Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-26-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-26-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-26-2022 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Iraqi optimism about economic gains after exiting from Chapter VII” …from the looks of it they apparently are now looking to be forced to make an exchange rate change or blow up everything they have worked on for the last two years. It is also looking like they will have to depeg from the USD and likely to be with an immediate urgency, ioo…Chapter VII being lifted has it’s consequences that will require immediate decisions specific to the international treatment with respect to the use of the Iraqi Dinar…ioo.

2-26-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …The news could not get any better. I especially like the statement…and I quote “will restore its legal status in the international community”. Folks you have to see it too…that FOREX trading is coming back to Iraq and the CBI’s intentions…The writing is on the wall…

2-26-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy I remember people telling me they used to be able to buy and sell Iraq dinar in Well Fargo. I went to talk to the manager there to ask what the process is once I get ready to make my exchange. He told me at the moment it’s under restriction, they don’t buy nor sell Iraqi dinar. I already understood that but he said he’s got to wait for…the corporate office to tell them that it’s okay to do so again…no problem. I told him I would check in with him from time to time to see when the restrictions would be lifted. As soon as I find out I will I will share with you.

2-25-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …they never want us to know the exact timing. We are all guessing at the timing based on what we are hearing…My redemption center folks are still planning on working this weekend …They don’t know if they will be watering flowers or dusting keyboards….but they are working this weekend. Im hoping I will get news out of them this weekend.

2-25-2022 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …I’m excited about where we are…Redemption center staff is on call…that means they are not going in…unless getting called to go in…we are talking about Fri/Sat/Sunday… they are on standby…I hope this is it – I don’t absolutely know it – they don’t want us to know it – even the redemption centers staff doesn’t…know when this is going to go – but I think based on the new scheduling – unless it changes – I think it’s possible we could get notified on Monday and start on Tuesday March 1st – let’s see what happens…

2-25-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is a lot of chatter about the exchange rate, more than we heard in a long time but they’re not just going to come out and say in the news, ‘Hey this is what we’re going to change the rate to’ before they actually change the rate because then if it’s something major well then everybody and their mom is going to run over and buy IQD…so it’s not even going to be in the news until after it’s already been changed.

2-25-2022 Intel Guru Fleming …I was hoping that we would be able to see this RV this month and from what’s still coming out of the sandbox It can still happen…So I’m hoping that they can pull a Kuwait and just go ahead and shock everybody…

2-25-2022 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraqi optimism about economic gains after exiting from Chapter VII” YES THEY PAID KUWAIT…. THAT FINANCIAL FILE IS NOW COMPLETELY DONE! imo.

2-25-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] For those of you who are wondering what is different now then all the other times we have heard we are close…Go read the UN paperwork from yesterday – They released Iraq from all Chapter 7 sanctions…This is some of the best news we have heard in years.

2-25-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: It’s all over our news…we are officially released from Chapter VII they say through the Security Council…Foreign Minister Hassani is also on our television promoting that was are officially out of chapter VII, all the door of Iraq internationally are now open. FRANK: That’s pretty cool! So will the Iraqi dinar when it floats and as soon as they raise the value you better know when to hold them – know when to fold them.

2-25-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …On Wednesday the UN Security Council officially announced Iraq’s exit from the “Chapter VII…This has “reinstatement of the dinar” indirectly written all over it…

2-25-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy The only thing that matters is that Iraq out of Chapter VII. Period. Restrictions are lifted. They’re looking forward to joining the rest of the international community and working together and strengthening their economy. A strong economy means what? A strong dinar. A strong dinar means what? A valuable dinar. A valuable dinar means what? A better exchange rate…

2-25-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ Article: “Blackshart: The political parties must show a spirit of partnership and highlight the entitlement of the Iraqi People” There is a lot of pressure going on with the minister of finance… ”The white papers and its projects represent the main pillar of economic reform in Iraq” These stories are coming out today. The Iraqi parliament and banks are concerned that this world wide event may get lost in the shuffle and they are ready to move on with the reforms and to raise the value. The UN Security Council published papers releasing Iraq from all chapter 7 sanctions…. With this we are minutes..days close to reforms happening…

2-24-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article “Kuwait congratulates Iraq on its exit from Chapter VII procedures” Kuwait’s speech quote “We welcome the termination of the mandate of the United Nations Compensation Committee over Iraqi funds, and we also congratulate brotherly Iraq on its commitment to implementing decisions The United Nations and his exit from Chapter VII and the end of the compensation file. He added, Iraq’s fulfillment of its international obligations represents a starting point,” stressing that “we will spare no effort to support Iraq’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.”