Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-24-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-24-2021
2-24-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is walking in Kuwait’s footsteps. Kuwait reinstated their currency on March 21, 1991 on Sunday…Iraq is transitioning to the same original fiscal year exactly where they were before the 1990 sanctions. They’re going back to their original fiscal period. I already spoke with the Iraqi government so I have confirmed this. I know for a fact Iraq is transitioning. That’s why they told you they’ll be presenting the budget in just a few months…we are in the best position. History is repeating itself between Iraq and Kuwait…we are very very close to this…
2-24-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Which banks will have the best conversion rates?] As it has been explained to me…they are all going to have the same conversion rate. I am told it is a fixed, set price.
2-24-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “OIL DEMAND EXPECTED TO PEAK AND $150 PER BARREL PRICE EXPECTED” …the price of oil does affect the budget and the rate at which the dinar will revalue at. Remember that there is going to be an in-country RV first as they proceed with the project to delete the zeros simultaneously and then later (much sooner than later) there is going to be a reinstatement of the dinar. So, there are two different rates to consider. We are outside Iraq and so the rate we consider is only at what rate the banks in our country will offer to exchange our dinar at. This bank rate will most likely be 2 or 3 times the rate offered in Iraq.
2-23-2021 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The Council of Ministers forms a committee to study the consequences of changing the price of the dollar” THEY ARE, A LOT FARTHER ALONG THEN THEY TELL US! THE MORE WE SEE THESE KINDS OF ARTICLES (EXCHANGE RATE)… AND THE DELETION OF ZEROS ARTICLES…THIS IS ACTUALLY A GOOD THING..IMO.
2-23-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …I think the endgame is near. I think we’ve got a convergence…I’m very excited by what we’re seeing…
2-23-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Yes, there is hope for an RV sooner than later but the Iraqi 2021-2022 budget will have to be passed first and that is not even scheduled to later this week…
2-23-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 There is a new mechanism that’s being applied…this week there was a big campaign just like we told everybody last Monday. ‘Get ready. You’re gonna see these articles. The CBI is gonna tell the citizens we are now in the process of lifting value by lifting the 3 zero. We’re not gonna decrease it anymore. We’ve got to get you guys ready.’ And that’s what they’re doing. Very very impressive.
2-23-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling [Question: Can you tell us if we’re still in a good place with this investment? Just wondering since Biden undid some of the things Trump put in place. Did this help this investment or hinder it?] It didn’t do anything. Iraq had a game plan if Trump won and they had a game plan if Biden won. BTW that’s how all governments work…you should have a plan no matter how confident you are in a candidate. No matter how it turns out. You have to have a plan for one side and a plan for the other side. Don’t ever be lazy…this has not hindered our investment one way or the other I promise you that…
2-23-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …there is still much hope to see the reinstatement sooner than later. Yes, we may not have to wait until 2022. There is so much pressure to delete the zeros and raise the rate to be competitive to the US dollar and re-peg the dinar.
2-23-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I feel like it’s going to be a great day. I am getting a lot of chatter about tonight and tomorrow…i hope it’s accurate…
2-23-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan We’ve had a change in our presidential administration. And yes we’ve seen already him step forward and make some pretty drastic changes…one of the things I want you to be aware of you always have to have a plan. Plan A. Plan B. Under Plan A if Trump had continued to be where he was at we as IQD holders were in a phenomenal position. I mean holy cow you couldn’t of dreamed and asked for anything better than what that tax situation was providing us as investors. Now it’s changed.
2-23-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan Even though you may have put a plan together earlier it would still serve for you to reconsider that because the estate taxes have changes. The income taxes have changes. There are so many things that have happened you have to relook at what you’re doing…we are coming to what I…feel is the conclusion of this particular investment opportunity. If you’re not prepared there’s no recovering. There are certain things that have got to be done before the RV. No ifs, ands, maybes or buts…we don’t know the rate. We don’t know the date…be prepared no matter what happens…