Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-27-2019 Intel Guru DELTA “We Found Something Big and Huge” …URGENT …[Gurus] MilitiaMan & FRANKIE [Frank26] & MYSELF WE FOUND SOMETHING SO BIG AND HUGE AND WE GOT THE PROVE THAT CBI DID DELETE ZEROS END OF NOVEMBER…WE WILL SEE WHEN TO RELEASE THE INFO..

12-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Wow! The news from Iraq is finally breaking wide-open and is all very good for us. The stalemate seems to be almost over and if it continues we might just see the reinstatement yet in early 2020… So Iraq still needs a new prime minister, someone the US and UN can also approve will preserve the Iraqi constitution. We see…on Christmas Eve the Electoral Law was finally agreed on and passed. Now two readings already on amendments to the Financial Administration Law. So let’s get the new prime minster completed. The CBI is waiting…

12-27-2019 Newshound Guru chattels Article: “/Nina/ publishes the first amendment proposal for the Federal Financial Management Law Thursday 26, December 2019″ At one time the gurus hailed the financial management law as a harbinger of the “RV”. It was then and is now simply an accounting regulatory law, IMO.

12-26-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Can Iraq still go with no new prime minister in place?] Yes they can…we have to stop thinking of the politics in those countries and focus on “Do they have the assets” to do this. …With an asset backed currency…you just have to have the assets in place to justify the value. So yes, I believe. Unless there is tremendous upheaval and turmoil… that they can go with or without a new leader in place

12-26-2019 Intel Guru Jeff …I’ve been in this 10 years. I think I’ve only seen one article in 10 years where they ever talked about the physical exchange rate of the Iraq dinar ever being in the $3+ range. Like 99% of all the articles I’ve seen that mentioned anything about the Iraq exchange rate they’ve always showed it to be in the dollar range. Why is that? They’re never gonna show you the real truth as to what the rate is even gonna be. That’s why like I said 99% of the articles are talking about the dinar exchange rate being pegged to the dollar showing that the value of the exchange rate is in the dollar range. They don’t want us to know that it could be in the $3+ range…they don’t want you to think that it could even reach $3+…

12-26-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn As for the dinar…Look at the news and what they are doing…do you really believe they would change the rate when they don’t even have a government in place. I think not. I’m sorry but it looks like we will still be here for awhile…not saying this won’t happen but I do believe they have to have the country in order before they can do this…

12-26-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ Iraq has announced that they will be inventorying all their cash between the 29th of Dec. to Jan. 5th. Meaning their banks are not going to do any cash withdrawals as they inventory all the cash in the country. According to my contacts in Iraq say Iraq is planning to release the new rate at that time. This is really important IMO…the highlight of our window…Could they pull it off earlier with everyone quiet and gone…absolutely…would this be an ideal time? Absolutely…if they want to do it under the radar. So with Iraq making that announcement this is a golden opportunity …and I hear from everyone we are still in a perfect spot.

12-26-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff …[Guru’s] Frank26, Delta and MilitiaMan are all of the opinion that the rate will change around the beginning of this fiscal year…[MilitiaMan] is saying that March is a reckless rumor…here’s where he’s wrong…Iraq’s never done a rate change at the end of the year…roughly 2010… Shabibi said that the best time for a rate change is either at the beginning of a fiscal year or middle. They’ve never commented around the end of a fiscal year…Back in the ’70s Iraq’s fiscal period was actually the exact same as Kuwait’s from the beginning of April through the end of March…in 1973 Iraq’s currency pegged to the dollar was worth $3.37 … …Iraq’s preparing to join the international world community…Iraq will start managing and controlling all of their own affairs…that’s when they would most likely transition to a new fiscal year and un-peg from the dollar and repeg to a currency assortment basket to be structured exactly how Kuwait is structured today…

12-26-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I was hoping for announcements by the GOI on certain aspects that did not happen…These announcements should be about the payments of the HCL excess oil revenues to the citizens and hopefully the new prime minister. …I have evidence of a meeting with the UN, US, CBI and the GOI and agreements have been made to do so soon, in fact it was supposed to happen already last week.

12-26-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …This part of HCL is very significant because the conditions specified for these payments is bringing the provisional rate to 1:1 with the US dollar first and paying out under this new rate. As I told you before it is going to be more like about 83 cents rather than 1.00. I am seeing some positive signs …time will tell. We are hopeful this window of opportunity is taken advantage of and finally Iraq will move forward again with the project to delete the zeros.