Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-1-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-1-2020
4-1-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the same reserves that they use to support their currency exchange rate is what they are talking about tapping into now. The IMF is not going allow that. Why? Because the IMF wants them to raise the value of their currency and they need those reserves in order to raise the value of their currency…the only move is to exhale and raise the value of the currency…they need to jump into the international market with their own currency, with their own value.
4-1-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …these people in parliament we all know they’re corrupt…we know there’s been a huge crackdown on this. Guess what? Trump’s now supporting this guy [Zafari] and he wants him to put in the government that they are going to support…this is the kind of movement we want to see…Trump’s not playing around anymore. He’s already forming his next agenda and what he’s gonna do over there in Iraq and he’s implementing it right away. These guys should have their government formed voted on and implemented somewhere between the middle and the end of April. It’s funny how all of these things are happening right around April…this is some good news. This is exciting…all this pertains to what’s gonna happen to the dinar. We really want this country to really get stable…I think you’re gonna see a lot of action happen here between now and the end of this next month…
4-1-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat There are lots of articles out there about many options and suggestions as to how Iraq intends to deal with the down turn in the oil revenues. These are ONLY suggestions…Take this all with a grain of salt. Nothing will be done until the new PM is ratified. They can not proceed without him/her and so the pressure is on.
3-31-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [I have heard that CDC representatives will be at the redemption centers.] I have heard that the CDC along with Homeland Security have been going to all these centers to make sure provisions and guidelines are followed …I hope this is true and it will be a good and safe exchange process for us all.
3-31-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Currency Manipulation and Countervailing Duties” Quote: “On April 6, 2020, the rule is to go into effect and U.S. industries can begin submitting petitions for potential relief to the U.S. International Trade Commission and Commerce’s International Trade Administration” I’ll bet that the data we are witnessing now out of Irag, USA, GB, CBs, etc., is that they are gearing for Iraq to be playing with the big boyz in and on the INTERNATIONAL STAGE!!! There are no coincidences imo..
3-31-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “The central bank clarifies the fact that it is not possible to pay salaries next month” Quote: “…Iraq’s cash reserves are currently $ 60 billion,” pointing out that “there is no reason to worry about that.” Raise the value on the Dinar and their reserves are much more!
3-31-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Question “..what is the most amazing thing that you see?” That they have stopped using the dollar and the mechanism [currency auctions] that uses the dollar. And the fact that that mechanism has has the potential to use the American dollar in a very fair way…
3-31-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Still hearing good things about this week… Banking contacts are still hopeful they will see their funds release tomorrow…that is what they are being told…i don’t see how that is possible because of the logistics for exchange centers which are running on a skeleton crew. They have sick people with sick family members. I do not know how they will roll this out…They are still trying to figure this one out.