Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-12-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-12-2024

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-12-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: So far we are not seeing the lower notes but they talk to us about them every day. They just talk to us about them and why we’ll need them. FRANK: They are talking to you about the lower notes and coins because they are about to show them to you next week or the week after. I believe your bank friend will show you something in the sense of pictures…Take as many pictures as you can.

2-12-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq is moving towards going into a market economy…it’s quite obvious…Tensions are the trade lines between Egypt and Jordan because of the Red Sea. There’s been some chaos going on with different factions disrupting trade…Iraq’s Development Road Project Article quote: “Iraq supports an alternative to the international transport lines that deliver good from the East to the West.” Everything’s coinciding at this time with the major international transport companies coming into play…

2-12-2024 Intel Guru yada Question: so im hearing the lower notes still not out yet? how does this timing line up with what we want? does it hapoen before or after or the same time if rates are already up and waiting? yada: when the rate is released the lower denoms will have value and released afterwards. Almost simultaneously.

2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’ve been following the Vietnam dong closely. With all these corruption cases going on, we’re talking about several politicians being sent to jail or going to court. With them cleaning up so much of their corruption I’ve really been paying attention to the markets and seeing if there’s any news coming out about a possible change in exchange rate. I’m not saying it’s going to happen but if these are the same people that’s holding it down…hopefully they’ll allow the exchange rate to increase…It’s looking pretty good over there in Vietnam.

2-11-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Alaska Bank Story] BANK INQUIRER: I called North Rim Bank, they didn’t want to talk to me at all because they said I don’t have an account. They said I would have to wait 90 days after opening an account before I could even exchange. We scratched that bank off the list. Then I called The Credit Union One and Alaska USA Credit Union. They told me neither one do exchanges. FRANK: I suggest you need to go to a major bank …Go to the state bank… BANK INQUIRER: I called USAA Bank…they do not do foreign cash exchanges. Then I went to Key Bank…They do foreign cash exchanges in the bank. She looked up the currency and nothing shows yet…They do not have a De La Ru Machine they said they’d have to send it out.

2-11-2024 Guru Nader From The Mid East Here’s what I can tell you. When the dinar changes everybody will know. Everybody in the whole world, everybody knows about. It will be all over the news. When Iraq will be sovereign again, when somebody declare the end of war and everything, that’s what’s going to happen…

2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Vietnam is making major financial news. Vietnam factory activity returns to growth status after the pandemic, tourist arrivals increased by 73.6% in January and retail sales are still growing for the 26th straight month. The inflation rate is at a five month low of 3.7%. Overall Vietnam has green lights on all growth patterns…Vietnam knows precisely what to do to bring the value of its currency back into the line of profit…

2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Fnu Lnu [Bank vs Redemption Center Rate Debate response] The law of one price…states that the price of an identical asset or commodity will have the same price globally, regardless of location…The law of one price takes into account a frictionless market, where there are no transaction costs, transportation costs, or legal restrictions, the currency exchange rates are the same, and that there is no price manipulation by buyers or sellers.

2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Fnu Lnu The law of one price exists because differences between asset prices in different locations would eventually be eliminated due to the arbitrage…The arbitrage opportunity would be achieved whereby a trader would purchase the asset in the market it is available at a lower price and then sell it in the market where it is available at a higher price. Over time, market equilibrium forces would align the prices of the asset. This should clear up the misconception of getting a better rate at a bank versus a redemption center, etc…. The rate will be the rate, no matter where, due to the law of One Price.


2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Pimpy The deletion of the zeros – It’ll go from a 25,000 dinar down to a 25… No one will become rich…The Iraqi government can delete the zeros, taking your 25,000 dinar note down to a 25 note and then make a major change to the exchange rate. That’s a possibility. What we’re hoping for is that it goes up in increments and it keeps going and they keep the zeros on it…Deletion of the zeros off the exchange rate – No such thing.

2-11-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man There’s evidence the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate is underway or is still on the table. It exists and that’s because of who said it. We know Al-Alaq has said it and it’s been referenced to one of his financial advisors…Saleh.

2-11-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: A representative from the CBI is talking to us in great detail about the new coins they will be giving us with the new currency notes…He said to us once again, the process to delete the zeros is in the process. It made us smile. He said this process is occurring because the lower notes will not be needed if the rate wasn’t increasing. He said if the CBI didn’t come out with these lower notes the monetary reforms would be a disaster. He said that’s why we need a change in our rate…

2-11-2024 Intel Guru Goldilocks Article: “Vietnam’s Rise as a Global Manufacturing Hub in the Era of Resilience and ESG Compliance” Quote: “Vietnam’s cost-competitive manufacturing capabilities, expanding consumer market, and supportive policies make it an attractive destination for foreign investment. Despite challenges, Vietnam is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend and cement its position as a key player in the global economy.”

2-11-2024 Guest Guru Zester Here is a little news: “Iraq revokes Iran’s bank Melli operation license” This article is interesting because of what is mentioned in it… That there are many banks in Iraq that are banned from participating in the daily US dollar auctions held by the CBI…to stop the smuggling of US dollars to Iran and that Iraq has reserves of over $100 Billion dollars held in the United States. From Rueters.