Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-31-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-31-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-31-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: Kazemi talk on TV news…Iraq needed three major events to happen to ensure the success of the white papers and one of them was complete – The withdrawal of all American and all foreign troops from Iraqi soil. Second…having Iraq free officially from Chapter VII…Last, we have to sit our government and that is about to be done…all we need is the official release of chapter VII then the reforms will soar… FRANK: …Your parliament is going to be seated along with the rest of the cabinet members sometime between the 9th and the 15th. It is at that time IMO that the government of Iraq will be presented the 2022 budget… with the white papers, with a rate of value.

12-31-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …I am not guessing, I am making studied observations, imo. I and others provide sound data that supports this study’s progression…Not one of us has a crystal ball and will not ever know the actual time or date…The timing of so many things having been done to date, is extremely bullish for this to be about over and a new exchange rate is issued by the CBI… Lets see what the year end has in store for us…

12-31-2021 Intel Guru Holly Thursday night: The news from all sources is so over the moon exciting! …I am getting excited! In the next few days I will be very excited…we are in a place we have never been before!!!

12-30-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I have not gotten any tentative, speculation on timing yet…even from redemption folks…but they are still being told they will be working this weekend. So buckle up…hopefully we will know more by tomorrow now that I have more contacts that are scrambling to get back into place. I had really thought we were on “snooze” until next week…but looks like things are at “go” now.

12-30-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: We are here at the bank with our friend. He says…the CBI this week had meeting all week with chartered banks [about?] the process of deleting the zeros and a rate change. He knows this for a fact but he’s not sure when. Looks to be in early 2022. The CBI is working behind the scenes and getting things lined up for possible rate change. FRANK: Everything is happening in the early part of 2022…

12-30-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …as we head into early 2022, we are at by far the best situation even since 2012-2013 to see the project to delete the zeros occur and then followed by the reinstatement.

12-30-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni One of the first things Iraq must do is end the currency auctions and begin to float the currency as the economy grows. This would allow it to gradually appreciate over time where the central bank can manage the dinar through the foreign exchange.

12-30-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Turns out they told the citizens of Iraq you cannot get the 25k, 10k, the 5k no longer in the banks, no longer in the ATM machines…they’re being taken out of circulation. Why? The articles said to the citizens because we’re going to introduce a new category note to you. Then it said the world “small” later on. Holy cow! Obviously if it’s a small note it needs a different exchange rate. But they can’t tell them exactly the exchange rate. So what they do instead they talk about purchasing power, adding value to it etc. The citizens are well aware that they are on the precipice of what is going to happen.

12-30-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Dinar is happening I read the daily updates out of Iraq they are making progress every day.] Exactly…we know Iraq will be revaluing their currency at some point. We know it is going and its going soon…

12-30-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingsick [via Guru Frank26] Let’s say the “glory days”. What was it $3.22…what’s the “glory days”? The float…so we want to get it up to that level – $3.22. No you don’t…That was 18 years ago you should add at least 10% inflation factor in it…let’s float it up to $3.86…can we go past $4? yeah…when they reach the REER it has to hit a 2% compliance. They will reach it within 2% during the float. That is the goal.

12-30-2021 Guest Member Guru RL First, I would like to express my gratitude to this site for allowing opposing views by the gurus, to be available to their followers. It shows a high degree of integrity and credibility… Second…the banks are supposedly closing early in preparation for the RV of the dinar. They are actually closing early etc., do to staff shortages brought about by the Holiday vacations, Covid illnesses & isolation protocols, and/or a severe shortage of new employees as replacements. Many bank branches are trying, unsuccessfully, to function with as little as 50% of their usual number of employees being unavailable. This is fairly common knowledge and should not be misinterpreted…

12-30-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: News saying today getting Iraq cleared of Chapter VII will enable Iraq to spend on the private sector and really have a positive impact on the economy and grow to a stable level never seen before. FRANK: That’s tangible to the articles that we’re reading…Remember what I told you, Chapter VII equals your currency to float internationally…

12-30-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a lot of anticipation and speculation right now. My redemption center folks …got another update this afternoon letting them know to expect to work this weekend. Hopefully this means we will see something happening…We are hearing fantastic intel dribbles coming out of Iraq right now. It is almost nonstop with individual pieces of information as to it preparing to happen sometime over the next 2 weeks. That is for international…They could certainly go in country even sooner.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: A big thing on the television. All the combat forces, they’re pulling out of Iraq…United States of America and other countries… many are now stationed in Kuwait so in reality they didn’t go very far… FRANK: This is so powerful. It’s important for the monetary reform, for the economic reform.

12-29-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] When they float it will be on par with the dollar and it will be 1 to 1 inside of Iraq and outside of Iraq…while it’s floating they’ll educate the people…a currency can’t have two rates…they have a goal and that’s to reach the REER…if you want a REER of $1.50 knock yourself out but we have the ability to take it up to [unsaid amount] so why don’t you go ahead and float it up to that REER. They will because Iraq is going to become the central hub of the Middle East…