Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-8-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-8-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I truly can hardly believe all the good news coming from Iraq. Maybe it’s not the RV, as of yet, but I can assure you it is coming and there is no stopping it. It is like a loaded freight train coming fast down the tracks…

12-8-2023 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Did you see this [sends video]? …They are talking about how the dinar is about to become stronger. Then a commercial comes out talking about how strong the dinar is already and will be even stronger very soon…It’s about the strength of the dinar, telling them to use it for everyday things and will only get stronger and stronger. FRANK: You better be ready Iraqi citizens! In my interpretation of it…This is part of the monetary reform education they are teaching the Iraqi citizens that they will soon have value added to their currency…

12-8-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A banking story: A friend of mine in New Brunswick in Canada and is a dinar holder walked into one of the Scotia banks and asked a manager if they were Basel 3 and ISO 20022 compliant. He replied that they were… My friend went on to say that he was a dinar holder and asked the manager if he knew anything about the upcoming currency exchange/RV. The manager said that his staff is trained and ready for it. They are just waiting for the word…So there is a bank manager in Scotia who knows about the RV, is trained and ready for it….

12-7-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I’m anticipating an increase at somewhere around the first quarter of next year. The only reason why I think that is I’m paying attention to everything that Iraq is doing. I think because they’re getting away from the dollar in 2024. Let’s hope and see if they do it. In addition to that they have already started doing currency swaps with other counties which means they’re going to start doing trade in each other’s dollars. This is good. That’s why I think we’re going to start to see an increase somewhere around the 1st quarter of next year…

12-7-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: I saw where the World Bank basically acknowledged the imminent revaluation of the IQD. MarkZ: …I did a deep dive this afternoon and reached out to boots on the ground over there and Well-Holy crap its confirmed. I guess they said to back off of Iraq as everything is settled and will soon be importing in a massive way. I am very tickled to find out this is accurate… I have verified that there was a slip of the tongue on Iraqi television about the dinar revaluing. But stay calm…it has not occurred yet. We do not know the timing. It could be a day or a week…but, this is absolutely huge.

12-7-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question/comment: “I recall you saying you’re thinking about doing your exchange process at your home or attorney office.” Yes I definitely plan to do my exchange more than likely in my own home. If a bank wants my dinars they are going to have to prove to me they want to take care of me and my dinars…They will not charge me anything to exchange it. How rude would that be? …My attorney will come to my house. The bank will come to my house. They will collect my dinars we will sign papers, whatever, I have my account, paperwork. It’s not that difficult.

12-7-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Bilateral trade…Multilateral trade, Multilateral banking – all of these things show Iraq is going international…I believe I’m going to be 100% right. The evidence is clear as day.

12-7-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A member story: Former US congressman at a function in North Carolina this past weekend…They point blank asked the politician about some of the banking changes and if he owned any foreign currencies and was he familiar with the revaluation? The former congressman said absolutely. I have some. I bought the currency and it is absolutely real…when asked by our community member (who I have great respect for) he said (when asked about the dinar) I have some and we are expecting it. This is somebody with a high level of knowledge from the inside.

12-7-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni They…have to have the dinar stabilized within the country and within the 2% rule mandated by the IMF in order to then accept IMF article VIII and begin to float the dinar which would raise its value based on supply and demand. All of these processes and or steps required time.

12-7-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling Community Comment: “Obviously Iraq wants and is expanding their markets. The currency swaps with all these other countries are something new…Why now? Why would a country wish to participate with Iraq in a currency swap? For a currency worth 1/10th of a penny unless you saw the future of the dinar?” Bingo. Not just the future of the dinar, it’s the future of the market that’s inside of Iraq. The reason you’re seeing the tempo of the currency swaps inside of Iraq is because they’re pulling all the currencies out that are competing with the local currency, which is Iraqi dinar. From the local markets they’re trying to pull every currency out – Euro, Dollar, it doesn’t matter. They’re pulling it all out. You can only use the Iraqi dinar. This is very very good news for us that this is happening…

12-7-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] (From Rod Steele) “The IMF was the hold up with some things taking a bit longer than expected. Yesterday they predicted a completion and release for today in Iraq. I guess we will see shortly.“

12-7-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Not only is Iraq tackling infrastructure – fixing the 10th largest port in the world, opening up one of the largest roads for interstate commerce, in addition to that they’re meeting with companies with the opportunity to do business with them and meeting with other countries for the opportunity to do trade with them. As they continue to grow economically and become stronger…and they come up with alternative revenue outside of relying on oil if they could do away with corruption, stabilize their government, keep these idiots…from launching missiles at US soldiers, all this contributes to the strengthening of the Iraqi dinar and from there we’ll start to see increases happening in increments as they go along.

12-7-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV is showing the IMF and the World Bank talking about Iraq and then the IMF kind of started talking bad about us…Iraq. Criticizing. Out of no where the World Bank stands up and says, ‘Get off their backs. There is a plan in place and expect imports to bust wide open because soon as the dinar revalues…’ YES the World Bank said this. The World Bank is saying the dinar revaluation will cause us to buy more imports because we have more purchasing power. They’re telling us this! FRANK: It’s no longer a secret…My goodness…this is straight from the horses mouth…This is basically an announcement…evidence. He said it.

12-7-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This gets more and more exciting with each call to Iraq [with CBI contact]. So, we know from past conversations that Iraq wants and needs to continue the process of the financial reform plan, of which the currency reform is a part of and a VERY high priority.

12-7-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “Vietnam and Japan establish comprehensive strategic partnership” Vietnam moved into the number 4 slot for trading partners for Japan. This means Vietnam is growing in trade and militarily. Vietnam and Turkey are also establishing much closer ties and swapping local currencies for trade. Vietnam is making big solid moves in the international economy.