Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-2-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-2-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “AL-ABADI AND ALLAWI CALL FOR THE ADOPTION OF A REFORM STRATEGY TO CROSS THE NEXT STAGE” What do you think the “next stage” needs to kick it off? …It needs the dinar to be reinstated…

3-2-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Any updates on the Vietnamese dong.] It’s still expected to go the same time as the dinar.

3-2-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is still more talk about the exchange rate. I thought they had this thing settled but apparently not… Article: “Al-Kazemi’s advisor: The state’s loss will be great by adjusting the exchange rate” Here’s the issue. The poor people were affected when their currency was devalued. That means it cost them more dinars to get the same items they need just to survive. Now you have inflation happening…as inflation increases that’s called the hidden tax…purchasing power continues to be reduced, again affects the poor people. The only way you can tackle inflation is you have to raise the interest rates and if you raise the interest rates it will affect the poor people…So how do you fix that? The only thing they got left is to increase their purchasing power…JMO

3-1-2022 Intel Guru Fleming Iraq has 2 presidents and the 3rd will be confirmed and in place either today or tomorrow. The IMF told the Central Bank of Iraq, that they can revalue at any time…What has been shared is that by March 3rd we are going to be rockin and rollin and won’t it be fine!

3-1-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a clue coming out of Iraq today. Article that basically states From Parliament that the Finance Minister has one week to get the rate changed. So Parliament is leaning on the CBI to get it done. I think that is really great news for us. It doesn’t mean it will take the full week…but anytime from today to a week from today. We are awfully close…

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy ‘In-country’ rate vs. ‘Out-country’ rate. That’s a lie. There’s only one rate period. If the rate is a $1.50 it’s going to be $1.50 in Iraq as the same outside of Iraq. If the rate is $3.22 in Iraq it’s going to be the same for outside Iraq…there is no such thing as in-country rate an out of country rate…once an exchange rate is implemented that’s exchange rate is the same all over. Just convert it into whatever country’s currency…

3-1-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …All the news this period is good…We should all realize by now that the RV is coming and it is not long off before we see it. Okay so it did not happen in January as we thought but there is still opportunity since the 2022 budget is not yet passed never mind even opened…The reinstatement has to happen and MUST happen for Iraq to get to the “glory days” of the dinar. These are the days of USD 4+ rate. They are NOT ever going to float the dinar on a “program rate”…Yes, the CBI can change the rate at will as necessary…The IQD is NOT yet on FOREX and NOT yet on a float…We need the OFAC sanctions lifted and the banks and investment companies to trade the dinar on FOREX. Then we go to the bank…

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Iraqi parliament is considering re-pricing the dinar against the dollar” Iraq’s government put out a ton of news talking about adjusting the exchange rate. That could only means one of two things – either they want to simply put it back to 1190…or put it back to international levels back above zeros…all these articles that the government has put out over the last few weeks they’re not talking about restoring the exchange rate to international levels…they’re talking about putting it back to its pre-devalued rate of 1190…

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Central Bank: The dollar exchange rate is stable and there are no intentions to change it” the central bank has no intentions at this time of adjusting the exchange rate according to what they’re telling us…what the news is telling you, none of this news is truthful…

3-1-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Not hearing anything negative…This may be a week to remember. I still think Iraq is delaying seating their government because they are waiting on the trigger to be pulled worldwide. But I hear they expect to seat it maybe today or tomorrow. And still expect to see the new value on the dinar this week…

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram oil has gone up to over $100 a barrel since Russia attached the Ukraine. For Iraq this is good news…

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy We know there was a discussion about the Iraqi exchange rate. What does that mean for dinar holders? Article: “In details..the results of hosting the Minister of Finance in Parliament: a change in the exchange rate is unlikely” Not surprising to me. I think what they plan on doing is paying back a lot of the debt that they owed while the currency is devalued…most likely everything is going to be paid off this year…

3-1-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Did you see the article that says ‘I’m am the Minister of Finance and no we’re not going to give you the new exchange rate. We’re not going to give you the new exchange rate’ Which causes a lot of people to say ‘What!?!’ What the Minister of Finance, what Kazemi is saying to the citizens of Iraq…’Hey, sit your government down.’ Eventually the government will be seated. When that happens look out.

3-1-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “During The Hosting Session.. The State Of Law Demands The Return Of The Dollar Price To Its Previous Era” Quote: “It has become imperative for the government and the Ministry of Finance to return the exchange rate to its normal position, especially since the financial crisis has ended and the financial situation has improved, especially after the rise in oil selling prices.”