Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-18-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling It’s very simple. They need to make sure that they can get out from the US dollar (not offend the United States doing it) and add value to the currency. And guess what – That’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s step-by-step-by-step…you should have a huge smile and grin on your face because you know what’s coming…zero hype. 100% pure policy…they’re going to revalue. They’re going to add value to their currency. It’s going to be phenomenal…

12-18-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Some banks are targeting Saturday for their first public exchange activity. [Time Will Tell]

12-18-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [What can I expect to get for Dinar and dong?] …I am hearing somewhere around $4.80 for the dinar and somewhere around $2.30 for the dong.

12-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still hearing reports that they still expect or hope to have announcements out before the weekend is over. We are all praying this is accurate. I am still being told they are pushing hard to get this done. [Mark, do you think notifications are possible tomorrow?] Based on what I am hearing it’s very possible. I know there is a mad dash to complete things…I know this waiting thing is not fun…but, its where we are at.

12-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “The government has boosted the cash reserve by about $10 billion” One of the things that help with the exchange rate is you have to have an abundance of foreign reserves. It was almost depleted. It now received a boost of 10 billion…that’s a good thing. A good step forward. We need to keep going…they’re getting there.

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …from other sources – very high up…we were able to get information about the timing that you and I are looking forward to – and we believe from our sources – that this is going to go for us with notifications in the next couple of days and exchanges to start on the same day…My understanding is we should get this Saturday morning…if everything is going according to plan…I was told this – if that it does not occur and we do not get notified Saturday – I am going to paraphrase this – “we dang well should go on Monday”… I’ve been told this will be the best Christmas that we’ve ever had…It’s been a long ride and I am excited for all of us…

12-17-2021 Guest Guru Nader From The Mid East Somebody ask me the money is going to be 1200 instead of 1460 and it’s going to stay like that. No. It’s going to be maybe between 1000 and 1200 yes. But it’s going to fluctuate. I think in a couple months because it’s going to go up so fast it’s going to go up to $1.50. For me, the end of February it’s going to $1.50 if everything goes smoothly of course and everything goes right.

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Holly …We have never been so close on this journey. You can feel the momentum building every day. We are in uncharted territory and this ship is ready to land…We are close and the word is imminent…

12-17-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iraq’s central bank’s reserves going up to $64 billion is an indication that there’s going to be an RV. LOL. No, they needed to raise the reserves to cover the currency in circulation which is over a hundred trillion dinar!

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] The Iraqi citizens have to see the new small category notes first before they are given the new small category notes and the exchange rate together. IMO what is going to happen soon is that the banks of Iraq are going to show the citizens…the description, the size, colors, the pictures themselves/specimen forms…on television, commercial, in the local newspapers, electronic billboards, at the exchange centers, at the mosques, at the markets, at every bank…now we got to get these samples to the managers/tellers because they got to explain to the citizens now…

12-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are hearing fantastic things…Over the weekend we are hearing they hope to have announcements out…meaning we may get to make appointments before the end of the weekend. Doesn’t mean they will start appointments…but you may get to make them…I hope this is accurate. We need to manage our expectations because we have been here before. We are all hoping this is the “real thing”. Things are heating up…they are setting up the perfect stage for our reset.

12-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I try really hard not to get sucked down that rabbit hole when it goes to the RI or RV. I’m not saying it won’t happen, I’m just saying there’s too many major things that have to fall into place for that to happen. It was my feeling that we would have them have the rate change in increments. But the very things that I know that need to take place for them to do an RI or an RV are actually playing out…

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Wolverine …The RV is only days away now as I received a message straight from the source (boots on the ground). This is not from a third party or anything like that. I’m sure everyone is excited and waiting for the green light…

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Central Bank is talking about ‘returning’ the dollar exchange rate to 1200″ This article is 100% correct…this is a decrease in the correct direction from Dec 20th to reach 1 to 1…when they say they are lowing the exchange rate and returning the dollar exchange rate to 1200 they’re talking about an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar…back in 2003 the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the American dollar was something like 4500-4800 to 1…five or six years later…it went down to around 3600 to 1. Then two years after…it went to 1460 to 1…

12-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 …the point I’m making is that when we arrived it was beyond worthless. As the years have gone by and as we’ve improved Iraq the value of the Iraqi dinar has gone up…it went down on December 20th [2020] – Why? …so that they could pay a bunch of bills at a lower rate…The goal is to get it to 1000 to 1. That’s why they’re telling the citizens we’re very close to getting it to 1200 to 1…the smaller that the exchange rate number gets – it’s not decrease in the value – it’s actually increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar.

12-17-2021 Intel Guru HOLLY …I’m telling you there is no false hope! …I have tangible evidence that this is happening in regards to our blessing now and all pieces are being connected.

12-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing fantastic things… hearing there is a mad push. Whether they will make it or not….we will see. I know there is a tremendous amount of anticipation now…especially during the holiday season. We need to manage our expectations. But I will tell you from my sources all over the globe- that there is a big push going on. I am excited at this point. I hope this is it…we are all tired of hype then big let downs…but so much is happening right now.