Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-9-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-9-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-9-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY (CBI)” Quote: “…the Central Bank of Iraq to encourage reliance on the national currency in financial transactions inside Iraq provided by the banking system and non-bank financial institutions” It is articles like this one that is music to my ears (eyes)…Yes, we know for sure and without a doubt that the reinstatement of the Iraq dinar is just around the corner.

3-9-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Iraq does a tremendous amount of trade with Vietnam and Vietnam is already prepared and ready to change their value. The US state dept has been pushing them to change their value …I have been told…that the same time Iraq goes…or within days…then Vietnam will go as well…

3-8-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man There’s some interesting information. The Ministry of Planning and the European Union are supporting Iraq to join the World Trade Organization…European Union, International Trade Center and Department of International cooperation … getting together for that support. We’re going to see how these guys work it out…progress is underway. It’s not stopping…

3-8-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “An ‘important’ statement from Al-Kazemi regarding the recent arrest warrants against his government team” Al-Kazemi has become the Donald Trump of Iraq. As soon as that guy got out of office they’re going to go after him with everything trying very hard to find ways to implement this guy so they could throw him in jail.

3-8-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Banks are still seeing different rates on the screens. The one that pops up most is a dinar rate of $1.51. It could just be a place holder.

3-8-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East A friend of mine told me…you can transfer money from Iraq to anywhere in the world. That’s very good news. I’m happy…

3-8-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Over the weekend, we found out that we had so called green light turned on by military to begin exchanges …we also had the green light turned on by the Treasury to begin these exchanges…we do feel that we are very close to the end of our ride…we should be getting clearance to land this baby, any day… I don’t have an actual window for you. I don’t have an actual timeframe… but we know that this is very close, and we just have to wait it out.

3-8-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …we do not need to be concerned about the budget…as we understand it – we need the rate before the budget. The important part of the budget is the hydrocarbon law.(HCL) which is the sharing of oil revenues with the Iraqi people…

3-8-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are talking about using the dinar and not the dollar. They keep telling us the dinar will have more value… FRANK: This is the 3rd time in Firefly’s report – ‘they’re telling us to hold onto our dinar because it’s going to have more value’. The 3-Zero note you have [Firefly] they want you to hold onto them because you’re going to trade them in for the new exchange rate that has more purchasing value…your ticket to paradise is your 3-zero notes internally. My ticket to paradise is the same 3-zero notes but externally.

3-8-2023 Guest Guru Deepwoodz Article: “The draft budget law 2023 will not be included on the cabinet table” Quote: “the draft budget law for the current year will be ready and will be sent to the House of Representatives by the end of this month.” Great news! We don’t want the budget yet.

3-8-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Sistani Grand Ayatollah coming out and talking about foreign currency exchange with the citizens is some of the best education I’ve seen in 13 years. I take it very seriously. I’m very excited about it because he’s not a banker. He’s not a businessman. He is a cleric. He’s a religious man. But when he speaks to his citizens they listen and so what he did was he was educating them…it’s all good for us.

3-8-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The news has been great and we know Iraq is ready for it. It is my understanding again that they need the rate before the budget. This news is encouraging and we can see the logical steps towards the establishment of their currency. We are hearing similar things from Vietnam that they are also ready…I have been told by folks involved in it…that we are minute to minute. And yes…it is event driven. I wish I could tell you more than that.

3-8-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The article that is about to come out will deal with depictions [Of the new small category notes]…visual aids. They will also give them descriptions – security features, size, the number of notes to be released, denominations, the category of the denominations, colors. Everything that they put on these new small category notes is all about Iraqi history…They will explain to them how to do the exchange from the large 3-zero notes to the new small category notes and coins/fils…They will talk about how this will affect the market place.

3-8-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] They will explain to them in detail…purchasing power…and how to use it in their markets. The pricing in the markets will have to be adjusted and will be explained…They will be made aware of the time frame to exchange from the higher notes to the lower notes and any co-existing of currency…The wiring of currency outside of their country to wherever they want will be explained to them in details…BTW All of this is going to be in that article in the coming days…Anything on the banking services there will be a slew of articles coming very soon…All of this monetary reform education is for the citizens of Iraq and not for the investors…

3-8-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AFTER 20 YEARS… WILL ARTICLE 140 BECOME A REALITY?” There is a real movement for the implementation of Article (140) of the Iraqi constitution. As we all should know the new Iraqi constitution must be fully implemented or at least on it way prior to the reinstatement… we see yet another positive sign that the Al-Sudani administration is very serious about finally implementing Article 140…