Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-4-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-4-17
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke We like DECEMBER 23, 2017 @ a probability rate of 99.999999% (because Everything in Life is a Probability. EVERYTHING)…and thus mainly why we wrote…in our JULY 7-27-17 Post: DECEMBER: “You’re Santa Clause” (or something similar). HOWEVER, it wouldn’t surprise us at all now, if they waited until 11:59 pm, on DECEMBER 31, 2017 (Iraq Time)…thus, WHY we wrote about January 1st, a few days ago, in our…Post…that’s “WHY”. [reference Dr. Clarke post 11-27-2017] IN ANY EVENT, that VERY LAST WEEK of DECEMBER 2017, is what we’re talking about, but we Really Really Really…like the 23rd for some reason. DECEMBER 23rd.
12-4-2017 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke …maybe because it’s a SATURDAY, 2 days before the Big Day, and SANTA will be flying high, at RECORD SPEED, dropping Lower Denoms, turning off currency auctions and currency dealers, magically in RECORD TIME?…IL-Logically Speaking. [YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY I WOULD BE WITH $.50 RV Figure.] you like .50 cents? Great…Santa likes FAR NORTH of that, due to OIL & GOLD Futures Skyrocketing up now, and into 2018 & beyond…thus, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00+…what was that silly rate way back in 2002, 15 years ago? – $3.00+. P.S. SANTA says, “Hello”…he’s coming to Town…SOON!
12-4-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the CBI and the prime minister have BOTH told us that Iraq needs BOTH SECURITY and STABILITY to get these currency reform done. The hard part is we don’t have their definitive checklist on what THEY are calling secure and stable. …the CBI has told us the SECURITY means fighting ISIS, getting rid of the unlawful militias and securing the Iraqi borders. So we can sense what they mean by this one. For STABILITY we were also told they need to fully implement their new constitution, get a functional government in place and most importantly CLEAN UP THE CORRUPTION. Don’t we now see all of these issues being taken care of even now with the start of the campaign against corruption? Yes – the news now is all about the new war in Iraq – the war on corruption. We have waited so long to see this.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “The Central Bank signs a governance services agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC)” Quote: “IFC provides investment, advice, and asset management. Our investment and advice can be tailored to a client’s specific needs, and in ways that add value. Our ability to attract other investors brings additional benefits, introducing our clients to new sources of capital and better ways of doing business.” This is huge. Partnering with IFC will help them launch the banking system, and encourage investment.
12-3-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So, some asked questions on the repayment end date of the $4.6 billion in war reparations to Kuwait. Many asked if we have to wait then to 2021 to see the RV. Folks $4.6 billion is a drop in a bucket for Iraq to repay. They already paid nearly 2/3 of the amount owed. I sincerely believe we will not have to wait that long for them to complete these payments. Does the CBI want go until 2021 without an international currency and get those …3 zero notes off the streets? Absolutely not! This is not part of their plan. …let’s wait and see if the CBI does, in fact, begin the campaign to re-educate the citizens on their next move in the “project to delete the zeros”.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Activities are beginning to pick up at the central bank as banking and investment events happen. CBI announces the imminent launch of deposit insurance. One thing the CBI has stated is they want to use this deposit insurance as a means to reduce the money supply. If true, I cannot see the CBI activating deposit insurance and letting the currency collected recirculate. So we may see the float begin soon. The next few weeks will be telling as to the plans CBI and currency reform.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin A well-informed political source reveals the “identity” of the two companies that the Abadi government contracted with to help fill corruption files… Article quote: “A source familiar with the political, on Sunday, that two companies are conducting the verification of files of corruption in Iraq since 2003. The source said in a press statement that ‘two companies, one American and one British are conducting the audit files corruption in Iraq since 2003 so far, and its task to detect corruption and identify the identities of those involved.” The investigation into the corruption cases is due to start on the basis of a memorandum of understanding signed by the Iraqi government with the United Nations. International investigators will assist the Iraqi government in uncovering the fate of Iraq’s $ 361 billion budget deficit between 2004 and 2014.
12-3-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Expert for {morning}: 2018 will see a renaissance by making {in Iraq}” Quote: “the government has worked during the last term on the advancement of the industry through a partnership with the private sector, but the move has seen a delay because of the war on terror, but we hope to be activated during the next year” [2018 it is.] I dont like to get overly excited. This could take another 3-6 months before they get into Article VIII and begin to float. Nothing moves fast in Iraq. But we can hope.