Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-31-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-31-17
3-31-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG When we talk about the price tag the IMF and the UN have put on Mosul…one has to wonder exactly what leverage the UN has in this game… It is clear what say the IMF has – they are the IMF… but the UN, on the other hand, not so clear…unless viewed through this narrow window. I doubt the UN will allow Iraq an immediate exit from Chapter 7 – the sanctions, yes… the protection… I just doubt it. What does this mean for us? As long as they are doing as the IMF and UN have laid out for them – no reason the IMF and the UN won’t support a return “international acceptance and integration”…and that is all any of us care about. [what has to happen for them to get out of chapter 7] A better question – and the one we all really want to know is… do they even have to be fully out of Chapter 7? My guess. No – they do not…
3-31-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout Article: “Abadi calls during his meeting with the Secretary of the United Nations to remove Iraq from Chapter VII” IMO) Abadi can only be asking because, along with other criteria, they are ready, or he would not have asked in front of the world…I think it says volumes about where they are.
3-31-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Abadi calls during a meeting with Secretary of the United Nations to remove Iraq from Chapter VII” Quote: “{Baghdad} Euphrates News called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to remove Iraq from Chapter VII to end the occupation of Kuwait and file resolutions imposed on the people of Iraq because of Saddam’s regime policies.” This is important and will motivate them to get the dinar engaged with the global financial system.
3-31-2017 Newshound Guru 1bobby …if we look at CH 7, the 2 big ones that were given back to Iraq were the right to defend themselves and control of their currency. Having the U.N announce the removal of CH 7 to the world is what Abadi’s looking for.
3-31-2017 RUMOR Guru Bruce We are not getting any information that we thought we would get today regarding the Arab Summit in Jordan where President Arabi [Abadi?] was the 2nd speaker to speak yesterday morning. We believe he made the announcements he needed to make to inform the people what was going on with Iraq, take back of Mosul, etc. I really think that was all done, but not heard confirmation out of the Middle East. We did hear from the Far East that everything was done and accomplished. Are we going to have an announcement out of there and in our news? It is hard to say. I think they are still holding back the discussion of Iraq dinar being revalued, Iraq returning to sovereignty. Remember they will use the terms like Fair Trade Value instead of the term RV… I believe this is imminent for us. I am excited now as I ever have been in my life. It has been one of anticipation. The revaluation of the blessing has started. We are at the end of our road. We are right there for this to manifest for us.
3-30-2017 Newshound Guru 1bobby Article: “Abadi calls during his meeting with the Secretary of the United Nations to remove Iraq from Chapter VII” We knew that Iraq was NOT out of Chapter 7, but not in a stranglehold as they had been. They now have the right to defend themselves and control their currency. The issues that are outstanding are the reparations to Kuwait and to the best of my knowledge the Oil for Food/Medicine Program. Now if we look back to late last year Iraq made an announcement that the OFP had ended. If we recall the U.N Rep stated that Iraq has made great progress as far as the OFP and the June date was set as a “let’s see what happens between now and then” kind of a date. For Abadi to publicly come out and ask the U.N Secretary General to no longer associate Iraq with Ch 7, is a big move on his part and I doubt he’s expecting a no answer. They can still have working files, but to have the U.N come out and publicly rid Iraq of the CH 7 shadow would be a huge move forward. As we have seen Kuwait has been a big supporter of Iraq as of late and has continuously been working with Iraq on outstanding issues.
3-30-2017 Newshound Guru MadDScout Quote: “Little by little, we are seeing roads being repaired and replaced. Electricity is being repaired and upgraded. They have launched satellites that will connect them to the rest of the world. Banks are being updated and brought up to international standards and ready to meet the needs of an international community. The corruption that was once rampant is now being checked at the door.” If one has been here long enough, then the news we see now is night and day, as far as progress, and they are getting more and more a better handle on security…
3-30-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “IRAQ’S CURRENT ECONOMIC OUTLOOK AND HOW IT CAN AFFECT DINAR VALUE” Quote: “With the economic boom led by Iraq’s oil industry, the national currency in the form of the Dinar will eventually rise to reflect the true value of the country’s oil wealth. The rise will most likely happen when the National Bank of Iraq lifts the artificially low value placed on the nation’s currency in 2003.” When a Nation Uses and Trades in it’s OWN Currency it automatically adds Value and Confidence (Trust) in it. Yes this Baby is Born…But it is in it’s infancy…Soon to walk to a run…Quickly. The whole article gives me chilly bumps…!
3-30-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “On the sidelines of the Arab summit .. Abadi meets Emir of Kuwait” Sideline meetings at these summit meetings, I have long stressed that more happens on the “sidelines” than really does at the established meetings…and this says they talked of bilateral strengthening…but what they don’t tell you is what was discussed before the cameras started to roll…those are the important words…
3-30-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Iraq’s Current Economic Outlook And How it Can Affect Dinar Value” Quote: “With the economic boom led by Iraq’s oil industry, the national currency in the form of the Dinar will eventually rise to reflect the true value of the country’s oil wealth. The rise will most likely happen when the National Bank of Iraq lifts the artificially low value placed on the nation’s currency in 2003.” The problem with that statement is the dinar is not artificially low. It reflects the current exchange rate based on the current conditions. Remember, Shabibi raised the value already from about 3000 / $1 to 1186 /$1 back in 2004-2005 to reduce inflation. Until the market economy takes off, IMO we will not the dinar rise the remainder of the way. To me, making such a statement as “artificially low value”…shows a lack of understanding..
3-30-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is reporting ISIS occupying only 7% of Mosul. Abadi speech mostly on people of Iraq and reconstruction. He made reference of peace and wealth transfer. He said Iraq is 93 % liberated of Isis. The following reports have come in…Big explosions and fires in southern Baghdad. Kurdish flag placed in Kirkuk, they are demanding the HCL. Parliament is on break until April 4.
3-30-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: “Saudi king of Ebadi: Saudi Arabia with the restoration of Iraq’s great role in the region” Abadi is making hay left and right at this Summit…he is taking internationalism to a new level for his country and its people.