Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-27-2025
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-27-2025
3-27-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 Peace = New exchange rate. Right now everything is frozen…Stability will allow the new exchange rate to come out.
3-27-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man There’s a lot of blow-back from these different tribal factions..but the cash cow which was the parallel markets is going to go away and a lot of that money grift is going to go away. It’s going to be a painful situation for a lot of people. It’s going to be a big blessing to the citizens…
3-27-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Will they still exchange out the three zero notes to the new lower denominations? I firmly believe this project will still take place. When they tell us that the digital dinar will eliminate expenses of printing currency they are talking mainly about the large sums of paper dinars that would have to be transported outside of Iraq to pay their bills for imports…also the CBI told us that our large three zero notes will remain in circulation but only used at the banks for “inter-banking” transactions between countries and banks.
3-27-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Some interesting news from the group side…There are reports from other people’s contacts saying a number of the groups have their funds and are preparing for distribution. Members of the groups do not have those funds yet. I heard this starting from reputable contacts late yesterday …This gives me hope we are about to see those distributions…Once that goes – then it is all ready to roll.
3-27-2025 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …the rates on the bank screens are tied to the Forex, and the rates have been blinking. They started blinking very quickly on forex and bank screens and redemption center screens too…Now redemption center screens are not tied to Forex. They’re tied to something that’s different. They can be…put at whatever rate needs to be there for that particular currency, for us and for others too. …starting Friday or Saturday…they slowed down…pretty soon, you’re going to have the rates stabilized. The rates will settle in a given rate…And that’s what we wanted to see. Monday…they settled in…That means the rates are there on the redemption center screens, and that’s a good thing for us…I’m hearing very good things about everything moving forward for us…all is being positioned for release… we should be getting our notifications telling us that we can…begin setting appointments…and going in for our exchanges.
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote “…as crypto currencies gain traction, the IMF’s updated guidelines will play a crucial roll in shaping the future of the global economic statistics and financial regulation.” What are they telling us? Iraq is introducing a digital dinar.
3-26-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 The currents of Iraq are only flowing in a direction of a new exchange rate. It’s not flowing towards 1310.
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “To discuss investment opportunities… a US delegation will visit Iraq soon.” Quote: “Iraq is currently witnessing remarkable economic development…The United States is also showing increasing interest in these opportunities…especially in light of the government directives of the Prime Minister and the efforts made to facilitate the business environment and provide guarantees and incentives to foreign investors.”
3-26-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick Trump actually said we can take Iraq’s oil as repayment. You think these 20 years we’re not going to get paid back? We got paid back by Kuwait…Therefore the oil flowing in Iraq is not just a statement in Iraq, IMO it is a forced action to start the oil flowing now. This would expose the budget tables. This Iraqi monetary reform, I got a feeling about it and that feeling has a lot to do with the quick actions of Donald Trump that we are witnessing.
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man Regarding the exchange rate article quote “The official exchange rate will become the prevailing and sole one as will the digital exchange rate adopted by monetary policy.” He’s talking about the official exchange rate. He’s not necessarily talking about 1310. He says the official exchange rate ‘will become’, that sounds to be like it’ll be something different and it’ll be a sole one on its own.
3-26-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
They’re talking about oil revenues to the citizens. They have not talked to us about our oil in quite a while. In fact, what they’re talking about has not been brought to us since 2018 when they said we have a special card just for this. Now all of a sudden we are now hearing this again today. FRANK: Those cards are basically HCL cards. If they’re talking to them about it? There’s so many things pointing in one direction. FIREFlY: This is obviously the HCL coming to us because of a new exchange rate soon. FRANK: IMO this is the preparation for the HCL that is about to be given to you because of that new exchange rate.
3-26-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are still waiting for the Iraq budget tables. And I hear they are working on those today. Many still believe there is a new rate hidden in there.
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Behind-the-scenes activity: an expected US-Iran agreement and a radical shift in regional strategies.”
3-26-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu There is still a lot of article content talking about foolishness like parallel markets, hoarded Dinar, and corruption. This is a smoke screen as Iraq stalls for time to put together their Digital Dinar protocol…Installation is the very best, a three week job, in Iraq, that translates into a 12 week job…Hoarded dinar is a ridiculous claim. They have already claimed in writing that they have 70% of the three zero notes in house…It doesn’t pass the smell test. So parallel markets and hoarding are thin excuses at best and deceptions at the worst.
3-26-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu Corruption is a permanent fixture …and that’s true for every Nation. There will always be criminals. There are agreements and meetings about reinforcing laws to stop corruption with many nations so we take that completely out of the excuse category. The truth is, the training is going slowly and is incomplete at this time and the hoarding is a weak minded excuse for those with weak intellect. Get the electronic cross-border payments under control and we will see the RI.
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man We haven’t heard anything about the oil running…It hasn’t started through the Cyan Port. Salaries haven’t been completely 100% sorted, the ’23, ’24 budget schedules haven’t been exposed and they haven’t gone to the parliament yet. But now parliament is pushing for that to happen. What are they waiting for? They’re waiting for an exchange rate…
3-26-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Blessed by Tehran, a ‘framework’ agreement to protect American interests and prohibit unilateral military support for Palestine.” Article quote: “The main forces within the Coordination Framework…reached an agreement to remove the Popular Mobilization Forces from the political file, in addition to merging all factions within the Popular Mobilization Forces Authority. The agreement stipulates that all Popular Mobilization Forces…are subject to the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces only, and that no party may act outside the framework of official military orders under any name or reason…noting that Tehran, which is the supporter of the axis of resistance, has supported this” Is this for real? Because if this if for real…we now have security and stability!
3-26-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Blessed by Tehran, a ‘framework’ agreement to protect American interests and prohibit unilateral military support for Palestine.” Quote: “the Coordination Framework forces reached a preliminary agreement stipulating the integration of armed factions into the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and the commitment of all parties to the orders of the supreme military command. The agreement also included refraining from attacking US interests in Iraq and halting operations outside the country’s borders”
3-26-2025 Intel Guru Wolverine [via Judy Byington] I…received news from a group saying that payments are approved and it’s on it’s way. This is our week everyone…
3-26-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still hearing from different groups that they are still moving people and getting them into place. But there is a concerted effort to squash leaks so it doesn’t hurt the timing. I will respect that. We do not know the timing but from the movement of people-things appear to be very close.
3-26-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Will cash paper dinar coincide with the digital dinar? Article: “RAFIDAIN BANK DEPLOYS ATMS AT 5 STATIONS IN BAGHDAD” Why would they deploy yet more ATMs now. Don’t forget also the hundreds of ATMs deployed throughout Iraq in the past. Why would they do this if not still expecting to use cash at some level. Article Quote: “Rafidain Bank announced the deployment of automated teller machines (ATMs) at a number of stations, allowing customers to conduct withdrawals and deposits easily and safely…” So, now we see the ATMs would only be needed if there is still a need for cash.