Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-5-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-5-2021
11-5-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Take note that Iraq has a new digital system in place now. We saw proof of that Sunday 10/31/2021… Iraq is not waiting until next year. Rate comes before activation. The same day 10/31/2021 the CBI stated that digital payments are imminent! Thus, the they intend to change the exchange rate, imo. … they signed a contract with the IMF… In other words, they just may finally have the green light to light up those digital payments and not with a program rate…We shall see. imo There is nothing stopping the CBI now… It is their baby, not the GOIs… imo.
11-5-2021 Newshound Guru BobTheTaxMan If any of you watched the news today you’ve seen what appears to be the whole inertia of everything that the Biden administration was wanting to make in their 3.5 budget has been slashed and then recently have even been stabbed…the $10 million cap on our retirement accounts, the stepped up bases being taken away a few other odds and ends that were really concerns for us are no not on the table. Now does that mean that’s permanent? No…it could be brought back up but quite frankly I doubt it really seriously. I think that all the plans that we’ve made before with our IQD plans are going to be very valid. Extremely valid…
11-5-2021 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram The wealthy never ever spend the foundation of their wealth. In your case it would be the profits from your Iraqi dinars and/or other foreign currencies. Wealthy people invest their initial profits. The first person they hire is a financial advisor. The second person they hire is a tax professional to make sure Uncle Sam doesn’t get large sums [The proper amount so you don’t overpay] of their money. If you do anything else you are in the fast lane to going broke.
11-5-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Boots-on-the-ground Firefly Iraqi TV report] The television is showing us now older currency. This is different. It’s from the late 1940’s and they’re saying that it was $4.86 and they’re telling us these were the glory days. FRANK26: Remember Mustafa said to them a couple days ago, ‘we’re taking you back to the glory days.’ FIREFLY: Saying today’s rate must be changed. It must be changed because it’s against the people and it hurts them. They’re also saying that the reforms at current rate would cost Iraq much money. FRANK26: They already told you there’s a new rate coming…a new currency coming to match it. FIREFLY: They’re saying Iraq has had many rates of the years and then they show a $3.2 rate also. FRANK26: Every day the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq gets you closer and closer and closer to a date that is written in titanium…
11-4-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …redemption contacts were told to be on call over the weekend. It would not surprise me to hear them say it will be a couple more weeks…then bam…they just pull the trigger. Stay calm…there is a lot of smoke out there. They may be just waiting for the perfect time to release it.
11-4-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Guru Frank26] The ATMs and the commercials [education] are hot right now. That’s a hot subject in Iraq right now. Very hot…IOO the CBI governor has announced to the citizens of Iraq that a change is coming in their monetary reform. That a change is coming in their exchange rate. The change is coming in their currency – He called it ‘lower notes’…welcome to the CBI announcing to the Iraqi citizens the introduction of a new currency of a new exchange rate…
11-4-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Member comment: “One of the gurus is always talking about trillions of dinar out there…You have said on many occasions at last count there were between 5 and 6 billion notes and we were waiting for it to get around 4 billion or less. I think what this guy is trying to figure out is what denominations are out there and came out with trillions.” No. What he’s doing is taking the M1, M2, M3 [reports]…M1 has the currency – How much physical currency is in circulation. That’s in the M1 report. The M2 report is the commodities – gold [etc]… there are 4 separate reports and what he’s doing is…talking all those reports and combining them together. What do all those reports [equal] combined together…? Something like 54 trillion in dinar value. He’s trying to say there are 54 trillion dinar out there in circulation. He is wrong…
11-4-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The process that is occurring right now IMO is that the CBI is educating the citizens that they’re also going to be removing…3 zero notes and taking them out of circulation. 70% has been collected and they don’t want to pump any more 3 zero notes into the money supply…This will cause the citizens…to bring them into the banks… And it takes us to the point where Dr. Shabibi said, ‘Our goal is to return our currency back to the glory days.’ The glory days were in the 40s…We have the governor Mustafa of the CBI today repeating the same words that Dr. Shabibi said…our goal is to take our currency back to the glory days. To add value to it again. To be a leader in the Middle East…
11-4-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni It is…a fact that Iraq has over a hundred trillion dinar in circulation. There is no possible way they could ever significantly RV the dinar. What they can do is redenominate (LOP) the dinar removing trillions to billions. Or….They can build a diverse private sector and allow the dinar to float up gradually over time…gradually removing and reducing the dinar in circulation.
11-4-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are still moving forward…just not as quickly as we want…I believe we are right in the midst of it…none of us know exactly what to expect.
11-4-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraq pays Kuwait $490 million and is close to closing the compensation file” Iraq is just $629 million away and it is going to be done at the beginning of 2022. [Iraq owed billions at one time.] That will close the compensation files permanently. That means Iraq does not owe Kuwait any more dollars. This is going to go a long way to restore sovereignty and definitely lifting the restrictions off of the Iraqi dinar…
11-4-2021 Intel Guru Holly Some days the news is slow and coming. We are making progress just very slow to roll out at our level. They are being very cautious and making sure there is no interference. Stay strong and keep the faith. There will be no warning when this happens. It just will.
11-4-2021 Intel Guru Fleming …In the waiting for RV GCR Hell Loop…The misguided Hero, always knocking on the bank’s door, ready for his turn to exchange. Getting the same painful reply to every pitiful request to exchange, hearing only, “Not yet.” …Yes, the possibility to Redeem for the hundreds of thousands of stalwart heroes in this Redemption endeavor, is 100%…We get to the other side…after the required challenges are handled.