Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat … Over the weekend I talked to my CBI contact and I was told to expect the second of the two rate changes “within 7 to 14 days”. Then I was also told they needed to begin the education process of the newer lower denominations and we could expect this effort only when we get really close…It is my guess that these newer notes should come out sometime in March or early April…

3-10-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The news today from the CBI is flat out telling us and I quote – “ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY” in Iraq. Yes, this was the CBI itself telling us this news… they already de-pegged from the dollar and we are now just waiting for the second new rate adjustment and then then new basket of currencies that they will re-peg to once they move to FOREX….Folks we are soooooo close to the RV I can hardly maintain myself and stay calm…

3-10-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A good, solid article from the CBI. “The Central Bank decides to use the local currency only at ATMs“ Why is this important? This is their de-dollarization …by only using their dinar it is telling us they think their currency is steady and stable. This is fantastic news.

3-9-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question “Will they go to 1000 prior to 1 to 1?” It’s 1300 right now…we believe the next move will be 1190…Why? Because they’ve used that exchange rate before…I would much rather they go to 1000 to 1…that will excite me. That will really get my attention. Because at 1000 to 1 you just knock off the 3-zeros and it’s 1 to 1. At that point the Iraqi dinar will be worth $1 inside of Iraq …

3-9-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling Community comment/question “I keep talking about what I’m watching. What Iraq is watching. What position? How are they posturing? How are they looking at the globe financially to help make the decision when they’re going to add value to the currency?” Because they will and they are. They’ve stated it over and over again. It’s never been a debate…

3-9-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East The budget will be sent to Parliament next month…the first week of April the budget will be sent to Parliament.

3-9-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Barron’s Article: “Iraq issues Arrest Warrants In ‘Heist Of The Century” Taming corruption will help increase the value of the dinar. It will also gain the people’s trust which is greatly needed to get bank deposits up. All of this plays into the hands of increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar.

3-9-2023 Guest Guru Deepwoodz Article: “Wasata and a long wait”… Citizens are dissatisfied with the procedures of “dollar banks” in Iraq” The squeeze is on. Hard for them to get the dollar they are so used to using. Sudani telling them to keep their dinar but they have to use something. This can’t go on for much longer I would think.

3-9-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO this week, no later than into next week they’re going to show you [Iraqi’s] your new small category notes in an article and they’re going to introduce to you citizens of Iraq another new exchange rate. After that a float will commence for your currency which means you will have an exchange rate of at least 1 to 1 inside of your country [Iraq]. These are exciting time.

3-9-2023 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 [Iraqi bank friends update] The new articles concerning the new exchange rate and new small category notes are slated to be released in the coming days.

3-9-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man We are seeing data that supports the World Trade Organization, the Government of Iraq, the Regional Government and the Grand Ayatollah Al- Sistani support for reforms and have edicts and agreements that are set now. The citizens know where they stand on currency exchange do’s and don’ts per Sistani, progress on accession to the WTO and most of all the finalized agreement of the Oil & Gas Law and 2023 Budget Draft Law between both sides of Erbil and Baghdad. What else is to be done? Watch and see what they do.

3-9-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Chatter from Iraq is they have dotted all their I’s and crossed all their t’s and we should get ready. They are going to start educating people on lower denominations at any moment. I absolutely believe things are happening or I would not be here. I have many more things I could be doing if I did not believe we were this close.

3-9-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy IMO they are truly after all these years very close to finally coming up with the agreement between Kurdistan the federal government of Iraq. If they can come up with this agreement and they finalize it and they agree with the gas and oil law which everybody and their mama out there in dinar world told that once that is signed…’oh man the Iraqi dinar to the moon!’…I think it’s a great first step…Once it’s signed I’m curious to see where Iraq goes in the future but I wouldn’t be holding my breath too long. Let’s first get this agreement signed…that’s one of the major boxes that need to be checked…

3-9-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to use only the local currency at ATMs ” Quote “…it was decided that the electronic financial services provided inside Iraq Through (automated teller machines, point-of-sale devices, electronic payment gateway) in the Iraqi dinar.”

3-9-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: All day showing on the news leaders of Iraq…say to us buy in dinar and soon our dinars will be trading and exchanging with other currencies… FRANK: I agree…a float…they’re telling them hold onto your dinars, don’t get rid of them…They are going to be worth money…

3-9-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ADOPTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY (CBI)” Quote: “…the Central Bank of Iraq to encourage reliance on the national currency in financial transactions inside Iraq provided by the banking system and non-bank financial institutions” It is articles like this one that is music to my ears (eyes)…Yes, we know for sure and without a doubt that the reinstatement of the Iraq dinar is just around the corner.

3-9-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …Iraq does a tremendous amount of trade with Vietnam and Vietnam is already prepared and ready to change their value. The US state dept has been pushing them to change their value …I have been told…that the same time Iraq goes…or within days…then Vietnam will go as well…