Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-22-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-22-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 I have to let you know that as I-TEAM read our notes from last night a mistake was noticed…this centers around I-TEAM seeing the 2017 Iraqi budget, yes they did see the full budget but what we have to report from them is that there no rate whatsover in the 2017 budget. Yes it was formulated and calculated at a specific rate but no rate appears in the budget, just as there is no number showing at the CBI website for the Indicative Rate…both wait on the new rate to be published, a rate that has been calculated for all of the world to accept. 1184 is key to this budget, because at 1184 this 2017 budget will not work, it is an impossible mathematical issue…their budget awaits contract to finish bringing what the Private Sector needs… Again, I sincerely apologize for not stating this properly…

4-22-2017 RUMOR Guru Bruce We know everything is basically been done in Iraq. Mosul has been taken back and liberated…and even Prime Minister Abadi, few days ago walked through the streets of Mosul and talked face to face with the citizens giving them assurance about what is coming and what is there. We know even in the mosque they have already mentioned in country the dinar going to be 6 times the value of the US dollar. The smart cards, Qi cards in Iraq have been activated with a decent high rate for some time and still being used.

4-22-2017 RUMOR Guru Bruce The other thing that is happening is there is a meeting going on …and will go through Saturday…in Washington DC between the IMF, the World Bank, The Bank of International Settlements, and one more other entity. Christine Legarde is there. I don’t know if any major announcement is going to come out of that meeting. I would say it would be a good place to have an announcement with all those organizations in place in Washington. The rates based on what I have heard the rates are continually going up. Just when you think you know where they are, the next thing you know they are higher than they were. Everything I am seeing…is pointing toward the end of the ride. We think all that needs to be done is done.

4-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “Iraqi analyst, Haider Sumeiri, believes this latest move by the United States shows a “strong indication” that the battle for western Al-Anbar is coming.” Iraq is witnessing the last battle to get rid of ISIL. I believe they will make the end of April target this time around… It is NOT done! But the good news is the Abadi govt is targeting the end of April to wrap it up. They need Stability and this RV is not going to happen until ISIL is done and out of Iraq. Article: “Deputy for reform is likely to pass the oil and gas law during the next legislative term” yes- I have said this all along. Now we see it playing out. No RV without these laws. Are we getting close to ISIL victory, so now comes the needed laws. Is this coincidental?

4-21-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Mosul: the start of the largest transactions of stability since World War II” Quote: “The United Nations announced the start of operations of the implementation of 202 projects to speed up the stability of Mosul in one of the largest initiatives of stability since World War II.” …this is the primer to start the market economy.

4-21-2017 Intel Guru Delta Article: ”5-day vacation by force in Iraq ~ Iraq TradeLink News Agency” …this announcement today regarding the 5-day holiday…simply amazing… …the Iraqis are seeing the price of a loaf of bread dropping today from 950 dinars down to 250 dinars…and…that even with the holiday announcement today the CBI and the ISX both will only be closed for Sunday and both will reopen on Monday. …the announcement was for and… impacts all vendors who are already dropping prices like 1000x…even noticed a change in electricity prices dropping from 180 dinars to 10 dinars…here come the LD’s and coins. Allak, the governor of the CBI is going to be a hero. [what is next from the CBI…] New Rate.

4-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 …those who had come to DC had gone home or were going home…other meetings would happen in Iraq now. Article: ”5-day vacation by force in Iraq ~ Iraq TradeLink News Agency” …well this seems to be a big announcement out of the norm…usually they have a 3-day holiday but they are indicating a 5-day event this time…and…this does not appear to be a coincidence. …our TEAMS fascinated about this abnormality…and yes we are all on the same page about this holiday as well as a rate. According to I-TEAM…they have seen inside the 2017 Iraqi budget and it is full of funds and projects… So if the budget is to be seen…the NEW RATE has to be in the budget, it would be illogical at this point if it would not show up.

4-21-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 what is next to be watching for…? look for the UN to make an announcement before the budget …we believe this very strongly. [What do you believe happened at the meetings in DC and why is the announcement (5-day holiday) after the meetings?] The Foreign Reserves of the budget were funded, gas prices are to go up, there was a commitment of the private sector investments. [All this means is that Iraq is a point of no return.] Correct…no turning back, no delay, no change of positions…etc…etc… [I’ll say here that the rate you see coming out will go up almost immediately.] Inside of 76 days…yes…then things will be frozen for a bit. [I like the fact too that many big people like this month.] So for the remainder of this month we are on HIGH ALERT.

4-21-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Quote: “He noted that the solution in Iraq is to reduce the demand for the dollar through the structure of the Iraqi economy is correct, and not through the sizes for the sale of the dollar.” So here it is in BLACK and WHITE and it could not get any clearer – the strategy of the CBI is FIRST to reduce the demand for the dollar (thus raise the value of the dinar) and do it through a progressive and productive economy. Thus the REFORMS… But what will be the tipping point when they release the dinar to the world? This is the key here. I believe it is once they get their private sector growing and allow investment capital to flow freely in and out of Iraq.