Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-11-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-11-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-11-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 …The citizens know they are about to add power to the currency… Alak admits: “We are 2% compliant.” Tells you about to shut auctions, revalue currency…”2% compliance” means auctions about to stop and the RI will happen…The lava flow has stopped! I’ve waited 9.5 years to say that! Dr. Shabibi is the author of the Monetary Reform. Alak is following orders from his boss, Dr. Shabibi. Lower denom’s, E-Dinars, Key cards, MasterCard International, banks around the world ready? Yes! Guess we are ready to re-instate. There is nothing else to say. We are at the doorstep…Dr. Shabbi, “We are about to change the exchange rate…” There is nothing left to talk about. The CBI has no choice, they have to make their move. Article: “Council of Baghdad allocates 85 billion Dinars…” Seeing it in billions, not trillions…They are just waiting for the right time to pull the trigger…ALL WE ARE DOING IS WAITING….

4-11-2018 Intel Guru Bruce We thought that we would be in position for this and we heard talking about overnight and this morning. What happened was we had a stoppage…We identified who it was. That is not important. The main thing is that they corrected that. Now we have what we believe to be is clear sailing. …I am hearing a lot of very good things about our timing and position. It is just hard to give you all of that particular information. So I am going to say that we should all be prepared… I am feeling this is the week…There is not a whole lot else I can tell you except we are very close. Let’s see what happens.

4-11-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The recent article from the WTO is motivational for Iraq but until they have exports and reduce dependence on oil they will not get full of accession.

4-11-2018 Intel Guru Delta It was supposed to happen in first quarter. Feel like we are in limbo. How stupid! Over 3000 contracts on sidelines, waiting to come into Iraq. Trump knows number of US citizens who hold Dinars. Article 8 can be retroactive…IMF approves. Iraq has to lift 3 zeros in order to be International. They can’t trade on Forex without a rate change. It’s a matter of days, days, hours, minutes…Thursday is official holiday + Friday/Saturday. Getting closer & closer.

4-11-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick Articles: “URGENT Cabinet launches cash subsidies to citizens” “Council of Ministers Launches Conditional Cash Benefits for Citizens” Coming soon: Launch …. (big smile)

4-10-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Well when i started 10 years about I thought rv too! …there is a reason they cant…The CBI…said they would join the world currency exchange…How without a float…the CBI will have to get off the peg…and float. …the value is 1184 that is what it will start at…They will move to a float prior to opening the CBI Capital Account…In doing so, the CBI can raise the value as inflationary pressure is created from investment…we know they must float because global investment will cause inflation in Iraq and Iraq must have a plan to counter that…could it rise fast? sure…how fast? no idea. As the dinar appreciates in value the CBI will introduce smaller notes as needed. Same for the larger notes, they will disappear. …From the CBI… “A source at the Central Bank of Iraq for four companies currently competing to win a draft print the new Iraqi dinar, which will generate graceful after deleting three zeros from him, while Samay central bank to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar gradually down to the day to start replacement where the value will be in the absence of a fluctuating one Iraqi dinars equivalent to U.S. dollars one.”

4-10-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …just a little over a week ago…the prime minster of Iraq Abadi came out and told the news media and I quote – “THE SUBJECT OF DELETING ZEROS FROM THE CURRENCY IS READY BUT NEEDS A SUITABLE ENVIRONMENT TO BE APPLIED TO PREVENT MANIPULATION AND FRAUD”. Then in a follow up article shortly after we heard and I quote from the article- “THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT STANDS WITH THE CENTRAL BANK’S DRAFT TO DELETE THREE ZEROS OF THE CURRENCY, BECAUSE IT SEES IT “HURT THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SYSTEM OF CASH PAYMENTS,” ACCORDING TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISER TO THE PRIME MINISTER” So now we know the CBI and GOI are on the same page. This is fantastic news. We need the GOI to support this action of the CBI. Just too bad they both support a postponement.

4-10-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I went back a few weeks and recorded the spread based on the articles so we could get some sort of beginning timeline for the 2% compliance. This is what I found…2/28 1220, 3/10 1215, 3/14 1215, 3/14 1210, 3/15 1207, 3/15 1213, 3/18 1210, 3/18 1213, 3/20 1207. So to me, it looks like the CBI meet compliance around March 15.

4-10-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO There is nothing left to study as far as the progression of the monetary reform. It was supposed to happen in first quarter. (Jan. 1- Mar. 31) IMO We are in limbo in April and there are elections approaching in May. IMO We are at the edge of cliff as far as the monetary reform is concerned. The governor of the CBI says to the Iraqi media that they are ready to lift the 3 zero’s. IMO.. We believe that some firms in Iraq have been given notice of preparation within 24 hours of when they are to turn on their ATM machines. IMO We just need to wait for it. [Guru] Walkingstick tells me that we can’t get any closer than we are right now. I believe that it is finished and this is the moment.