Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-19-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-19-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …can we still expect the reinstatement of the IQD on Forex soon? …Just remember that Iraq can not do what they are telling us they want to do in the White Paper without a currency with a true value… the White Paper and Financial Minister whole-heartedly support its purpose and implementation. We have read in many prior articles that the CBI and Financial Committee wants Iraq to go back to the “glory days” and we surely know what this means for us and our investment…the Iraq dinar was valued at $4+. Wow! Is this really possible now? Yes, and it is coming since we already can see the new rate in the Quantum Financial System (QFS) just sitting there waiting to be pushed down stream into implementation …The White Paper clearly addresses the implementation of the IQD to go international…They actually say “FOREX”.

12-19-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …based on what I am hearing I anticipate exchanges happening very early in the week. I am very hopeful this is actually it. People at exchange centers had been hoping to be exchanging folks this weekend… I spoke with 3 different contacts at Redemption Centers…and they are fully staffed. They said its very festive today…they are not anticipating any redemptions today [Saturday] and tomorrow but are staffed making preparations. They anticipate our release before the holidays…Whales are still sitting where they need to be…everyone is very festive. Everyone seems to be in a long-stretched out holiday party waiting to exchange.

12-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The central bank of Iraq has hooked up with all the banks that we can think of around the world. I know people talk about a GCR but that’s not what’s going on. Ironically enough every currency on this planet Earth is interested in talking to Iraq ‘s Central Bank…every bank in the world is visiting the CBI right now and talking behind closed doors…

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I still think it’s going to go up in increments. I still think at the very least they can restore it back to the rate it was prior to this earlier devaluing…our time will come. Right now the people in Iraq they should come first. They need to get away from depending so much on oil. They really need to develop their private sectors…

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Board of Directors of The Arab Monetary Fund will hold its two hundred first meeting on Thursday 16, 2021″ Quote: “Successful completion of the first-of-its-kind joint experiment of interconnection between the “Bunna” platform for Arab payments and the European Instant Payment Settlement System to carry out instant payment settlement business in multiple currencies” The most important part is the system has been tested successfully and with multiple currencies, imo that includes the Iraqi Dinar. With the amount of news coming out from the AMF and the CBI we can clearly see that the digital transformation is well under way. …Yes, indeed we are in a great place.

12-18-2021 Intel Guru Holly …We had a great week with moving many pieces on the puzzle board in position. So much behind the scenes is going on. It has always been about safety and security. The release will not happen till that happens. From what I heard that has happened and we are waiting on the final release. That can occur anytime between now and Christmas…

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …Comparing Kuwait to Iraq…all misdirection. LOL. No, Kuwait has 40 billion in circulation and Iraq has 100 trillion. Do the math, there is no RV.

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Vital Brad I was thinking with the new administration this reset wouldn’t happen. I thought it was pushed off and I thought we were out of luck but it actually seems like they’e pushing it even harder. They’re pushing it faster…the stage is being set…

12-18-2021 Intel Guru Wolverine JUST IN…Money is moving!!! Celebrations behind the scenes as transfers are being made. You are next!!!

12-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Economist: What the Central Bank has achieved in terms of monetary reserves requires the government to reduce the exchange rate” …In 2003 the rate was about 4500 to 1. It has been reduced to 1460 and continues to be reduced until they get to 1 to 1. It started as a very large number and it has to be reduced to 1 to 1 ratio. That’s what they’re doing so they can de-peg from the American dollar and be…1 to 1 on par with it. Now let’s go international because we got a lot of people that want to use the Iraqi dinar. The value internationally is going to skyrocket.

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy People are saying, ‘Hey once the Iraqi dinar is on the Forex then that’s when things really change.’ …straight from the Forex, “Can I trade the Iraqi dinar? At this time does not offer trading in the Iraqi dinar…” At the moment you can see the IQD is not even traded on the Forex so that’s another step that has to be taken. But first and foremost they have to get out of Chapter 7. Once they’re out of Chapter 7 I think you’re going to see things happen very quickly. World Trade Organization, sovereignty restored, the increase in oil production, removed off the blacklist in the UK. The Iraqi people are going to have a lot to celebrate. Their purchasing power is going to increase…if we’re going to see an actual RV or RI it’ll happen right before they’re put on the Forex. I still think it’s going to go up in increments – I know. Don’t boo me.

12-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [What can I expect to get for Dinar and dong?] …I am hearing somewhere around $4.80 for the dinar and somewhere around $2.30 for the dong.

12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling It’s very simple. They need to make sure that they can get out from the US dollar (not offend the United States doing it) and add value to the currency. And guess what – That’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s step-by-step-by-step…you should have a huge smile and grin on your face because you know what’s coming…zero hype. 100% pure policy…they’re going to revalue. They’re going to add value to their currency. It’s going to be phenomenal…

12-18-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some banks are targeting Saturday for their first public exchange activity. [Time Will Tell]