Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-29-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-29-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-29-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The news this period is all about the announcement of the election winners from the October elections in Iraq…The judiciary this week has told us they have rejected claims of any misdoing in the elections…So, Iraq is now on its way with a new government and I totally believe Al-Kazemi will have a second term as the prime minister…The reinstatement of the currency is within this timing also as it is optimal to do it at the beginning the new fiscal year. Currently we heard they are doing audits and budget reconciliations/ adjustments going back to 2003, something they have never done and we knew this would be a signal to us that they are serious about the reinstatement. WOW!

12-29-2021 Intel Guru Holly …Notifications highly possible to come out between now & first of the week! Appointments immediately following! Looks like it’s gonna finally truly be a Happy New Year!

12-29-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] If I had to make a guess right now…I guess that anywhere between the 3rd and the 10th is going to be our “go” date. Could it be sooner? Absolutely…we just do not know. Redemption folks are ready at any moment and have been told they are working this weekend…I am not hearing anything negative at all.

12-28-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Iraq has made it very clear they are about to go international. They have opened up border crossings. They have fully digitized their banking system in preparation. They have issued QI cards to the mass population. The effort for them to revalue their currency has been tremendous. The chatter out of Iraq has been tremendous.

12-28-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I said when you pay off Kuwait that equals the float…you have seen many articles that are telling that they want to return them back to the ‘glory days’. The ‘Glory Days’ is the REER. The glory day that they are returning their currency back to is the REER. Therefor that’s why the education is now teaching them that their currency is not fixed. It’s about to float because it has to reach the Real Effective Exchange Rate for their country…IMO the next thing that they’re going to show them is the new small category notes in a sheet form and then after that float the currency…

12-28-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq’s federal court ratified the election results today. There was no basis of any fraud. So now hopefully they can move forward and form a new government soon.

12-28-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I hate to say it but I think they are pushing it to next week now. Maybe Sunday or Monday? …But I am hearing “any moment” still…We just do not know…On the banking side/Redemption Center side I am still hearing from a conversation this morning that they should fully expect to work this weekend…Would be a perfect time to pull the trigger when nobody is expecting it though. They could absolutely pull the trigger before the end of the year and let us start making appointments before the end of the year. …It does appear that it is underway…don’t rule this week out just yet. It would be a golden time.

12-28-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “I’ve been seeing articles about the Central Bank of Iraq meeting with other central banks in other countries like Saudi Arabia and Britain . They’re setting up central bank branches in the countries and vice versa. Is that significant…?” It is. It’s specifically so other countries can use their currency. Very specific. Their currency [dinar] is going to go out there…they have to have people trying to use the Iraqi dinar which helps their supply times velocity. That’s why it’s so exciting…It is the formula. So we’re here.

12-28-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Legal: The Government Can Remove Iraq From Chapter VI After Paying Kuwait Compensation” They’ve already paid off Kuwait…they already paid off everybody…the last banana peel of Chapter VII is Chapter VI…this article talks about what they already did with the United Nations and why they’re about to go and float their currency…

12-28-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …I fully believe this…the revaluation of the currency…has been tied to the ongoing sanctions from the UN and then the US Treasury… the remaining obstacle to the last step in the currency reform process is the exit from Chapter VI and VII of the Charter of the United Nations…now it is time to take the next step. It has been a hard 18 years (almost 2 more decades) for Iraq, 3 decades altogether since the Kuwaiti invasion. But Iraq is now about to make a giant leap forward and it has in its sights to remake the late 1920’s kind of an economy with abundance and prosperity that was indicative of that period. Yes, they want these “glory” days once again. They even told us so…

12-28-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …here is…very good news! The Central Bank of Iraq announced recently that last Tuesday, the payment of the last installment of $44 million was paid to Kuwait early. This will lead the way to the dismissal out of Chapter VI and VII. The UN the Security Council still has to formally vote on it and it is scheduled for an early February 2022 meeting. Iraq has already submitted the paperwork for the request to the UN. Could they convene earlier and fool us? How does this effect the RV? I am not certain if they can still go ahead with the project to delete the zeros with anticipation of being released from these sanctions. There is no legal parameter preventing it from the CBI, however we know this is the first step in the process to reinstate and so once started they can’t turn back.

12-28-2021 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Article quote: “…the Central Bank of Iraq announced on December 22, 2021 the completion of the last remaining installment of Kuwait’s compensation amounting to (44) million US dollars, and thus Iraq had completed the payment of the full compensation amounts approved by the United Nations Compensation Committee of the UN Security Council…” I’m sure everyone here already understands how big this is… what an incredible milestone!

12-28-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “For the sake of the banking system..Kuwait: Iraq handed over the last batch of compensation before it was due” Kuwait had to be paid off..compensated with economic reform and return their dead… Quote: “re-integrate the Iraq banking system with the global banking system.” Bingo! What they did is they combined the Iraqi banks with the banks around the world… I told you [Guru] Walkingstick’s friend came to do this to his private bank in the United States…because of the fact that the Iraqi banks are now internationally recognized the Iraqi currency is about to float…

12-28-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [You had said you expect a dinar rate of about $4.81…is this street rate or contract rate?] In country it may start lower and float up to about $4.81…I am still hearing we may expect a higher contract rate than that. Maybe even a couple of dollars higher then that per dinar.

12-28-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The International Coalition : We no longer have combat forces in Iraq” Add this to the equation… No combat forces, done early. Kuwait paid in full, early. Digital platforms noted by the CBI, early. Thus, the next move is expected and that is move to a market economy. That will require an international exchange rate…imo…