Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-18-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-18-2023
4-18-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The CBI governor…is saying the CBI is on high alert to change the dinar exchange rate. He is saying this on News Channel One…He’s saying do to the auditing transfers of the hard currency. This has to be done. FRANK: He’s talking about the float.
4-18-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: What do you think the dinar rate will be? MarkZ Answer: With a combination of what my gut is telling me…charts, and conversations…I believe it will be somewhere between $4.20 – $5.35… After many conversations that is what I think we are going to see. But I could be way off and completely wrong.
4-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat In Shafaq News, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq, on Thursday, that Iraq is on alert to adjust the exchange rate of the dinar…
4-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq – “The house of representatives keeps its session open and resumes this evening” They completed the second reading. We do not yet know the timing of the third reading. There were no changes in the budget law…this is important…What I am hearing from Iraq …there is a possibility they do their third reading tomorrow and just announce it. They are trying to keep things as quiet as they can. They want to keep it under wraps until Thursday or maybe Friday. There are a lot of rumors and chatter from the banking side that tomorrow could be the “GO”…. We will see.
4-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 It is strictly in my opinion they are now prepared to show them the new small category notes
4-17-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling What is Iraq looking at? They’re looking at more customers. They want to sell more product and have more customers. That’s it… Iraq and the Middle East are changing their financial strategy/business plan on how to gain more customers…
4-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …they were suddenly ready to do the second reading of the budget on Sunday…Earlier we had been told they were not going to read it until after Ramadan and make a lot of changes to the budget. But many of us were of the mindset that everything is already done. We firmly believe we will see a little bit of smoke and then they send it out. Similar to the smoke we saw from Kuwait and China before they had major value changes to their currency. They read it and passed it with no changes for the second reading…the final reading is coming…my sources say they expect to see that tomorrow. Perhaps that is why we are seeing a lot of chatter about tomorrow right now….
4-17-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Participate in one or more of the low-cost investment options so that you are building wealth while we wait on the Iraqi dinar to revalue, float or go digital. It is important to keep the doors of investment open. Once you train the mind to expect wealth it will come. Your subconscious mind will never ever let you down. Be careful of your thoughts…
4-17-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Central Bank: Foreign exchange reserves exceed $110 billion” Quote: “most of them are invested in assets that are as close as possible to risk-free”
4-17-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] We suggested there would be another rate change before the float at least 1 to 1. It went from 1300 to 1132 then IMO the next rate change will put the IQD in position to float at 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3 it is unknown to us at this time. We do not have those variable. It’s being presented to the Iraqi citizens themselves. They already told them. That alone is so powerful.
4-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man …The Central Bank…told everybody on TV that the Central Bank issued 3 circulars obligating the owners of residential complexes and companies to the official dollar price and pricing everything in Iraqi dinars. Based on the decision of the Council of Ministers which stipulated obligating all government agencies and the private sector to price their products in dinars. That’s huge… That’s everything in country in dinars. Also keep in mind they’re sayings you’ll need to be doing it in the currency at the official exchange rate.
4-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: …will we receive our RV phone numbers this week. MarkZ answer: if 5% of the rumors and chatter are accurate, yes….I had a major contact reach out and tell me “Hey, we are getting ready to be done…I am so excited” But I have not heard any details on timing yet…stay calm this week. Don’t be surprised about rumors coming out on delays for a couple months…disinformation and smoke is a necessary thing during the final process.
4-17-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I am going out on a limb to say that by June 2023 we could see this reinstatement of the dinar. I am…using…solid FACTUAL data from the articles. Article quote: “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq, on Thursday, that Iraq is on alert to adjust the exchange rate of the dinar”… He is talking about the stabilization of the program rate first with the help of the US Treasury, then the reinstatement with the help of the IMF and World Bank… Folks, it can’t get any better!!
4-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Saleh: Iraq’s exit from the list of the most indebted to the “International Monetary” is an attractive factor for investment” Quote: “Salih, considered that Iraq’s exit from the list of countries most indebted to the International Monetary Fund is an attractive element for investment, as it greatly raises the creditworthiness of Iraq”
4-17-2023 Intel Guru yada …Rate will need to be released before they finalize the budget…