Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-2025
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-2025
3-2-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Kuwait is the size of a state inside of Iraq and their currency is the strongest. But not for long. FRANK: I love your attitude these last few days buddy! IMO the Iraqi dinar is soon to swallow the Kuwait currency let alone all of the currencies in the Middle East and possibly in the world.
3-2-2025 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Bond people possibly starting getting paid has nothing to do with the rate we will get on currency. They are two separate gigs. But if they are starting to receive dollars – it very much tells us it is soon. Do we know when? No we do not. Not yet… Some of the bond facilitators have gotten spendable dollars…
ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM TO GLOBAL NETWORKS” Quote: “…we achieved international integration by linking the Iraqi electronic payment system to global payment networks, which allows the transformation of accepting foreign cards locally and expanding the acceptance of Iraqi cards internationally,”
3-1-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 This investment of ours can cause us doubt. But you know what? Doubt always asks a question. It’s faith that answers the question. I know some of you may doubt that this will every happen but I have faith that it will and that’s my opinion…My belief cancels any doubt…unbelief doesn’t want the answer.
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man They’re hoping the citizens will bring all that hoarded money from aboard, like in the United States and around the world along with all the citizens who have it under their mattresses and in their garages, to…bring it into the banking system so they can have a deposit, they can get what they deserve…purchasing power…Banks can use that money to facilitate the reconstruction effort. That’s what a new economy will do.
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Office of Imam Sistani: Sunday is the first day of the holy month of Ramadan”
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraqi opposition lobbies in America: Joe Wilson and the Mega campaign as an example – Urgent” Quote: “In recent years, Iraqi lobby groups have become active in the United States…These lobbies are divided between supporters of the current Iraqi government and opponents who seek to change the political system in Baghdad…Senator Joe Wilson stands out, who recently launched a political campaign called MEGA, targeting what he called ‘liberating Iraq from Iran’, which sparked widespread controversy in American and Iraqi circles…making Iraq a strongly present issue in American politics, despite the passage of more than two decades since the American invasion.”
3-1-2025 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu It is no secret that banks world-wide are making the move to digital platforms…Iraq too, is moving towards a digital platform for its own digital currency. These are exciting times and indeed, as Bob Dylan said, “The times they are a changin” Article quote: “Al-Allaq…noted that Iraqi banks are undergoing major transformations, adopting internationally accredited financial systems to enhance cross-currency transactions and banking operations…” They are trying to get Iraq moved into the 21st century with the modern FinTec options…They cannot survive being clunky and lazy and slow. They are getting a lot of help and they are talking about it.
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “The acceleration of the digital transformation has begun…Central Bank…licensing new digital banks” They’re openly stating it now. They are not putting the brakes on…They’re going to a new technology. All the things we’ve seen in the past are going to go by the wayside. It’s going to be completely different. It’s going to be transparent…fast… somewhat furious. Those that don’t play by the rules… are going to have a major problem…Iraq is going digital…
3-1-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Is there any problems with the cross-border training?” There was a couple weeks ago. Some of the software was not very good. They bought it from a cheap source but apparently everything’s back in shape.
3-1-2025 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] My wealth management/redemptions contacts are working today…I hope to get an update today on what they are working on. Is it wealth management related or exchange related?
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “Vietnam Poised to Become a Global Financial Hub with New Financial Center Proposal” Quote: “Vietnam is taking a significant step towards becoming a leading global financial hub with the proposal of a new financial center…”
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Rafidain warns against using electronic payment tools in trading {digital currencies and Forex”
3-1-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraqi Foreign Ministry: Ocalan’s call is an important step to achieve stability in the region” Quote: “The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed, on Friday, the announcement of the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan, and his call for the party to lay down its arms, considering this step positive and important in achieving stability in the region.”
3-1-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 The tables for the new budget are ready to be exposed because the new exchange rate in those tables is ready to be revealed…You got the CBI holding classes for their banks and employees to learn how to exchange the proper way, the proper procedure on how to do the exchanging of foreign currency in the banking structure through your banks of the CBI…This is going to be a brand new currency, a brand new rate and all that new information has to be distributed equally and fairly so you do not have a mass confusion. That state would destroy this whole monetary reform process…
BANK TO GRADUALLY REPLACE PAPER CURRENCY” I have to say this is a “WOW!” article because this effort may also force the recall of our dinars that we hold. In other words we are allowed to exchange them at the RV rate once the digital currency is issued. If the CBI can pull this off, the RV might happen much, much sooner than we expect.
3-1-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “In the coming hours –Iraq begins to resume oil exports in the Kurdistan region” The testing and checking of the pipeline went better than they expected. They are hoping to be started this weekend. Starting at 185 thousand barrels a day and then ramp up…this is a huge income increase for Iraq.