Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-9-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-9-2021
3-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 …The international world has been set up to enter Iraq. We can see the articles. The international world would not dare enter Iraq if they have not been in Article 8, if all the UN sanctions had not been removed, if they didn’t have protection for their currency…they are article 8 and that’s why counties are coming into Iraq. Because they lifted the value of their currency, whether it be on the secondary books electronically or whatever. It’s been done…the international world is ready to come into Iraq. That screams a new rate…IMO 1-2-3 this is it!
3-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Does the market need to crash before we see the RV?] …not necessarily…a crash of course would force the issue…but we have been seeing corrections in our markets already. Bond markets are approaching 2% and I was told when they hit 3% then there would be an implosion and a reset. So do we have to see one…no…but will we see a crash because they keep dragging their feet…there is a good chance…The market crash should happen after we exchange…
3-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AL-KAABI CALLS FOR A SERIOUS AND URGENT STOP TO RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE” Just so much news about the exchange rate. Yes, lots of pressure from all directions to finally go back to a normalized rate and off the sole de facto peg of the US dollar. It is time. It will happen. I can not give you a time as I do not know, but I do know they are discussing it and making plans for it in 2021 not 2022.
3-8-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff I knew in my gut they would have to have some type of celebration event before they do go international…you may not have realized it but the pope being in Iraq was actually that big celebration event. It was the grand finale before Iraq does revalue the currency… Article: “The Pope’s visit to Iraq restored the country to its international status” …this is huge. This is powerful.
3-8-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Kissinger: Biden must uphold Trump Administration’s “Brilliant” Policy in the Middle East” …What? I couldn’t believe it! Trump tried to bring peace to the Middle East. Kissinger supporting this makes me kind of nervous…whenever these people support anything you got to get weary about it. I’m a huge supporter of Trump but I pray to God that I don’t find out that this guy was secretly somehow some way the boogeyman…whenever Kissinger agrees with you that’s kind of a scary thing…
3-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [What makes people think the dong rate will be between .47 and $2.27?] Most people get that based on a reinstatement of currency. If they reinstate their currency it would be about $2.21 or so…just re-establishing the value to where it was before they devalued it. The .47 cents showed on a lot of bank screens all over the world a few years ago when it seemed that we were very close before….
3-8-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff They’re not going to approve the budget…until Saturday March 20th. This is becoming so predictable. They’re gonna do the budget 24 hours before they change the rate. It’s that simple…
3-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of chatter in Iraq over the weekend as they have met all of their obligations and are ready to adjust their value…it feels like Groundhog Day but last week in Iraq they did pass some key pieces of legislation with their white papers and the budget…we are right on the cusp of this happening…it is just painful because nobody knows the exact timing…
3-8-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Representative economic: The conditions are ready to adjust the exchange rate and the oil barrel in the budget” This is a great article…Iraq hasn’t revealed the true price of oil to you nor have they shown you the true dinar amount contained in that budget…They’re hiding those numbers and figures from you so you cannot see that this budget is linked to the rate change…we’re in a great position. This ride’s over in about two Sundays IMO…