Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-26-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-26-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-26-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: [How many months will we have to exchange our dinar before our dinar is null and void?] The amount of time will be determined by the CBI. Once phase 1 starts at 1 to 1 in country then the citizens of Iraq will be told you have this much time to turn in the 3-zero notes…we don’t know how long yet. But they will tell you how long. IMO whatever they establish in-country will reflect out-country…

3-26-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni They were many conflicting articles last December when the Central Bank of Iraq devalued the currency to 1460 to $1. It turns out they actually floated the currency for a short period of time… Article quote: “Under this pressure, and pressure from international institutions, the Iraqi authorities last December, a partial float of the currency, by reducing the price of the dinar to 1460 against the dollar…”

3-26-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Can you quickly explain how the RV will affect Vietnam, Iraq etc. If whole population exchanges they would all be rich? Who works then?] in the local markets they will see an increase in value. Their standard of living is lower then ours because their currency is depressed. Also the values there will be a lower level then what you and I will exchange at. Then it will come up to a “street level”…they will definitely get relief and will be able to afford better things.

3-26-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff This year you will not see a 12-month annual budget drafted or brought forward from Iraq. Because Iraq is not doing a budget they will not be changing the rate at this current fiscal period we’re at now – around April 1st. There’s not going to be any rate changes because of what they’re working on right now… 1460 that’s where it’s going to stay.

3-25-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I just learned this this afternoon…You know forever that we’ve been talking about both emails and toll free numbers – right? Well the emails are coming out from a secure website a secure link website – and the theory is and this is how it should happen – that you can respond back and set up your appointment through a return email that you get that you are able to create through the SecureLink website…so you can respond back or go to the SecureLink website which ever it is…and essentially create the time based on the perimeters that they give you for available times etc etc – ok – some of this stuff is new and I don’t really know exactly how it’s going to work but it will be something that we can do…In addition…I should get the 800 numbers and be able to put those out…to have them available…

3-25-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] […Iraqi people are changing 1 to 1 the DINAR for US dollars within Iraq only. IS THIS TRUE?] No it is not true. I have spoken to people in Iraq…boots on the ground from Fallujah, to Bagdad to all over the country… I have a business contact from Australia there and he is very clear that this is not occurring yet…are they expecting it soon? Has physical cash dinar started trading a little higher in the market place there unofficially to try to start aggregating it there…. Yes …but there is no 1 to 1 rate there yet.

3-25-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “We will oblige the government to restore the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was previously” What do they mean “previously”? Did they mean previously to the $3.22 rate? There’s a lot of that chatter going on – Or to the one I was talking about which is 1190 dinars…my opinion it would be back to where it was before which is one dollar for every 1190 dinars. That’s just my opinion. Could they be talking about the rate that it used to be at $3.22? People are trying to figure out what this means…

3-25-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 No body knows when this is going to happen. It looks like it’s here doesn’t it? I will admit this is the closest I’ve ever seen it…the new small category notes IMO are coming out very soon at a 1 to 1 rate…didn’t I say to you you’d see a plethora, a mountain, a pile, a cornucopia of nothing but articles about the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the American dollar…

3-25-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …everything seems to be on track for Saturday when Iraq votes at 1 pm their time…We expected it last Saturday…they moved the date…i think 2 weeks is the worst case scenario so we can manage our expectations…it’s a “when” not an “if”…

3-25-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we know…in Iraq – this has been several days ago now – that the dinar was at $1.00 in comparison to the USN dollar…it was on par – same value…in country…You remember when Dr Shabibi said the dinar could support – and that is still where we roughly where we believe we are going to be – on the dinar here – for a while – and then when we are done with our exchanges at the redemption centers and tier 1 banks that’s when the rates will revert back to a so called normal trading rate – same thing will be true for the dong – and other currencies at some point we will be on par against a level playing field with many many countries…

3-25-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Legal expert: Parliament legislation is not binding on the central bank” Parliament cannot do anything with the exchange rate. Decisions on the exchange rate can only be made and decided by the central bank…

3-25-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many of the MPs say they will now boycott the voting process and not vote on approving the 2021 budget except in the case of returning the previous dollar exchange rate to 1200. So as time passes and oil rises, they are making this a contentious issue. So again, I am telling you that because oil is rising and the CBI is still keeping the rate at about 1450 tells us there is much more to the devaluation of the dinar that meets the eye. It is now obvious that it is not all just about balancing the budget and paying off debt…It was also about collecting the larger notes out of circulation in preparation for the deleting the zeros project. This project will mean a revaluation of the dinar to significant levels that we as investors want.