Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-10-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-10-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-10-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO There is nothing left to study as far as the progression of the monetary reform. It was supposed to happen in first quarter. (Jan. 1- Mar. 31) IMO We are in limbo in April and there are elections approaching in May. IMO We are at the edge of cliff as far as the monetary reform is concerned. The governor of the CBI says to the Iraqi media that they are ready to lift the 3 zero’s. IMO.. We believe that some firms in Iraq have been given notice of preparation within 24 hours of when they are to turn on their ATM machines. IMO We just need to wait for it. [Guru] Walkingstick tells me that we can’t get any closer than we are right now. I believe that it is finished and this is the moment.

4-10-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 [You imply that Ray [Guru RayRen98] has access to the current/new rates…] Dinar = $3.71, dong = 47 cents, rupiah = $1.08, etc., same as before. [Last autumn you came out with 47 cents for the dong, and you said that was in-country.] I didn’t say that – I said 47 cents was the rate on the screen. I have no idea what the rate is in Vietnam. That 47 cents is or will be the rate here in the United States. That’s the RV rate.

4-10-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Ramadan begins Wednesday, May 15, 2018 and ends Thursday, June 14, 2018.

4-9-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …The news in Jan-March has been fantastic and, like all of you, I too am now disappointed we did not get the RV. But remember it was all predicated off a target date and if other events did not get done they simply cancel the RV and move to another target date…First of all I did not say the process was all complete. Instead it was the CBI and the GOI. Secondly the “process” we refer to is the “project to delete the zeros”. This is the process they are talking about. But this does not mean that there are not other issues or items they feel they need done in order to support the project to delete the zeros. …So here is the latest situation…

4-9-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The Scheduled RV for Jan 2018 is postponed. This target extended from Jan 1st up until end March 31st. This was the window. Will we have to wait until next January then for another window for the RV? The good news is probably NOT. I do not say this because it is “my opinion” but rather I say this because this is what Iraq just told us…Until we hear differently this is where we stand. I quote from the 4/4 article – “Jamil Antoine predicted that THE PROJECT WOULD BE IMPLEMENTED AFTER THE LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS SCHEDULED FOR NEXT MAY”. This is the RV Saga. The CBI must constantly adjust to get the correct timing of this RV event.

4-9-2018 Newshound Guru chattels The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar stabilized for the third day in a row Sunday, 08 April 2018.

4-9-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Urgent policy .. White House: Trump is talking by telephone with Abadi, the situation of Syria” Lets look at this also. Abadi heads a meeting today to secure the Borders. That in part would have implications to currency flows in and out of country. There could be plenty of gang members looking to make some serious coin if at all possible by exploiting a weak border when the adjustment comes into full force. We now hear that the directive is for future re construction to begin in earnest. That in one part of the Country, of there 2018 Budget there is an allocation of 15% of 85 Billion Dinars. That was the shot the borders heard in that meeting, imo. The Zeros are lifted. They are talking billions of Dinars not Trillions. Thus, being 1:1 from the looks of it in print. Keep in mind that armament deals are not cheap…