Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-2023
11-30-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Every day those that were against it [The dinar/monetary reform], those that were negative like parliament are complimenting and cheering on what is about to happen. Everyday they come up with new ways of saying the same thing. Article: “Advisor to the prime minister: Economic policy in Iraq is moving towards implementing the principle of monetary sovereignty” MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY… ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL WAY OF SAYING WE HAVE A NEW CURRENCY.
11-30-2023 Intel Guru Goldilocks Bonds increase demand for a country’s national currency. It also increases its value. Iraq is beginning to sell bonds to their people and investors to participate in the growth of their new economy supported by Gold and the Dinar. Iraq is beginning to make moves that will make their countries’ economy self-sustaining going forward utilizing only the dinar to make it happen.
11-30-2023 Newshound/Intel Gurus Militia Man & MarkZ [via PDK] Militia Man: …Iraq is going International big time…Iraq is considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest nations with vast reserves…They have the money they need for a new real effective exchange rate. With the oil, natural gas, sulfer, precious metals etc…they can afford it. MarkZ: And the rare earth minerals…Iraq has just discovered…Iraq is worth much more now than when the rate was $3.22 over 20 years ago.
11-30-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I’ve been told that we should get notifications… Thursday, very early morning…possibly wake up to it on a Thursday. Let’s see what happens.
11-29-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man All the data we’ve had in the last two weeks has been pretty much phenomenal because it sets the stage of so many things that converge on one another.
11-29-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Do I need my receipt when I go exchange my Iraqi dinar?” The answer is no but you will need your receipt if you are ever audited to determine the tax bracket that they would charge you under. [Note: Speak with your tax professionals at the appropriate time to determine the right tax for your unique circumstances.]
11-29-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A number of bankers I know are seeing “Pending” on the screens instead of “on hold” . Which is what they have seen on a number of currencies… So for the first time bankers are reporting seeing pending now. Depending on the bank…different rates are showing like $4.50 or $4.60 on the dinar. We don’t know if this is a test…or this is “it”. We don’t know if they are priming or prepping the system.
11-29-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There is no overnight RV and the main reason why that could never happen is because the money supply in Iraq is too significant. There’s close to 90 trillion dinar in circulation which makes it impossible for there to be such an event.
11-29-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Central Bank: US Treasury restrictions are still imposed on Iraqi banks”
11-29-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy In 2020 we know they almost went bankrupt and they ended up devaluing their currency. After about a year they increased it again. Not to where it was. We used to be able to get 1,190 for every dollar. Now we’re getting what 1,310 for every dollar…We need it to go in the other direction. The less amount of dinars we get per dollar the better it
is for our investment. Eventually what you want…it to cost you more dollars than it does dinars. You want to spend $2.00 for 1 dinar. That’s the direction we want to go in.
11-29-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] ”Central Bank Governor: Washington responds to all that Iraq needs in terms of dollars and meeting with it next month 28th of Nov.” This article was from yesterday. Quote: “There are no restrictions on Iraqi funds abroad” This is what we call “International” Awesome things are coming out of Iraq. Question: I am hearing that a Dinar rate announcement is likely in the next couple days…are you hearing the same with reason for confidence? MarkZ: I am hearing that.
11-29-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 There is a start IOO of a testing of the lower denominations and the new exchange rate. We believe the testing is starting in the Kurdistan region…Once they show the citizens the colors/ crayon [New lower note samples] they will release the currency within 24-28 hours. We should also see a new exchange rate to come out with it as well. Has all this started? We are not seeing it in the streets. We’re seeing it in preparation…
11-29-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Article from [Advisor to the prime minister] Salah. I love Salah. You always come with the good news…He says …the Iraqi dinar is going to master the currency of the world soon. That’s what we’re working hard for and it’s going to master it. A lot of people do not know what you guys know.
11-29-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Most of these bilateral agreements and treaties include provisions related to the freedom of movement of capital. This whole topic…Article VIII, Article 14 of the IMF is accepting the obligations…It encourages the freedom of movement of capital between countries. So everybody get ready because the fact is what we’re seeing is evidence of them actually doing it in real time…
11-29-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat What will 2024 look like? I will say one thing for sure as it will not be business as usual in Iraq…I will also dismiss this silly notion once again that Iraq must first rebuilt their economy and then watch the value of the dinar grow with it from 1/6 of a penny upwards…the very basis of the economy now is generating billions each month in oil revenues …So why not reflect this value of the oil reserves alone in the rate of the dinar. If nothing else this wealth should be reflected into the equation of the rate of the dinar…I mean right now, NOT five or ten years from now… we can see the current rate does not reflect the currency value…Oh…but there is much more growth already than just oil too…We know for a FACT the dinar is being “artificially suppressed”.
11-29-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The meeting the CBI will be having with the United States Treasury is to finalize the new exchange rate that they talked to the UST with last month. It’s all about the accounting right now. It is not about the political situation…laws being passed…troops…missiles from Iran. It’s not about anything but the accounting mathematics of your new exchange rate and that’s what they’re doing with the US Treasury. When they come back from the US Treasury I believe with all my heart you will then see the next phase which will be the HCL and a movement of the exchange rate to 1000 to 1…At a flip of a switch it will be 1 to 1…and Iraqi citizens will then have purchasing power…
11-29-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq they are saying that the dinar will soon be the master currency again…meaning the most valuable. Before the invasion of Kuwait = Iraq had the most valuable currency in the world. Kuwait came in second… They are telling us very clearly we are still in the window…imo.