Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-4-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-4-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 someone says to me ‘Frank, if Biden is elected president this all goes down the toilet doesn’t it?” As far as the Iraqi dinar monetary reform goes that belongs to Iraq and Iraq is a sovereign country. They can do what they want…Iraq is now going to be the central financial hub of the Middle East and all the middle eastern countries will support them in a basket…

12-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQI GOVERNMENT SETS NEW DATE FOR DEBATE ON 2021 BUDGET BILL” Quote: “He added that the government is continuing to hold elections on time.” We need to all pray that the CBI moves ahead, as planned, to reinstate the dinar prior to elections in June. If not we could be waiting yet another year.

12-3-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article: “Final touches on the amendment of the law of the national oil company” Quote: “The Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee put “the final touches” on amending the law of the national oil company, indicating that it will pave the way for the initiation of the oil and gas law.” THIS IS HCL… What more do I need to say?! The good news just keeps piling up! GO RRRVVVV!!!

12-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 Do you remember I told you about the satellite banks? The CBI established many many banks. And they started with the United States of America, remember? …the CBI will tell you about these banks when they lift the value because they are going to want you to go into these banks to exchange your dinar there. You know why? Because those banks will send the dinars back to the CBI. If you go into an American bank they are going to send it to the United States Treasury. They need to collect all their 3 zeros. All these satellite banks IMO are now notified.

12-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Folks today the news is all about the monetary policy of Iraq and what to do with the currency. Can the news get any clearer than this that they are debating a course of action? …I know they have already decided a course of action…I am in communication with the CBI. I have been told they are going to move ahead with the project to delete the zeros sometimes prior to Christmas holidays in preparation for the early January reinstatement. …The initial rate once they drop the zeros will be right around what I told you…It has not changed. [reference Mnt Goat posts 10-14-2020 & 10-9-2020, part 3] …remember they must wait a period of time to monitor for inflation prior to the FOREX reinstatement. I believe this is the time when they may allow us to come in and exchange…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Delta …For the first time ever they [Iraq’s parliament] demanded the CBI to lift the 3 zeros. We dreamed about this…remember everyone before was against it. But now it’s all over the news. We are on the verge to see something…there is a very high possibility, I may be wrong, they told us the 2021 budget has the rate. The council of ministers is going to pass it on Saturday. That means if there’s a rate in it then everyone [Parliament] is going to be exposed…so sometimes between now and then IMO that is another possible window maybe the CBI might show us the rate. Unless the government postpones that [passing along the budget] again…

12-3-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26 We believe IOO that the floor managers of Iraqi banks are now receiving the information that the executive level and the senior executive level have received.

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …It’s going fast…I say this in a very facetious way, I’m kinda bored. All they do is talk about [In articles] is a new exchange rate, lifting the 3 zeros, a new currency! …the beauty is that they’re talking about it…it’s pretty obvious…Everybody knows! It’s very hard to keep a secret in Iraq…

12-3-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling It’s a beautiful thing what’s happening right now. One way or the other I promise you it doesn’t matter if Biden is in there or Trump is in there. Nothing has been taken off the table. The difference is going to be the rate on it climbing. Under Biden or Under Trump it’s going to come out the same rate whether it’s .53, .46, .70 whatever but how it climbs from that point on will be determined on the way they’re structured the market. Biden is different from Trump. That’s all it is…it’s the speed that changes. That’s it. So nothing to worry about…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [What is your best guess on the dong rate…] My best guess is it is going to be around $2.25…this is just a guess…that is what I have heard, and seen when doing research….and what makes the most sense imo.

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we have reason to believe that some green light so to speak have been lit already and…we are expecting things to happen in a relatively short period of time for us…the information we’re getting out of Iraq is that the ATM machines that are loaded in Iraq with the lower denominations of the new Iraqi Dinar are to be switched on and finally turned on either tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday. …we are looking for Iraq to put out an international rate…probably tomorrow [Wed] or Thursday…

12-3-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The latest information is telling us that certain banks – our sources for this – from the high end corporate level – that we are in a very narrow window right now – in fact – from 4 separate sources I am getting a within 36 hour window …from 8 o’clock Eastern – tonight [Tuesday]…the timing for the release…from a very interesting and qualified source… depending on what time zone you’re in…this could be a very late at night or very early morning event for us…I’m excited – more than I’ve ever been – the fact that it really does appear this is coming to a distinctly beautiful ending for us…