Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-17
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-27-17
12-27-2017 Intel Guru Bruce …on Thursday this past week, Iraq started and made a new active rate on their dinar. It was put out so we have an active rate, so call international rate…I don’t know where it needs to go before this is released. I heard a couple of numbers where it needs to go, but based on the current progress we should be ready for the release in a matter of a day or so…I don’t know if we are going immediately in the next day. We got some information that is indicating it should start in a few days and we should have all this complete around January 2nd. By that I mean the Redemption Centers. The Redemption Centers are on high alert. They have been told to be ready at a moment’s notice…The so called Redemption Centers or exchange locations will be operating 24/7 for a period of about a week, maybe a little bit longer depending on when they decide to shut it all down…
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Having Iraq released from the restrictions of Chap. 7 was just HUGE!! And Parl. should be back on the 3rd of Jan. and we might see the added amendments to the budget that the Council of Ministers have been busy with.
12-27-2017 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq reserves of foreign currency amounting to 48 billion dollars: Iraq’s central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said on Tuesday that the bank’s reserves of foreign currency amounted to 48 billion dollars, pointing out that Iraq will not resort to floating the currency.”…No smoke coming from the CBI. And I think that applies to this art. They do not intend to float their currency. They will come out with a fixed rate. At least that is how I interpret this art…They have been cancelling many imports for the last 6 months or so because they have become self sufficient. Products like wheat and corn and many more. Iraq should be able to increase their exports and with a true value currency IMO…
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru tman23 …Iraqi forces and the Kurdish Peshmerga are in a standoff near the town of Kalar in northern Diyala Province…If we take the news…and… believe a RV is imminent start of 2018…then we have to believe that all this is just media optics and there is no problems between Kurdistan and Baghdad…although President Massum says Abadi is refusing dialogue right now…which I wonder how do you make a monetary change and who internationally supports it when the optics are the place is ready to blow…yet articles of Japan loaning billions for reconstruction… Not making much sense…eg ? Hopefully Jan 2 we see a rate change and much of this is equal to US intelligence reports of a Russian dossier…
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor Article “Iraq once again controls own economy, free of UN sanctions.” According to this article Iraq has free from all UN sanctions. Previously until this article was written Iraq has always been under Ch. 7 sanctions. Quote: “The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has agreed to lift sanctions imposed on Iraq when the country invited Kuwait 26 years ago. The Iraqi Foreign Minsister said Dec 9 the country had completed it’s obligations under the sanctions…Kuwaiti Oil Minister Essan Al-Marzouq said Dec. 10 that the 10 year deal with Iraq provides for imports of 50 million cubic feet of natural gas a day…later rising to 200 million. The deal appears to have been the key factor that persuaded Kuwait to call for the UN to life the sanctions…Iraqi Parliament member Jassem Mohammad…’Before sanctions were lifted, Iraq was not even able to open foreign bank account in the name of the government…that cost the Iraqi Treasury enormously…”
12-26-2017 Newshound Guru American Contractor “…From now on, Iraq can manage the legal and technical aspects of its financial resources itself – along with everything relating to deposits and foreign real estate holding…All efforts to freeze Iraqi funds in International banks has ended, which will enhance Iraq’s financial standing and it’s creditworthiness…The decision to lift sanctions coincided with Abadi’s announcement Dec 9 that the fight against the Islamic State was over and security and stability had returned to Iraq.” This is great news. It’s a good article. Now Iraq can reach out to foreign banks and maybe get some foreign banking expertise…Chase Bank or Citi Bank and have them opening up in Iraq…It’s going to cost them 200 Billion dollars to rebuild all of northern Iraq…this is a great thing and hopefully a betterment of Iraq and they’ll get out of this cloud they’re under. They are now the number 1 seller of oil to India.