Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-20-2017 Intel Guru Bruce Let’s talk about Iraq. What they had to do was they had to get everything set with World Bank because there is a loan coming to Iraq from World Bank. They were granted the loan from the World Bank and they sufficiently met the requirements the World Bank had for Iraq. We know this will allow the lower denominations finally be put out. That is their new currency these lower denominations. They line up with the ones we have. The other thing Iraq is doing is they are currently for at least a day, because they stopped trading over the weekend, and they resumed trading the dinar as a future meaning as a future currency that is really there now. They started trading those again last night [Monday] and continued to 3am to 4am in the morning then it was shut off. I believe it was resumed again for tonight [Tuesday]. During that time we know the value of those futures have gone up more than double almost 3 times since they were cut off this morning at 3:00 to 3:30am. There is a lot of movement of these futures moving the value of the dinar to its true rate which could come out any day now.

12-20-2017 Newshound Guru mike Article: “Identify obstacles to sustainable development and demand overcome them” Quote: “This conference aims to intensify and coordinate efforts between the Iraqi private sector on the one hand, and between the decision – makers in the House of Representatives and the executive representative of the government of the other side and the support and sponsorship of the International Project Center” I like this guy and he seems to be headed in the right direction, let’s hope the GOI is listening and picks one task and fully accomplishes it and moves on to the next one. …Revamp the investment law. Provide guarantee’s on bank deposits. Move the dinar into Article VIII. Empower the open market economy. Before you know it, the west is investing in Iraq instead of handouts.

12-19-2017 Intel Guru Footforward Exciting time that we are looking at. Like many I’m expecting the RV to happen shortly. We’re not waiting on tax reform in the United States, but that is what i’m looking at in a sense of a trigger…a sign. When that happens I’ll be expecting something any day…IMO.

12-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the CBI’s next move is to set the program rate to 1000 : 1 (dinars to US dollars) in early January. But this is not the kind of huge change we are waiting for. We need the 1:1. But this change in January will be a sign for us that the 1:1 is coming soon.

12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Stryker Breaking News: Parliamentary finance raises the draft budget to the Presidency and we are waiting to set a date for approval…Ever Closer To The Finishline.

12-19-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “External: one file and out of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII” Whether its UN Chapter VI or VII, it’s pretty clear that the UN has some control over Iraq until the final balance to Kuwait is paid in full. The good news is that they agreed to start paying again in 2018.

12-19-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 As far as over in Iraq, it’s been very quiet other than the little bit of information that has come out. . . Clearly other information is still being suppressed for whatever reason. It’s a timing thing. I don’t have any information that says to me, not until 2018. …we have a few days into this week to see if it may materialize before this week is over.