Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-10-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-10-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Trading currencies” Quote: “We now have a currency that is not previously known by the current monetary capital authority that has swept the development field and is keeping pace with the pattern managed and organized by the giant economies.” …it sure looks like this article is telling us that what is coming is here now. Most of the Iraq population has no idea about smaller notes from the past. “We now have a currency not previously known….” That part is like music to my ears. The have new products in banks.. Okay, would that be the new lower notes spoken about in Jordan TV? Sure sounding like it is…imo.

3-10-2018 Newshound Guru Don961 Article quotes: “Oil expert Hamza al-Jawahiri revealed on Thursday the shares that the Iraqi citizen will receive from oil revenues according to the law of the National Oil Company…” “…the first will be to support the capital of the company, and the second citizen fund, which includes the transfer of the country’s wealth to the people, Producing oil ‘noting that’ each fund will have a rate of 2.5 percent of oil revenues’. “The percentage of the citizen is 2.5 percent will hit the annual oil revenues of Iraq, which we assume that these revenues $ 80 billion and thus every citizen will receive $ 50 each of his share of the wealth of oil,” Important for … This is what the citizen will receive annually from the wealth of oil according to the new law…
Math :
Est. $80,000,000,000 in revenues …
Citizens’ share …. 2.5% …
80,000,000,000 x 0.025 = 2,000,000,000
2,000,000,000, / approx. 38,000,000 population = $52.63 per share…imo

3-10-2018 Newshound Guru mike Article quotes: “The International Monetary Fund on Saturday rejected the Iraqi financial budget for 2018, which voted the Iraqi parliament passed last week.” “…because it was contrary to the agreement signed by Iraq, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).” …the Iraqi’s ignored the IMF’s advice and now they’re in a jam. And yet, these folks are going to want the financial support and handouts the world can offer. The corruption is crippling this country…

3-9-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG “Law of the National Oil Company .. A new era for the development of the economy” …In some strange way, the Kurds may have forced everyone’s hand on some sort of improvised HCL in the form of this “National Oil Company” Law. The Iraqis are famous for vagaries and a fluid sense of description. It is not uncommon for their terminology and phrasing to be constantly changing. Everyone imagined an HCL (agreement) Law would be something of a replacement for the current HCL in a “repeal and replace” sort of move. However, this may well be what they settle on after all. It seems to do, in principle, everything a new HCL agreement was meant to do. There seems to be a lot of internal excitement over it.

3-9-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Further, getting this done could be a huge step towards getting Abadi re-elected. Think about the mentality of the voter who stands to share in oil revenues in the near future based on this move by Abadi. The Kurds thinking they would (or could) “dethrone” Abadi may also well be the best thing that could have happened to him. Barzani gave everyone the perfect scapegoat – what with him snubbing the WORLD and then getting outed as being all tangled up with Maliki and such. All of this just got everyone South of Erbil on the same page (more or less) and voting something like this through… and it’s happening almost OVERNITE, RIGHT UNDER EVERYONE’S NOSES. Imagine that – The Iraqi Parliament passing something like this without needing any Kurdish support. I say – miracle of all miracles…

3-9-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The rumors of some article saying the dinar is being replaced/upgraded is not true. I have found no such article.

3-9-2018 Intel Guru Bruce I really felt every indication we were getting was pointing towards a Go time today [Thursday]. I do know Iraq is planning on to do some type of celebration day. A national holiday is coming up Sunday in Kurdistan. I know the lower denominations are out since last Saturday. They have been using lower denominations and getting instructions on Iraqi TV on how to use them, the meaning and value of them. Basically what we don’t know yet is the actual rate for the dinar visible, is it out yet. There is no reason for them to have that rate out, exposed to the internationally community. I am thinking the timing for that to be revealed may coincide with our start here. Our indication was very positive actually for today [Thursday]. …we will see what happens tonight. I am excited about where we are…I do believe we will see this thing in short order.