Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-18-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Chairman of the Board of Commissioners: The electoral process is proceeding smoothly, and the voting machines will stop at six in the evening”

12-18-2023 Intel/Newshound Guru Babysmom …IRAQI CITIZENS WILL BE VOTING TODAY AND TOMORROW.

12-18-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am not worried about a float. None of my bankers are worried about a float…I was told that because of the “Oil for Dinar“ program –the redeeming banks or redemption centers that this will be our best price. All my bankers agree.

12-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man They have a paragraph in the laws that may need an amendment. It has to deal with the average production cost per barrel [of oil]…it’s used to be $8 but now it’s $21…When they change the value of the currency it’s going to need to be adjusted according for a fair valuation for how much money is it going to cost to get it out of the ground. That’s going to be relevant to what’s the dinar worth because we’re not going to be using the dollar, we’re going to be using the dinar…

12-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 If you held your dinars for 1 year and you have the receipt to prove that, the date, then more than likely you’ll be somewhere in the 20% range of taxes. If you…have no receipt, oh boy, you might be in the 40%. Yikes. You have 1 million, you’ll have to give Uncle Sam $400,000. I’d rather give him $200,000 because I have a receipt where I’ve held my dinars for at least 1 year. For those of you…that just bought your dinars last month. Hmmm. You may have to consider to hold on to them for another 11 more months for tax purposes.

12-17-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East In January we’ll be using the dinar only. 1st of January is going to be a big step. A big change…Wait for the first of January, that’s when things are going to start happening. You might see the deleting of the zeros or the new currency in January… Somewhere or somehow or some when it’s going to be 1 to 1.

12-17-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq cuts oil production by 223,000 barrels per day voluntarily. Iraq is over 90% dependent on oil revenue and oil prices, therefore when OPEC speaks we listen and we listen very carefully, almost as carefully as when the CBI makes and announcement.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru sheila Iraq’s elections days are 18th and 19th. Rumor has it they will release the new exchange rate post election…we shall see if that’s true or not in the coming days.

12-17-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There’s a new article out that many people are translating and confusing. They are not talking about an RV in Iraq, they are talking about the spread being in compliance early next year. Just a reminder the spread is the difference between the official rate and the market rate or street rate and has been way out of whack recently in Iraq. This article simply means they expect the spread to come down closer to the official rate early next year. There is no RV.

12-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “A STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE GROUP OF SEVEN COUNTRIES, THE EUROPEAN UNION, AND THE WORLD BANK” This data supports all that we have been seeing where Iraq is going international. It is coming out strong and to the point from the horse’s mouths. For those that doubt it still.. Good luck.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 There is hidden information being revealed in these [This week’s bank stories] phone calls…They’re running out of time…The Venturi effect of the whole monetary reform is becoming so narrow he can barely get everything through fast enough right now. The employees are being educated/updated. Very good. They are telling them the dinar…we’ll be doing it, sure…The banks know when and they’re getting the customers ready and preparing them…This is what I am coming across…You may be still getting a lot of denials and that’s still to be expected, but I am a central hub of information. People call me because they want me to share it with you…these bank stories are powerful.

12-17-2023 Guest Guru PompeyPeter The head of the armed forces coming out and saying the whole of the armed forces from Wednesday to Wednesday starting the day before yesterday through Wednesday of next week are on the highest level of alert in the whole of the armed forces. Level C…It’s like a bloody call for a war, reservists and so on. It’s saying it’s because of the election on the Monday the 18th…That makes no sense. Most countries like here in the UK and the US we don’t have a day off for an election. Last time they had council elections they only had 40% turn out. Pretty apathetic. It’s Iraq, they give them a day off. Now Sudani says they have two days off, Monday and Tuesday. Now we hear the whole bloody army’s been called up on massive stay of alert.

12-17-2023 Guest Guru PompeyPeter I’m thinking these are council elections, no body give a fiddles fig about these things. Very strange. I thought, hmmm, new small category notes, ATMs, a lot of people trying to get into a bank to change their notes…Thinking about it, they may want the army involved to protect movements of new notes and coins…The 20th they’ve got 5 days to spend the big chunk of the budget that’s been sitting there waiting for over 11 months. Why? Because they don’t want to spend it at 1300. It’s too expensive….It would seem perfect timing perhaps they mask these elections with something else which may or may not be the rate change and new small category notes. That’s my eye on the prize today. Could be wrong. Just my opinion.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] They have been very upfront over the last couple of days that we are very close to the finish line for the Iraqi people. This is about all they can say without giving away to much. It is very exciting what we are hearing in Iraq. …The leaders are telling the people that they are about to have an imminent change coming to their valuations and to pay attention when they shop…Most people believe they are setting us up for the next few days. I believe they may be accurate…It is coming from many different angles and directions.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The Redemption center rates on their screens will be the best rates available they will be the best rates if you try to just say well, I’m just gonna go to this small mom and pop bank – You’re not gonna get the big rates. You’re not gonna get the rates that President Trump wants us to have…there’s a vast difference between the redemption center screen rates and that of the banks. Even the tier one banks are not a match up.