Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-29-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-29-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-29-2022 Intel Guru Fleming Parliament agreed with the Ministers to launch the ISO 20022, at a rate of $3.22 USD TO 1 IQD. The Parliament also said if this RV is not completed by the end of this month of April, 2022, then nothing can happen until the end of May…

4-29-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Two articles today from Iraq… The first article is talking about deleting zeros which is a LOP. Not what we want to see happen. The second article is from an economist who wants the central bank to forget about deleting zeros and simply improve the economy allowing the currency to rise as a result. This is the best solution.

4-28-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “The Iraqi government has confirmed that the Eid-Al Fitr will begin on Sunday the 1st of May and end on Thursday the 5th of May”…. I am still hearing this is the target. And within 3 days or so at the end of this holiday is when they expect to have a new value on the dinar…That is what I am being told from inside the sandbox..say around the 8th to the 10th… This would fit with dates our military contacts have been telling us for the month of May. I am hopeful this is it.

4-28-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we are in a VERY GOOD position to see this reinstatement before the end of the summer if not much sooner. So hang in there…

4-28-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Question: “if Iraq floats the dinar, and hyperinflation devalues the dollar, will that not force the dinar upward in value.” If the dinar floats it’ll have nothing to do with the dollar and its value will be determined by market forces. There is talk of pegging it to a basket of currencies from the Middle East which also may be possible. Either or would have nothing to do with the dollar. Currently, the dinar is pegged to the dollar only to provide stability under the conditions in Iraq.

4-28-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick Question “Will the budget and the white papers be launched this year?” That’s the plan.

4-28-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know its frustrating…I don’t control the timing…All I can do is tell you what I am hearing and share what I am hearing…other than a little chatter out of Iraq it is still very quiet. Article “The Iraqi Parliament is in the process of issuing a resolution obligating the government to submit the financial budget” This is big news from Iraq. And this is almost a verbatim article that we saw coming out of Kuwait before they RV’d almost 22 years ago…on the morning that they RV’d…Article “Is it time to delete zeros” an economist commented. To me this is a fantastic piece of smoke…It is coming…

Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The rise in oil covers the budget deficit.. Good news from officials: Returning the dollar exchange rate to its previous” THEY ARE EXPECTING A CHANGE IN THE EXCHANGE RATE.

4-28-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Is it not too late to buy dinar? I really need a house or a place to rent on my own. I don’t make much and I’m looking for a miracle.” People are still buying the dinar but here’s the issue with everything that’s going on. It’s hard to judge when the rate change is going to happen. If you’re listening to other people out there right now they’re promising you a rate change of $3.22 or that it’s gonna happen next week…you hear all this stuff so be careful…make sure that you just buy with whatever discretionary funds you have…

4-28-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …we know this is inevitable… Like Voltaire said “Fiat currency always returns to its intrinsic value of zero.”…So when we win…We are going to win big.