Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-6-2025

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-6-2025

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-6-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man The Development Road project has global support and that is clear as day to me. What we see today, Iraq is ready for their revaluation of their currency. Why…? Inflation levels – low. Interest rates high globally, which is good, key. Economic performance of their GDP, which they’re going to grow, which is huge. Foreign investment and government policies in place for investors. And overall market sentiment. A countries currency is revalued when its economic strength is perceived right.

3-6-2025 Newshound Guru Samson “Al-Ziyadi: Budget tables will reach Parliament next week”

3-6-2026 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We had heard that the bond holders have received, but we haven’t confirmed it yet that they have received their emails…that gives them access or tells them when they get access to their accounts at the same time, we get emails giving us a toll free number to set our appointments…

3-6-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 Look at the 8 oil companies that do not want to start the flow of the oil. Ask yourself, why? IMO the answer is because the new exchange rate has not been revealed to them yet. Sudani protects it until he is ready…If and when the oil starts flowing, it should be with the same new exchange rate that is in the budget…This oil cannot flow at 1310. It’s literally impossible mathematically let alone financially…

3-6-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the budget schedules are not even expected to get sent to parliament for review until mid-March. Even when they do, I assure you we are not going to see the new RV rate. The rate is not in the budget and we are not waiting for these damned schedules to come out for the RV.

3-5-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 It is continuing the pattern that no one is saying it’s a scam. If they do say it’s a scam it’s probably a teller but everything behind the teller, what do they say? ‘Not at this moment.’, ‘Not right now.’, ‘No we’re not exchanging.’ But they don’t say it’s a scam anymore. That’s good.

3-5-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Parliamentary Finance: We expect the budget tables to reach Parliament in the middle of this month” Quote “…the government will send the schedules in the middle or before the end of this month…”

3-5-2025 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Changes are happening in Iraq. We can only hope this means an increase, even a small increase, in the value of the currency is on the agenda further down the road. We have reason to believe the value of the currency will automatically push up once the Development Road Project is in place…

3-5-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu Though the BRICS have been doing a lot of saber-rattling about breaking away from the dollar…OPEC remains king of oil and that means all oil transactions will be in USD. Here is the latest report from “The Minister of Oil” on Iraq’s part in OPEC and their reassurance and adherence to the rules of OPEC. Article “The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has reaffirmed its full commitment to the OPEC+ production agreement, including additional voluntary cuts and compensation for excess production…The Ministry of Oil emphasized the crucial role of OPEC+ agreements in stabilizing global oil markets and highlighted the importance of collective efforts from all member states to maintain market balance.”

3-5-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
It appears to us there was no auction on Monday. We don’t see anything on the television and the news like usual. We don’t see it… FRANK: We noticed that too that there were no auctions. I really don’t care…The auctions are no longer important to us but I’d like to see the flow of money, of cash money, I don’t know if this is Sudani’s way of continuing to hide information from Parliament. That’s the only reason I can come up with…

3-5-2025 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The overwhelming amount of my bond sources are very excited about what they have learned today and the appointments they have been to. They are now being told that all the seven major groups will be paid in full over the next two weeks… Now that does not mean we [currency holders] will be waiting that long. But this is huge news… I am excited about the sheer number of contacts that told me today was the day they started moving forward. …I continue to be told that by the 17th or 18th of March all bonds would be paid. I was always told only a portion needed to be paid before we [currency holders] get to go…I think things will get pretty exciting over the upcoming week.

3-5-2025 Newshound Guru Samson “Expert: Stopping the currency auction at the Central Bank of Iraq is behind the return of the dollar’s ​​rise”

3-5-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re still focused in on that digitization of Iraq and digital currencies. The effects of that are going to be profound…The use of currency is not going to be the way it was in the past in Iraq. They are going to a cash less society. Not completely no cash but they’re going that way. The amount of small denominations that they’ve talked about will be limited. It won’t be as profound as it has been in the past that’s for sure.

3-5-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Alaq: 20 Iraqi banks practice direct transfer operations” Quote: “Today, there are 20 Iraqi banks practicing direct transfer operations with international correspondents in eight foreign currencies, within the new system.”

3-5-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 We’re looking for the printing of the new budget. We want something in print so we can see.

3-5-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat In the midst of the issues with Iran and the U.S., things are still moving ahead in Iraq. It may be an uphill battle for Al-Sudani and Al Ali-Alaq but they is still aggressively moving forward…the dinar is finally rising in relation to the dollar. Yes, the dinar is finally slowly rising. It should not be long before Iraq rises to the top of the middle east and they advance in the rest of the world in global stature. [Post 2 of 2]

3-5-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we are not likely to see any reinstatement of the dinar until Iran is broken. I mean the government leadership toppled and the terrorist networks abolished…I am told by my CBI contact this must take place to move ahead in Iraq and free Iraq. As long as Iran exists in its present state, the U.S. is NOT going to release (or free) its dinar to the world. [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

3-5-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: Really will be glad to see an end to this “movie”. MarkZ: I think they are about to run the credits.