] we’re hearing that we will have our tier 4A & 4B group exchanges initialized a couple days prior to the 5th – well that would be the 3rd of May…So that is our window and it looks like they are going to hit this either the 3rd or 4th of May – which is Tuesday and Wednesday – of next week…Realistically…we’re looking golden for next week – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – 3rd 4th 5th…This is going to be an incredible week for us…

4-30-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Guru Mtn Goat…says Iraq will not LOP…But of course that is exactly what the symposium’s are educating the citizens about…a currency exchange neutral event. I hope they don’t, but the only option is to improve the economy and create a private sector. This would allow the currency to appreciate gradually over time. Unless they build there economy they may have no choice but to LOP.

4-29-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ … Its just very quiet and I think everyone is waiting for the “trigger”

4-29-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Trust me folks they are not going to lop. Of course they have to destroy the older three zero notes. There is way too much of them to keep for inter-banking transactions, as they said they would do after the reinstatement. I keep telling everyone that the project to delete the zeros will NOT raise the rate (no RV). The rate only changes when they re-peg the dinar to the new IMF basket and reinstate and float it…Thus, the ones we hold are going to be burned and destroyed once exchanged…

4-29-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “It was said that the CBI would give at least 10 years to exchange is that still hold true?” The CBI will give you ample time IMO at least a year or more…I think they’ll give you plenty of time. That’s the least of your worries…

4-29-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick Question: “It was said that the CBI would give at least 10 years to exchange is that still hold true?” WOW I NEVER HEARD THAT…I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY BUT ONCE THE NEW EXCHANGE RATE AND THE CURRENCY IS RELEASED THOSE GUIDELINES WILL BE RELEASED.

4-29-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I read that Kuwait and Iraq have agreement to be within .25 cents when they come out…from back in the Dr. Shabibi days…I think Kuwait is about $3.20 or so right now…] Yes…they did that on purpose so they would not create instability in the region…they share a number of oil fields…Also, because of the port situation in Iraq and Kuwait… They want to be very close on currency values. So this should tell you what rate to expect for the minimum in Iraq.

4-29-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are blown away by how much dinar I have. I don’t have as much as people think I have. I have 5 million dinars. That’s it. People are like, ‘Why don’t you have more? Don’t you have any faith in it?’ Oh, no that’s not the problem…what people are banking on is an RI or an RV and I don’t think that’s going to happen. Of course I could be wrong. I think that currency is going to go up pretty quickly though…it’s going to go up in stages is what I think. How long that’s going to take I don’t know…the average dinar holder has 250,000 dinars…

4-29-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Two articles today from Iraq… The first article is talking about deleting zeros which is a LOP. Not what we want to see happen. The second article is from an economist who wants the central bank to forget about deleting zeros and simply improve the economy allowing the currency to rise as a result. This is the best solution.

4-29-2022 Intel Guru Fleming Parliament agreed with the Ministers to launch the ISO 20022, at a rate of $3.22 USD TO 1 IQD. The Parliament also said if this RV is not completed by the end of this month of April, 2022, then nothing can happen until the end of May…