Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-11-2021
3-11-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: [The Bank of International Settlements – the central bank of all central banks and it is a requirement by the BIS that they be notified within a certain amount of time (and that fluctuates) as to when a country is going to change their currency rate…Has the BIS been notified of the imminent rate change of Iraq?] In my opinion yes.
3-11-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] You know…by now that Iraq could have done their thing many times over…but they – and…Central Bank of Iraq – is the governing body that controls the rate of the Dinar…However – even though Iraq is considered a sovereign nation now – they are still subject to the Treasury of the United States to more or less give them the go ahead as to when to release the new rate…today we find that Iraq has a I think the term “deadline’…There’s a theoretical deadline let’s call it for Iraq to do this on Sunday the 14th…I have heard of a window that was given to me today that took us from tonight to all the way to Saturday – and this is from a really good source…So – we have a lot to look forward to this week – I believe we are in really good shape for this to go now…we do know that the rates are going to be fantastic – I think even a little better than we thought…
3-10-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …remember that the 2021 budget is not yet passed thus not yet opened. We could still have an opportunity to see the revaluation and reinstatement. I know it is March already and far from early January but what matters the most is that they have not yet opened the new budget and spent it. Once they do this we are in trouble if they have not yet moved on the PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS and the revaluation part of the process…
3-10-2021 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The HCL is being pushed dramatically right now. I mean it’s being shoved. It’s being pushed though and it’s extremely important for us to understand the value of that because the HCL is going to allow the new exchange rate to come out…pushing the HCL is telling you and me as investors that they are very very close…
3-10-2021 Intel Guru Footforward [I was under the impression that there would be two rates one domestic in Iraq and a different rate international?] there will not be two different rates. That’s been misinformation for a long time. You can’t have two different rates. It doesn’t work like that. Where people get confused is…that they will exchange dinar for US dollars on a one-to-one basis in country. That’s not a rate that’s just a note exchange. And in country they can do whatever sort of exchange they want. That should not be mistaken for a rate.
3-10-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The news out of Iraq guys…wow, they are really pushing for it…they are going to drag this thing through kicking and screaming… The rest of the world cannot afford not to go when they go…hell or high water – Iraq is changing the value of their currency and forces the rest of the world to catch up…do things look fantastic…do they look like they are pushing forward? Yes… The biggest news right now is what is coming out of Iraq.
3-10-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The meetings that we told you about between the FAB 4 before they raise the value…are really picking up the pace. It’s really moving fast…in the last meeting Saturday they talked about the small category notes. They also talked about the Real Effective Exchange Rate…regarding the meeting about the new small category notes – that one is done. Regarding the meeting about the new exchange rate – that one is done…
3-10-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Many people are asking me, ‘Hey Pimpy When do you think the RI/RV is going to happen? Will it be announced? What do you think the rate is going to be?’ We don’t do rates and we don’t do dates. There’s a reason for it. Because no body knows. Everything is speculation… there could be an announcement of an RV or an RI at anytime. No one knows. I don’t care if you’re talking about backroom screens, redemption centers on standby, waiting for magic codes, all that crap. I don’t care what they say, it’s all bull shit.
3-10-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy You don’t need humanitarian projects, you don’t need to go to redemption centers, you don’t need to take your dinar and turn it in to anybody. So when they say they have these…they want you to give them your dinars because they’re getting ‘contract rates’ that’s really skittish. Be careful…don’t get focused on just an announcement. There are other things we can be watching out for that would allow the Iraqi dinar to increase in value…Strong economy. Increase in Federal Reserves. Increase in gold holding. Decrease in money supply…
3-10-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Al-Kazemi: We have succeeded in crossing the economic crisis and an international readiness to support Iraq in reform” Remember these reforms can only be launched and implemented after Iraq has changed their rate. That’s why since last year they’re still talking about reforms…anything that costs money within the reforms can only be launched and implemented after the rate change…That’s why the bulk of the reform is still pending and outstanding because it’s waiting on the rate change. That level of reforms requires Iraq’s currency to be internationally recognized…
3-10-2021 Intel Guru Footforward [I believe you said in the past it has to come out min at 3.50$ right?] that is my opinion yes.
3-10-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra It’s just mind boggling to think of every step, every person, every integration, electronic integration, everything that had to be done to bring us to this point has just been absolutely amazing…the infrastructure they’ve built is absolutely phenomenal…the great thing is this is going to take them to a whole new level which they can build their country to be a recognized entity in the international markets…
3-10-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “REPRESENTATIVE ECONOMIC: THE CONDITIONS ARE READY TO ADJUST THE EXCHANGE RATE AND THE OIL BARREL IN THE BUDGET” Quote: “…Al-Faily said, “THE CONDITIONS ARE IN PLACE TO RESTORE OR REDUCE THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE DOLLAR AGAINST THE IRAQI DINAR IN THE DRAFT BUDGET” this article…is powerful. They are telling us that now that the “economic conditions are ready” they are ready to adjust the exchange rate. No more excuses. But they need the new rate in the budget. I know for a fact they will never put the rate in the budget until it is all completed. So Al-Faily knows what he knows but not what the CBI will ever do for security reasons.
3-10-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan A process had to be brought fourth…a currency reform is complex…It’s not an easy task to do what they’re doing. They have to set up things. They’ve got decisions that need to be made. They have to set the stage for the economy to be able to do this. And they have to have components of psychology involved because the people can’t adjust… ultimately they had to get everything in order…kicking the can? …or were they really just stalling for the system to be in place? …eventually they’ve got to finish it…I think the 2021 budget, the Kurds, Hydro Carbon Law – they’re all waiting for the same thing – the time to get that phone call saying show up. It’s show time!