Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-11-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-11-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-11-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Wednesday Night Update… I have waiting to hear from 2 banking high ups – and I’m trying to confirm this but I am hearing WF locked in rates this afternoon… 2 of the 3 rates needed to process us are supposed to be locked in and just waiting for one more to lock in. Once they have the final rate locked in…everything starts. If things go out as planned roll out tomorrow [Thursday]…very positive on the RV front…I am thinking dollars tomorrow… [could there be any delays at this point?] I am hearing nothing about delays…not a word anywhere…this is moving… …people I know have appointments for tomorrow [Thursday] morning and afternoon… I hate being this excited …but just cant help it right now.

4-11-2019 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “Iraqi-Gulf meeting is the first in more than 30 years” Quote: ” …the fruit of the first high-level meeting between Iraq and the GCC Secretariat for more than 30 years. For the launch of an investment conference in Baghdad soon, to receive Gulf investments in Iraq.” This could be big. Iraq joining GCC could break some of that dependency on Iran…

4-10-2019 Newshound Guru G-Lin I really don’t know what the trigger will be in regards to a currency adjustment. I have always felt it would be prompted by trade. Tariffs. We have seen Iraq increase their exports and decrease their imports in the last few years. That needs to continue. Total independence in agriculture and in all of the “Made in Iraq” products. I noticed another meeting with WTO a month or so ago. They are working at complying with necessary requirements. They did have the first reading of the draft mineral investment law today in Parl.

4-10-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ We were also told that Appointments were set up with whales with HSBC and WF for Thursday to make appointments to exchange currencies…Some of these people I know and they are personal friends. I am not a whale…Whales are people who already have a regular relationship with bankers…prior investments and stuff like that. …they have like 50M dinar 50M dong or more. Large amounts of currency… Its possible that we could see 800#’s today…The banks have expectations. It is looking good for Thursday right now with the movement. [Anything new on rates?] Here is what I still believe…makes sense to me…. Street rate Dinar will be $4 to 4.50…I think $6 to $8 for contract rate… I believe the Dong will be in the low $2’s to $2.20 or so. I will keep digging for news today…

4-10-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn …I think most countries are pegged to the US dollar, so…saying they are against the us dollar means they are competing against the US dollar…I think that is right. …the currency is adjusted to the GDP of the country. what that country has to offer, I think Iraq has a lot to offer and not just oil. with the private sector coming in , they will do quite well in the world

4-10-2019 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Demands to create an economy based on international foundations” Going to a free market economy is exactly what we have been waiting for…The amount of jobs that will be created will be huge…we just were told the 2018 budget had a surplus of $3 billion and that is to be used to benefit the citizens per the HML [HCL ?]! Let’s also not forget the Turk model they are following requires that that law be in place and it is and was enacted 01/13/2019 and is being adjusted to and. Right on time. So there is no surprise they are talking about going to a free market economy, as they have the checklist checked! Imo.