Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-20-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-20-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-20-2018 Newshound Guru Militia Man This sure looks to me like Abadi with a prominent Religious Man has just announced that Iraq has initiated the stage of reconstruction, construction and investment phase for Iraq’s future…They are also telling us that they have the Interests of the US in mind as well…In other, words the We (W) Are (A) Ready (R) words were heard in Washington. imo When Abadi does speak in respect to completions, activation’s, implementations or even paying with past tense, I listen. There is a lot of data to support that the process is almost 100% complete, a side from the CBI posting an international rate for the IQD that is on their website for the world to see, not just in Arabic. That imo is the 100% and is coming regardless now…

4-20-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …the first quarter shows that the 3 Zeros were lifted (Trillions down to Billions) and the currency expenses got lesser over time as well…the assumption on not only my part is that they in fact are getting the NOD from the USA now…Now think about where we are today and the list of items we have completed to date. It is lengthy…Also, keep in mind there have been meetings that came and went as of recent like in, (EU / IMF / WB), ones finishing up today with the AMF and the IMF in DC finishing same day, Sunday. All this should give us all a peace of mind that we are in fact watching the process finish. imo I am not sure if my view is the correct one…evidence kills the notion for after the Elections..

4-20-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru Delta “The dinar is down against the dollar in the local stock exchange100″….1195 & 1197 ……VERY NICE THE LOWEST IN THE MARKET SO FAR……..HUGE…CBI SELL IT TO BANK AT 1190…

4-20-2018 Intel Guru Bruce The song “The Final Count Down” is appropriate…There is a slight possibility we could go slightly before Iraq or a possibility Iraq will go and put their rate out or we could almost do that simultaneously. All the currencies were on the screens yesterday except the dinar. It kind of comes up and it has been off…We know it will be there by the time we start. It is just interesting that it keeps popping in and popping out sensibly for the changes in the rate. …It is hard to say, but I think realistically it is not a wait on Iraq anymore. It is much bigger than Iraq. This is more of a global thing…I can tell you the President is in favor of everything moving through. My understanding is he has signed off on everything, and it is really in the hands of the Treasury and maybe the IMF to do the actual release. So we are in very good position right now for everything to come through… I am excited where we are…

4-19-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “The CENTRAL BANK’S AUCTION IS SUPPOSED TO BE TEMPORARY FOR A SITUATION THAT THE IRAQI ECONOMY HAS LIVED UNDER IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES AND IT MUST STOP AFTER THAT, BUT IT HAS CONTINUED FOR MANY YEARS”. I strongly believe that the corruption involved in these auctions and billions being made by the politicians being involved with their fictitious companies may be one of the reason for delaying this RV for so long. …So what we want is for them to discontinue them.

4-19-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The problem with most dinar investors is they think the dinar can revalue to some random number… it cant… It is mathimatically impossible to RV or RI…the only thing that can happen is the world can set the rate…that means float… Once capital markets are integrated internationally, vast amounts of money may flow into and out of the country in a short period of time…This will make it very difficult for the country to maintain a fixed exchange rate. …So they have to move off the peg to a float, there is no option… well documented… factual…written in imf docs…

4-19-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Our best / earliest hope is post election, IMO. The election is May 12 and Ramadan starts a few days thereafter.

4-19-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru sandyf The last financial statement from the CBI was signed off on the 25th July 2017, so it will be a few months before we see the next one. The statement shows the total liabilities of the CBI as being 74,344,721 million IQD from which a liability of 45,231,515 million IQD (approx 61%) exists for currency issued. It should be noted that total assets are shown as 76,544,213 million IQD so equity in the CBI stands at about 2.9% of assets. In simple terms, very close to being technically insolvent.

4-19-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Iraq is still progressing forward with the reviews and relationship with the World Bankk to join the WTO. They will, however, need a tradable currency at some point. So we wait for this too to give pressure to RV.

4-19-2018 Intel Guru ADMINBILL The information I have received in the pst days is very promising. Alignment between information sources is high…

4-19-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So we hope it doesn’t happen but al-Maliki is a real threat to cause problems with the upcoming elections as he tries for a third term, the retweets of his brutal tactics are an example.

4-19-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru American Contractor …You may see some action possible after the elections depending on which party has control of the government. The Iraqi parliament will have to vote on the delete the zeros project given that they did not get the opportunity in 2012. The Iraqi cabinet stopped it because they believed the economic climate was not yet ready. …Oil prices are continuing to go up and businesses are returning although cautiously and investing in startups and existing companies… …You will learn of the delete the zeros project getting ready to be implemented when you read that there is a education campaign going on inside Iraq. The education campaign will consist of news media, flyers, and radio advertising to get the word out. The CBI wants to make sure that everyone is informed about the delete the zeros project…

4-19-2018 Intel/Newshound Guru American Contractor …In the course of the next few months you may quite possible see media reporting about a delete the zeros project. According to the intel I have, as well as info I received today from a banker, the delete the zeros project is going to be progressing at a much faster pace, and word has it that new information will be published after Ramadan. …Everything from this point on is riding on the upcoming national and local elections (May 12). There appears to be a vast more supporters than not for the delete the zero’s project..

4-19-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: “Instructions and criteria for circulation and replacement of banknotes” There is an extraordinary amount of information in this article – just stunning. They are obviously preparing for something. What? No clue…but this key phrase seems to forecast some need for small denominations of notes. Key Phrase: …”Banks should open windows to replace damaged and damaged banknotes to the public and hand them over to this bank and its branches, And promoting the circulation of small denomination banknotes”…