Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-19-2024
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-19-2024
4-19-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The news just keeps getting better and better. …my CBI contact again confirmed to me that this meeting of Iraq with the Whitehouse had to take place and could be seen as a healing meeting between the two countries. One issue was of course the status of leaving or the pullout of US forces. This issue is clear, as the US forces do not plan to leave Iraq again and destabilize the middle east, especially in these turbulent times…don’t worry it is not going to happen any time soon as long-term plans are being negotiated to give Iraq what it wants and give the US what it wants…
4-19-2024 Guest Guru Rod Steele [via PDK] There has never been this big a delegation from Iraq over here before…and so many partnership agreements being signed at one time. …All the agreements being activated are about the Iraqi economy… They are also visiting in Michigan and Houston where Iraqi populations and Iraqi banks are. Also Bush Sr. arranged for the Iraqi CBI servers to be located in Houston…The US banks are ready…all the staff is in place. All sounds very positive and silence these days is golden for sure…
4-19-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Sudanese arrives in Houston, Texas” Quote: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived this afternoon, Thursday, in the city of Houston in the state of Texas, as part of his official visit to the United States of America.”
4-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 You know the competition that is going to be with those private banks from the CBI [in the US] with American banks? It’s going to be massive and people don’t even understand that right now. American banks are going to come after you and they know you. They know who has dinars. The US Treasury will tell them…Yes, they’re going to tell them. They already told them. This is massive what is about to happen…
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy What is the deletion of zeros of currency? An action aimed at increasing the nominal value of money. Nominal value, NOT the exchange rate. Re-denomination, that’s what this is. What is lopping off zeros? Same thing. Changes the nominal value. What is the removal of zeros off currency? …Also known as deleting of the zeros…Re-denomination. What is reducing of zeros off currency? Re-Denomination. I’m telling you guys all those things are the same thing…You remove the zeros off the currency and when you do that .00076 will be .76 but it doesn’t change the value of your currency versus other world currencies. That stays the same.
4-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I continue to hear rumors of the different spots that Sudani has visited. I am hearing there was a clandestine meeting with a signatory of seven of the banking families from China. Hang tight guys as we sort this over the next day or two and figure out what is hopeful rumor and what is fact. But things are very positive.
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Iraqi Private Banks Association praises Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington”
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man [Iraq] is now in a security and stability and debt free state and now they’re going into a state of expansion on their economic reforms, development programs, sustainable development…all of the things we’ve been talking to you about are coming to fruition. They’re not going to do that at 1310…
4-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “After 21 years of the dollar auction… Iraq is close to closing the window amid reassurances and warnings” This is so powerful. The closing of the auction windows is the end of those that were stopping the monetary reform…
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Paulette Article: “Al-Ardawi: The Sudanese government seeks to liberalize the Iraqi dinar and stabilize the economy” Quote: “The visit comes in a very heated situation and everyone is awaiting its outcomes, and the Sudanese carries…ideas and projects that move towards consolidating the relationship with the American side and transferring it from the process of guardianship to friendship…In a way that allows Iraq to assume its pivotal role in the region.” As I have been stating…Iraq needs the US Guardianship to end!! (UN 1483)
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy Really great news came through today… Article “After 21 years of dollar actuation Iraq is approaching the window closed amid reassurances and warnings” Iran was using Iraq’s currency auction to funnel the dinar into Iraq for the US dollar…The goal is to have the currency auction ended by the end of this year.
4-18-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …I am happy where we are right now. The only thing that would make me happier is us exchanging.
4-18-2024 Newshound Guru Samson Article: ”Al-Sudani receives in Washington the Chairman of JPMorgan”
4-18-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani…is meeting with Iraqi business owners in the United States of America …They’re talking about visits that will bring more stability. They’re saying they are going to return the dinar to its price and how the dollar will drop dramatically and not be used in Iraq. A lot is being said about the strength of our currency of the dinar and the meeting is over 100 of these companies.
4-18-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …a lot of the sources are very quiet…Typically, that means they’re under new NDA’s. …we know that we know that Iraq is doing some things in the US…I think they’re really getting ready for this – to be known internationally – their reason for this session, my way of thinking the rate on the dinar has not been put out internationally yet for everyone to know what that is – but we know that rates are on the screens – all of them – They’ve been trading upwards, we know that the contract rate on the dinar is still very high and we know that the dong rate is also moving up in a good direction…
4-18-2024 Guest Guru Rod Steele [via PDK] Sudani has been in the US since Saturday and he met with Biden for an hour on Monday. Everything is now formally agreed too…Iraq is telling the people it is done and coming. The ABC agencies are saying to look for it between now and the rest of the week. The banks are hoping it will be tonight [Wednesday] or in the morning. I think they are a little bit ahead of the game though. Logically and realistically I think it will be next week because all the key Iraqi ministers and officers are here in the US. I think they will wait until they are back on Iraqi soil…I hear they are putting up big screen TV’s all over Baghdad and other parts of Iraq for some big announcement when they get back. We don’t know what that announcement is…but, I can guess.