Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-25-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-25-20

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-25-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …I would like to believe that it’s true that President Trump has given them the date to stop using the American dollar in the auction and I believe that they have committed to it. And the fact that it’s from Donald Trump who I don’t think that’s going to delayed or moved or anything. You don’t trump Trump..

2-25-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad …Part of me does feel like they will come out at a low rate…just throwing a number out there let’s say 10 cents, something like that just to get back on the international market and get rid of some of the amount of the Iraqi dinar that’s out there…get some people to turn in their dinar at a lower rate. I believe it can float up to a higher rate…Kuwait’s currency right now I believe is around $3.40 and Iraq has much more oil reserves than Kuwait…there’s no reason IMO they should be lower than Kuwait. So I think it’ll get up there.

2-25-2020 Newshound Guru Whitelions …they will never ever post that they are going to change the rate of their currency, BUT we have all been in this a long time and can follow what and how things are going in that country …

2-24-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Francis Albert Currency investors here. Take heart. Regardless of what some “Never Dinarians” are writing lately…remember it is easy to argue any point when the fine points are not in the talk. I have studied these “money” matters for many years. And, to that end, anyone who argues that Iraq is not going to somehow, someway, someday go international and raise the value of their currency is simply not looking closely. Do I think It will suddenly pop up to some mythical $3.50 range overnight? Possible, for the Iraqi Dinar has years of history in this territory. So, a reinstatement is possible. If I were a betting chap I would say it comes out at .86 on Forex and makes a speedy dash higher.

2-24-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad It appears like Iraq might do exactly what Kuwait did. In 1991 they revalued their currency after their war on…March 24th 1991. If Iraq is gonna do this they’re following in the footsteps of Kuwait IMO…They [Iraq] still owe Kuwait some money but they’ve already told us that to pay Kuwait that’s gonna be in the 2020 budget. There are certain things in the 2020 budget that appear need to happen – that can’t happen until there’s a new rate. It looks like in Iraq everything right now is on standby until the reinstatement…come Monday they get their government set and then guys we’re coming up on March. This was the same time 30 years ago just about that Kuwait revalued their currency…

2-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …it is a specific percentage of Parliament that is in attendance at that moment that creates a quorum…a percentage of that attendance is what determines a vote…332 would make a full quorum of Parliament but no body shows up like that all at once.

2-24-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are close…painfully close…I hate to whip anyone up with false hope but it really looks very good today. No rate change yet in Iraq…I spoke with my contractor contact and they are feeling very good though…At this point they believe as soon as new government is settled…they will see the new rate. A vote of confidence is scheduled for new Gov…I believe on Wed. We should sit back and watch the news happen today…..So much is coming together…

2-24-2020 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: “The deficit is very large and can be overcome only through three axes. Either reduce operating expenses to a very large degree, especially the item of allocations and benefits, or resort to taxes. This is also a very big burden on the Iraqi people, or external borrowing, and this also bears the weight of future generations. “. No mention of deleting the zeroes or ” RV ” as a solution/remedy. Frankly, I would not expect any news or advance notice of such an impactful economic event(s).

2-24-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …It looks like Iraq is very serious about being a world power. They’re using ‘vehicles’ to bring money in and out of Iraq in large amounts IMO from many other countries…they’re jockeying for position. The race is about to start. This will cause the economy of Iraq to explode. This is huge…Gold was the first to move to the CBI IMO from many parts of the world last month and now we’re seeing IMO large amounts of money that has a safe manner in which to enter and exit Iraq…Iraq is playing with the big boys they just got to announce it now…