Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-30-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-30-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: News saying today getting Iraq cleared of Chapter VII will enable Iraq to spend on the private sector and really have a positive impact on the economy and grow to a stable level never seen before. FRANK: That’s tangible to the articles that we’re reading…Remember what I told you, Chapter VII equals your currency to float internationally…

12-30-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There is a lot of anticipation and speculation right now. My redemption center folks …got another update this afternoon letting them know to expect to work this weekend. Hopefully this means we will see something happening…We are hearing fantastic intel dribbles coming out of Iraq right now. It is almost nonstop with individual pieces of information as to it preparing to happen sometime over the next 2 weeks. That is for international…They could certainly go in country even sooner.

12-30-2021 Guest Member Guru RL First, I would like to express my gratitude to this site for allowing opposing views by the gurus, to be available to their followers. It shows a high degree of integrity and credibility… Second…the banks are supposedly closing early in preparation for the RV of the dinar. They are actually closing early etc., do to staff shortages brought about by the Holiday vacations, Covid illnesses & isolation protocols, and/or a severe shortage of new employees as replacements. Many bank branches are trying, unsuccessfully, to function with as little as 50% of their usual number of employees being unavailable. This is fairly common knowledge and should not be misinterpreted…

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: A big thing on the television. All the combat forces, they’re pulling out of Iraq…United States of America and other countries… many are now stationed in Kuwait so in reality they didn’t go very far… FRANK: This is so powerful. It’s important for the monetary reform, for the economic reform.

12-29-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] When they float it will be on par with the dollar and it will be 1 to 1 inside of Iraq and outside of Iraq…while it’s floating they’ll educate the people…a currency can’t have two rates…they have a goal and that’s to reach the REER…if you want a REER of $1.50 knock yourself out but we have the ability to take it up to [unsaid amount] so why don’t you go ahead and float it up to that REER. They will because Iraq is going to become the central hub of the Middle East…

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Fleming …The Iraqi Government is no longer meeting with the United States, nor the IMF, the World Bank, or the UN, etc. The US Military has completely departed from Iraq. The only remaining US presence of military guards the US Embassy in Bagdad. The new IQD rate is in the budget which will be released to the world between the 10th to the 15th of January.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …Monday 3rd is very much in play – that’s when our true window opens up – and I have from another reliable source that we should be absolutely (tier 4) notified…on Monday and setting appointments and exchanging all the way up to in other words start up to January 9th…So the 3rd through the 9th is our next window that we believe is a legitimate opportunity for us to get started…I am excited about it… we know what the time line is – roughly – and why it’s that way – and lets all just pray that everything gets completed according to this plan…

12-29-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Deleting the zeros…We don’t want to see such an event as this is a LOP. We want to see them float the currency and have the dinar gradually appreciate over time.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Reducing The Price Of The Dollar Is A Necessity To Live” It’s a great article…It is so delicious… Quote: “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Mokhif said that ‘the previous exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar is ‘distorted’ and does not bring about real development in the country, ‘stressing that ‘the decision to change the exchange rate was not taken hastily, but rather within a well-studied plan in full coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund.” …Great article.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What we have coming out of Iraq is their first legislative session is going to be Monday January 10th. Do we need the new government is session for the RV to go? No…IMO it could go 2 minutes from now…I know many of you are salty and frustrated that nothing happened before Christmas and we did not get our reset we all were hoping for…Was there a big push to get it done by Christmas…YES!…and it fell flat. But, they keep pushing…and it will happen soon…Just do not give up. For me we are in the last final days of this thing…You can feel it in the air…you can almost taste it…

12-29-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling The World Trade organization is inviting Iraq, the Central Bank is modernizing in a big way and then you have them going to going to other countries trying to set up branches so people can trade the Iraqi currency internationally…

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY: It turns out the Federal Courts have dismissed the appeal. FRANK: Good! What happened was the Iranian influence jerks said ‘No, we’d like to protest the elections…’ Federal courts what do you say about that? ‘…throw it out of court. It’s a bunch of kaka.’ FIREFLY: Says that the election was fair and it sets a date for the first meeting of the new Parliament…it should be from the 10th to the 15th of January.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] If I had to make a guess right now…I guess that anywhere between the 3rd and the 10th is going to be our “go” date. Could it be sooner? Absolutely…we just do not know. Redemption folks are ready at any moment and have been told they are working this weekend…I am not hearing anything negative at all.

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Holly …Notifications highly possible to come out between now & first of the week! Appointments immediately following! Looks like it’s gonna finally truly be a Happy New Year!

12-29-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The news this period is all about the announcement of the election winners from the October elections in Iraq…The judiciary this week has told us they have rejected claims of any misdoing in the elections…So, Iraq is now on its way with a new government and I totally believe Al-Kazemi will have a second term as the prime minister…The reinstatement of the currency is within this timing also as it is optimal to do it at the beginning the new fiscal year. Currently we heard they are doing audits and budget reconciliations/ adjustments going back to 2003, something they have never done and we knew this would be a signal to us that they are serious about the reinstatement. WOW!

12-28-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Iraq has made it very clear they are about to go international. They have opened up border crossings. They have fully digitized their banking system in preparation. They have issued QI cards to the mass population. The effort for them to revalue their currency has been tremendous. The chatter out of Iraq has been tremendous.

12-28-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I said when you pay off Kuwait that equals the float…you have seen many articles that are telling that they want to return them back to the ‘glory days’. The ‘Glory Days’ is the REER. The glory day that they are returning their currency back to is the REER. Therefor that’s why the education is now teaching them that their currency is not fixed. It’s about to float because it has to reach the Real Effective Exchange Rate for their country…IMO the next thing that they’re going to show them is the new small category notes in a sheet form and then after that float the currency…